Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1055 Source: How Can People Amnesia on King Ao?Marble Mallet: Yes, how did you do it?

Chapter 1055 Source: How Can People Amnesia on King Ao?Marble Mallet: Yes, how did you do it?

"Hmph." Wearing a neat suit and a wicked smile, the man walked out from the corner and looked at the two men walking side by side with a sneer.

"Master Beria, there has been an unexpected change in your child's life." As Beria's subordinate, and also an absolutely loyal subordinate, Fushii Dek will always carry out Beria's will and The commanded task, and never back down.

Even if it cannot be completed, he will force it to be completed.

And when Xiao Lu was still a baby, it was Fushii Dek who put it on the observatory, and there, Xiao Lu successfully integrated into the human world.

But...you can blend in, but as Beria's son, and as part of his future plans, Xiao Lu doesn't need to worry so much in his life.

Therefore, Fushii Dek needs to ensure that Xiao Lu's life, from childhood to adulthood, must have no relatives.

Maybe he can have friends, neighbors and so on. He can feel the kindness of these human beings, but... relatives are the only ones that he can't have.

Because of this, whether it was Mengya or the old man selling noodles, Fushii Dek didn't bother them, because these guys only belonged to the type of people who helped Xiao Lu, not his family.

But the person who appeared later was different. The guy named Yuan was different. He really adopted Xiao Lu, and really became Xiao Lu's relatives.

This is absolutely not allowed for Fukui Dek and Beria's plan.

Although Fushii Dek was not on the earth for some reason before, but when he returned to his daily task of observing Xiao Lu, what he found was this unacceptable thing, and therefore, he A choice is made.

Leaving aside the old man selling noodles, he is not worth killing, but Yuan, he must die!
And this is what Yuan, who had just returned from the shooting scene and rode his bicycle home, recalled in Suo's mind when he was blocked by Fukui Dek on the way home.

Before Xiaolu's life plan started, when he was in the dark, Fushii Dek had manipulated it many times.

Perhaps Xiao Lu himself didn't know, but this kind of ignorance just happened to promote the possibility of Xiao Lu's future plans.

Minamoto didn't know that Fushiidek had been watching Riku all the time, but when Fushiidek appeared in front of him, he figured it out instantly.

"You meddlesome guy." Loosening his tie, Fushii Dek looked directly at Yuan: "You are trying to enter a world that you have no right to enter."

"Is it useful to wear a suit and tie? You bastard, blocking people's way for no reason." In order to ensure that the next battle would not damage his bicycle, Yuan got off the bicycle, parked it aside, and walked on Go ahead and confront Fukui Dek.

"What's your name?"

"K, you can just call me K." Fushiide K said, "What a pathetic earthling, you don't even know the identity of the child you adopted, and you don't even know, the child's father, How great!"

As soon as the words fell, Fukui Dek suddenly raised his hand and released a laser beam.

In his cognition, just being an earthling, using such an attack is enough to take the opponent's life, enough to kill him.

Human life is such a fragile thing.

Fushii Dek struck confidently, expecting that Yuan would die, but the slightly sideways body escaped the laser light unscathed and was still alive and well, hit Fushii Dek hard s face.

"Nani?!" Fushii Dek never expected such a thing to happen. In his perception, Minamoto, who was completely an ordinary earthling, was able to dodge the blow with ease and without difficulty.

This... This is simply impossible!
Fu Jingde K didn't believe in evil, and his five fingers spread out continuously released laser light from the palm of his hand.

This time it was not a single shot, but a burst of shots.

Without exception, these continuous laser beams were all dodged by Yuan, and Yuan even put his hands in his belt with incomparable ease.

"When you come looking for trouble, please first inquire about my occupation." After avoiding the laser light, Yuan approached Fushii Dek, turned around three times and suddenly kicked out.

The power of the whip leg used with the help of rotation is stronger than normal. This blow missed Fushii Dek's hand and even forced him back a few steps.

Yuan seized the opportunity and took advantage of the situation. Taking advantage of the vacant position after Fushii Dek's retreat, he jumped off the ground after a few steps of run-up, posing in mid-air in the shape of a knight kick, and kicked on Fushii Dek's body. on the chest.

This kick successfully sent Fushii Dek flying far away, rolling his body on the ground, bumping his back against a certain electric pole, and then stopped.

With both feet firmly on the ground, Gen stood up and looked at Fushii Dek, who opened his mouth and closed his eyes.

"It's such a powerful force, you are not a human being, are you?" Fushii Izuk stood up on the ground, with a particularly exaggerated grim expression.

"Why do you always have this kind of thing? After you are beaten, you say that there is a guy who is not human? Are you noble? Can't people on earth beat you?" Yuan spread his hands, expressing speechlessness: "I really don't Know where this confidence comes from."

"Hmph, what is your purpose for approaching Asakura Riku, and who are you!" Enduring the pain in his chest, he stood up, and he no longer had the personable appearance he had before, but what Fukui Dek wanted to find out more was the The identity of this person: "I will never allow anyone to approach Asakura Lu!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Although he knew Fushii Izuk's true identity, Yuan didn't want to force him to undergo fusion transformation here, because then he would have to go out to fight.

And although he also has a sublimator and a capsule, in fact, he didn't use these things to transform himself, and he didn't know what effect it would have if he used them.

The main reason is that the cornerstone of this universe is filled by Heinai. As a brotherly existence of one body and two parts, Yuan really doesn't know what kind of changes he will cause if he transforms.

The Star of Litru gathered by Karelan elements will eventually gather into a capsule. This time, the difference from the original book is that because Quanna is used as the cornerstone, although the power of King Ao still spreads throughout the universe, King Ao himself It has not been filled in, so this world is different from the original.

"Want to leave?" Lifting the hem of his clothes, showing his sublimator, Fushii Dek will never allow anyone to destroy this plan, especially the guy who claims to be a person from Earth!
Just when Fukui Dek was about to merge and transform, an old man who was pushing a cart for the night shift came around the corner, and then Shi Shiran pushed the cart past between the two confronting each other.

Afterwards, Fushii Izuk's face became calm, and he also gave up the plan of fusion and sublimation. He turned around and left as if nothing happened, without a moment's hesitation.

Seeing Fushii Izuk leaving away, Yuan glanced at a certain old man who was pushing the cart and happily humming a little tune, feeling quite helpless in his heart for a while.

You old man, you are everywhere!

However, it is normal for King Ou to intervene. If Fushii Dek is really here to die, then Jiede TV may become Yuanyuan TV.
Watching Fushii Izuk leave, Minamoto shrugged his shoulders, pushed the bike up, and then caught up with a certain old man who was passing by like pushing a bike.

"It's useless for you to erase his memory. When he thinks about it again, he still can't accept that Beria's son has relatives other than Beria, and he will still come to him." Walking side by side with the old man , said the source.

"Don't worry, I gave him a hint." Ao Wang made an OK gesture: "His impression of you now is that of an ordinary passerby, not worth mentioning."

"How did you do that?" Gen asked.

King Ao smiled without saying a word, shook hands like a hammer, and shook hands in front of Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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