Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1060 The 5th generation Yusuke defeated the 3-faced monster Dada!

Chapter 1060 Five generations of Yusuke defeated the three-faced monster Dada!
Skeleton Gomora fought twice, but the second time was after Xiao Lu appeared.

Because of the pair of eyes that were too similar to Beria, he obviously defeated the monster, but in the eyes of people, he still couldn't trust him.

Although people have forgotten what happened in the past, those eyes that are too similar to Beria are engraved in the deepest memory and will never be forgotten.

Because of this, Xiao Lu thinks that the monster he defeated and rescued everyone should be praised, but in fact, it is questioned by the society.

Questioning his identity, his motives, and his purpose all made Xiao Lu feel painful and uncomfortable.

Because of this, he decided not to transform into Ultraman, and decided to be a human being.

Because people in this world don't want to see the appearance of Ultraman Geed.

But that's what he said, but Xiao Lu just used this reason to convince himself.

Although he is the son of Beria, the biggest difference between him and Beria is his empathy, the correct three views grown under the influence of people in the human world .

This three-point view makes him even more of an Ultra warrior than Beria's son.

Therefore, if there were still monsters raging, Xiao Lu would definitely not be able to sit idly by.

While Lu was watching TV in the underground base, Ellie was also attacked in the shelter.

The assailant is none other than the three-faced monster-Dada.

Because Ellie's Little Star has matured, Dada is attracted and wants to come and take the Little Star from Ellie's body.

It's just because Dada had to pretend to be a human being in the refuge where the flow of people gathered, and then took the risk.

It's a pity that although Yuan can't transform, his ability to see through the cosmic human mimicry at a glance has not disappeared. When Dada tried to muddle through, Yuan grabbed his hand.

"The disguise should also cover up the stench on your body." Grasping Dada's hand, Yuan pushed it away and blocked the door.

After hearing the news, the store manager and others ran out, and saw Yuan blocking the gate at a glance, and the guy who was covering himself tightly.

"Hmph, nosy earthling." Spreading his hands, he pretended to be indifferent and pretended not to care, but Dada quickly pulled out the shrinking light gun from behind, aimed at the source and prepared to fire.

It's a pity that the one who is faster than him is the source who has long known that the cosmic people don't talk about martial arts.

Yuan, who came back in a hurry, was still physically strong, and he held the lower part of the shrinking gun with one hand, and forcibly lifted it up to the sky.

Dada pulled the trigger to release the light into the air. Although he knew that something bad happened, Dada couldn't turn back.

Taking a step forward, Yuan locked Dada's neck with his other hand, and pushed him backwards. The two of them turned into rolling gourds and fell onto the grass.

After rolling a few times, Yuan got up quickly, without giving Dada a chance at all, and kicked the shrinking light gun away.

Dada grasped the air with both hands, and in a fit of rage, he bumped into Yuan, pressing Yuan's stomach and pushing him away.

Yuan took several steps back to stabilize his body, wrapped his hands around Dada's body, lifted it up with great force, and threw it down heavily.

After fighting for a while, Dada let go of his hand, and the two distanced themselves.

"Damn it!" Dada waved his hand angrily, and rushed towards Yuan.

Maybe Dada is not very good at fighting, but Dada thinks he can still do it when he bullies people on earth.

Taking a step back, looking at Dada's rushing body, Yuanli rose from the ground, turned around and hit Dada's waist with a whip leg.

This powerful blow kicked Dada flying, and the whole person flew up in mid-air, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Dada, who landed on the ground, rolled a few times, clutching his old waist and screaming, obviously the damage caused by the whip leg was not low.

Yuan didn't mean to let Dada take a breather, he jumped down like a flying swallow in mid-air, directly on Dada's body, Yuan, who was sitting on Dada's stomach, opened his bow left and right, waved his fists, and pointed at Dada's body. The heads of a large group are hammered indiscriminately.

Under the iron fist, the cosmonauts are just lambs to be slaughtered!

Dada, who was fighting left and right, was almost unconscious. In the end, Dada gave up struggling, his legs softened, and he lay flat on the ground without any resistance.

Yuan's last punch stopped in front of Dada and did not land. Seeing the miserable appearance of this guy whose face was about to be sunken, Yuan stood up from Dada and snorted coldly.

"Are you okay?" Everyone who came here after hearing the news saw Yuan and the universe man one-on-one, and even won. This exaggerated performance made everyone stunned for a while, and their eyes widened. Zhang, unable to close it for a long time.

Although everyone knows that Yuanyuan has filmed a special feature film, and even played the leading role in the fifth generation, but...isn't that acting?

What's the situation now?
Could he really be a Kamen Rider, able to fight monsters in the flesh?

"It's okay, Ellie is safe for the time being." As if doing a trivial thing, Yuanquan passed by the store manager and went into the house to get water.

Curious people looked at Dada lying motionless on the ground over there, their exuberant curiosity forced them to go over and see what happened.

But before everyone had time to get close, Dada's body disappeared from the spot in a blur of changes.

Obviously, this guy was not beaten unconscious, but pretended to be unconscious and took the opportunity to run away.

And Xiao Lu, who was reminded by Lime that there are aliens from the universe, just came out of the underground base, and he was about to run over, almost colliding with girls one by one.

Fortunately, the girl reacted in time and stopped her body to let Xiao Lu go first, otherwise the two sides would collide.

The girl with the sword bag on her back looked at Xiao Lu's back curiously. From this guy, the girl seemed to be able to detect something special that was different from humans.

Moreover, she came here to investigate the girl whose hands could emit flames, and to kill the cosmic beings who were chasing this kind of existence, so she had to follow both emotionally and rationally.

"Yuan, that guy is gone!" The store manager grabbed Yuan's shoulder excitedly, shaking it constantly, obviously this scene made him a little bit uncontrollable.

"Calm down, how could it be so easy for a cosmic person to be beaten to death." Yuan's voice was intermittent, and he grabbed the store manager's hand with both hands to calm him down. , as long as that guy is not looking for death, he should not dare to come here."

"Brother!" Pushing open the door, Xiao Lu ran over from the outside, and immediately came over after seeing Yuan: "Brother, are you okay? I heard that an alien came over just now?"

"Yeah, but I was beaten away by Yuan." The store manager put his hands on his hips and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that human beings can defeat the cosmic people."

"Of course, after all, my brother is a Kamen Rider." Xiao Lu was full of confidence.

"Xiao Lu, don't you want to introduce me?" As he said, Yuan pouted behind Xiao Lu, because he had already seen the girl who came with Xiao Lu, that is Toba Raiha.

"Eh? You're the one from before." Xiaolu turned around in surprise, and was very surprised when he saw Toba Laiye.

"My goal is also here, and I'm just on the same road as you." Toba Raiha walked out generously: "Let me introduce myself, I am Toba Raiha, and I came here to chase the aliens, and I know Why do the cosmic people set their sights on her?"

Then, Lai Ye informed everyone of the existence of Litru Star.

Because of the existence of Litru Star, the host will have superpowers, but also because of this, the host will be attacked by cosmic people, including monsters.

Ellie was implicated because of this.

"Then is there any way to take out the Litrul Star?" Ellie's mother, who is also the store manager's younger sister, said anxiously.

Coming to Ye Moran, he could only shake his head, expressing that he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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