Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 107 Reasons for not giving up

Chapter 107 Reasons for not giving up
On the other side, Tiga and the second generation of Balrog warriors who are still fighting in the city can no longer see the figures of Nexus and Hell Warrior, and only they can resolve the battle between them.

Before Nexus left, Tiga heard the voice from Nexus's thought power, and therefore, in the battle with the second generation of Balrog Warrior, Tiga has never changed his form, and has always used the compound type fighting.

Even if he fell into a disadvantage, Dijia had no plans to change his form.

A long time ago, Tiga was severely beaten for not following Nexus's advice. Since then, Tiga has attached great importance to Nexus' advice.

However, it is also thanks to the fact that Dagu and Yuanquan have been practicing for a long time during this period, and it has become Ultraman Tiga and Nexus fighting on the back of the moon. In this way, Dagu was originally scarce. The combat experience belonging to Ultraman has also grown rapidly.

This also caused that although he did not change his form, compared to the one-sided battle in the original book, he is now only slightly at a disadvantage.

Of course, this is also because Di Jia has shown some different skills, which have never been seen in the information collected by the second generation of the Balrog Warrior.

For example, sometimes while fighting, Di Jia suddenly came to a Mach move and let go, and two gamma light knives flew out, causing the Balrog Warrior to be hit in the arm almost.

Another example is that after a good fight, Dijia suddenly bent his fist.

It seems to be the head, but when you are about to defend the head, Di Jia has already kicked the lower body of the Balrog Warrior
Highlight a strange style of play, so that although the Balrog Warrior has surpassed Tiga in all statistics, there is no way to win Tiga in a short time.

On the ground, there are two computers in front of Zong Fang, one of which shows the battle at Nexus through satellite shooting, and at the same time keeps an eye on the movement of the gate in the sky through Feiyan-[-] .

The two Ultramans fought two opponents at the same time, and the opponents came prepared, so they couldn't help but worry.

Although Tijia can't be compared with the second generation of Balrog Warrior in terms of physical fitness, but with his strange style of play and endless skill changes, it is no problem to play six or four in a short period of time.

Zong Fang and the others could also see the intensity of the fight here, and what really worried them was Nexus' side.

That's a huge disadvantage over there.

"Are the ground troops in place?" Ju Jianhui gave an order. In order to help Nexus, she even transferred the ground troops and transported a very powerful spiral gun there.

Can only hope to play some role.

But before the TPC arrives, Nexus must not fail.

"Captain, I want to help Nexus." Xincheng, who was driving Feiyan No. [-], couldn't help his eager heart, and immediately reported to Jujianhui.

"Xincheng team members, be careful." At this time, Feiyan No. [-] is indeed a unit that can quickly go to support. Although the gate of the sky deserves attention, Nexus deserves more attention than this gate.

"Understood." Xincheng turned off the communication, and manipulated the plane to turn around: "Hoi, sit down, I'm going to show a wave of operations."

Scattering the two particle razors with a wave of his hand, the Hell Warrior raised his hands, condensing powerful dark energy into his hands, pushing forward, the gathered dark energy formed a surging energy column, swallowing all the surrounding light, and it was as powerful as a broken bamboo rushed towards Nexus.

The forward posture stopped for an instant, and opened the water blue shield to block in front of him.

The energy impact was indeed strong, but it could only make Nexus take half a step back. The water-blue shield completely blocked the impact.

"Oh?" This time it aroused the interest of the Hell Warriors, no longer looking at it lightly, but increasing the energy output.For a thicker impact.

It wants to see how long this shield can last.

In the face of the glaring gap in the energy levels of the two sides, it is extremely stupid to open up the shield to resist.

When this shield is broken, Nexus will die.

The enhanced impact did have some impact on Nexus, forcing him to take a few steps back to remove part of the impact force.

But he still opened his shield, and he didn't mean to be unable to support it at all.

Not only that, the Nexus armaments on both hands are also shining with light, absorbing the dark energy covered on the shield, converting it into light energy and storing it in the Nexus armaments.

The bombardment of dark energy lasted for at least ten seconds, which also proved from the side that the energy level of Hell Warrior is indeed higher than that of Nexus, or even much higher.

But even so, there is still no way to break the shield.

The more the attack continues, the more the Hell Warrior doubts life.

so strong?

There's not even a single crack!
"Drink!" Having absorbed enough power and stored it to the limit that can be stored now, Nexus shouted loudly, revoked the shield, and put his hands in the same posture of pushing forward.

The moment the dark energy was about to hit him, the light energy exploded out of the body, overwhelming the Hell Warrior's attack with an unstoppable trend, forcibly resisting the dark torrent, tearing the Hell Warrior's energy, and completely hit.

Nexus has indeed demonstrated the ability to absorb energy and transform it into an attack, but how could the Hell Warriors expect that the energy gap between them is so large that they can even be absorbed.

So without any preparation, the Hell Warrior suffered a powerful attack for the first time, and the crack in his chest that had been torn open by Nexus began to expand further.

The body that fell in the air splashed a large river with splashes.

Unleashing this rather powerful blow, Nexus propped his hands on the ground. He had already been injured in the battle, and he absorbed more power than he could bear, stored it in his body, and launched an attack.

This greatly consumed Nexus' physical strength.

If it wasn't for the strengthening of the able-bodied, I'm afraid that Nexus' energy core has already started to flicker.

"I can't fail, I can't fail in my battle, I can't let this world suffer the same fate." The source of fitness people who have no pursuit, just eat and wait to die, has changed since the day Stone Wing came. .

It is no longer fighting without knowing what it is for, no longer imitating others to fight, but from the heart, finding its own meaning, and finding a reason to continue fighting.

Redeem the tragedies that can be redeemed, and save the world that would be swallowed by darkness.

Ultraman is no longer a pre-set TV plot. Once he fails, he knows better than anyone else what will happen to the world.

Even if this is not his world.But having suffered the bitter fruit of the destruction of his own world, Yuanquan no longer wants such a thing to happen again.

It's like Leo will never let his second home be destroyed.

Repeating and admonishing over and over again, a force from the bottom of his heart made Nexus stand up again, even though his physical strength was severely depleted, he was still able to fight.

Still able to fight.

The Hell Warrior stood up again, but its body was already covered with mud. What was even more frightening was the cold aura surrounding it. It was no longer as pleasant as watching a play before, but instead was silent like a deep darkness.

"Still unwilling to fall down, still..." Nexus who stood up again made him feel impatient. He would be amazed after seeing it once, surprised after seeing it twice, and bored after seeing it three times.

That outrageously excessive shield, and this giant of light who can't fall down no matter what, are equally infuriating.

Hell Warrior no longer wants to continue playing, he will end this battle in an instant.

In the sky, the gate of hell was opened again, and a thicker black mist escaped from the other side of the gate, covering the sky and swallowing the light.

Looking around, Nexus could no longer see the light other than him, including the existence of human beings, and even the existence of Hell Warriors.

It was as if he was the only one left in this world.

In the silent dark world, there is no sound, no light.

There is no hope.

(End of this chapter)

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