Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1099 Take the train of time, go to the past and the future, hold on to the ticket, Mebius

Chapter 1099 Take the train of time, go to the past and the future, hold on to the ticket, Mebius

The blade pierced into the handle of the axe, and after stirring a few times on the knight's storm sword, Mebius wiped away the power of Absolut, infused it with his own light energy, and threw it out , flew towards Titan.

Use your own weapons to deal with yourself. Although the brilliant power above does not belong to you anymore, Titan still wants to say that Mebius underestimated him too much.

The golden sword was also pierced into the handle of the ax, the same rotation, the same wear, but Titan chose to take the ax off the sword and hold it in his hand.

With the ax and sword in hand, Titan pressed forward again, wanting to fight Mebius again.

But at this moment, in the hollow and deep dark universe, there was a sudden sound of a tram horn, and it rang directly in the ears of the two of them.

This kind of sound is very inexplicable, and how could such a sound appear in the universe?
Although there were doubts in their hearts, Mebius and Titan still stopped the battle action at the same time, carefully guarding the surroundings.

After all, the two of them don't want to be caught out by the snipe and the clam fighting each other.

It would be ridiculous if something like that happened.

The sound of the whistle was getting closer and closer, and the rhythm of the two people's ears was getting faster and faster. Although they didn't understand what happened for the time being, Mebius saw that his waist was emitting a unique light .

Piercing the darkness and appearing alone, it is completely different from the fire attribute that pervades his body.

"This is." Mebius' mutation attracted Titan's attention. Turning around, he looked at Mebius whose waist was glowing and gradually spreading towards his whole body. what happened.

Why don't you go up and try with a knife?

Titan, who was eager to try, had just taken a step, and the roaring rails were better than trams. They were laid first and passed through Titan's body.

The phantom of the railway track does not exist in this world at all, it seems to be only a part of it projected here.

In the next second, the tram roared from the deep dark universe and rushed towards him along the rails.

Although he didn't know where the tram came from, Titan still turned around, clenched his long sword, and prepared for the next impact.

He instilled the power of Absolut into the long sword. The long sword exudes bright golden light and has the power to tear any object. It is also a characteristic he has obtained after years of training in the weapon of the sword.

cut off.

"Drink!" Seizing the opportunity, Titan suddenly slashed down, and slashed down with his sword.With the determination to cut through everything, he is bound to cut off this inexplicable tram.

But to his surprise, the tram was not hit by him at all, and instead passed through his body, completely treating him as if he didn't exist.

"Not in the same space?" Seeing the phantom of the tram passing quickly around his body, Titan withdrew the power on his sword, but there were more doubts in his heart.

If they are not in the same space, then what is the reason for the appearance of this phantom?
Is it
Titan's heart sank, and he suddenly turned around and looked behind him.

And behind him, Mebius, who was supposed to stay here with him, has disappeared without a trace.

Not only that, even the phantom of the tram ran over Titan's body and disappeared into the vast darkness in an instant.

The speed of the tram was so fast that it turned into a star almost instantly. Even though Titan wanted to launch an attack to leave the tram behind, no matter whether he swung his long sword or threw a sharp axe, he couldn't keep the tram behind. I could only watch it go away.

"Tartaros, is this what you want me to take away?" All the abilities of Mebius, the Titans have obtained a general idea from the kingdom's intelligence collection center, and even Mebius has Nai He also knew that Kersus's card could open up a new attitude, so he had already prepared for it.

If Mebius is the only exception, it is the eighth-generation armor called Electric King that Tartarus personally ordered.

This is a variable beyond the intelligence center of the kingdom, and it is also something that Titan cannot deal with.

But now, he encountered such a change, and finally made this battle have to be stopped.

"Mebius, our battle is not over yet." Looking at the place where Mebius disappeared, Titan left these words unwillingly.

As a knight of the kingdom who vowed to remove obstacles for the kingdom, the failure of this mission was regarded as a great shame by the Titans.

One day, he will get all this back from Mebius.

"The harvest this time is really great. Tregear and Fushiidek, at least we can know that the two are not united." Lu's underground base.

Xiaolu, Yuan, Ren, Peijia, Laiye, and Ren's child, Xiao Yu, all gathered here to discuss the outcome of this battle.

"Senior Dagu hasn't come back yet?" Holding the puppet in his hand, Xiao Lu was very worried about Dagu who had not yet returned to the team.

"Don't worry about him, he has killed Fushii Dek now, and he will never come back." The portal of the underground base was opened, and a woman wearing a lace-trimmed black dress and long black hair walked through the portal. Ri walked out.

As soon as she appeared, the unique charm that was different from ordinary people immediately spread around, making Xiao Lu, who had never seen the world at all, suddenly become cautious.

"It's you, Camilla." Sai Luo stood up and walked towards Camilla: "Aren't you doing * on the TV station)&@*"

Covering Sai Luo's face and pushing him aside, Camilla had no intention of talking to Sai Luo at all, but stared straight at Yuan.

In her eyes, there is only Yuan.

After pushing away the people, Camilla came to Yuan and looked at the person who made her hate, even resent.

And Yuan didn't give in at all, he raised his head and looked into Camilla's eyes, neither of them retreated.

"You are not the source." After staring at each other for a while, and even the atmosphere became cold, making everyone tremble, Camilla finally broke the atmosphere: "However, you'd better never become the source .”

"Unfortunately, this can only be your delusion." Not to be outdone, Yuan replied.

"It's true, if you really don't come back, he will definitely do everything to get you back." Camilla smiled: "Although I don't know why you broke up, I only have one word for you."

"Stay away from him."

After saying this, Camilla turned around, and faced the stunned crowd with a sweet smile: "Hello, I am Camilla, the giant of darkness, and Dagu's partner, his wife .”

Puffing out her chest proudly, Camilla inadvertently showed off the diamond ring she was wearing on her hand.

"Mr. Dagu's wife?" Xiao Lu was a little stunned, because he didn't expect Ultraman to be able to marry, and he was also a dark giant!
"Hello, sister-in-law." Compared with the shocked Xiaolu, the one who has re-dominated the body is very discerning, leaning forward, bowing and leaning in front of Camilla: "I like Mr. Dagu very much." A reporter, I adore him!"

Hearing that people were praising Dagu, Camilla glanced at him in satisfaction.

Of course, the main reason was that the call "sister-in-law" belonged to her heart.

"Ren, you are much more pleasing to the eyes of that brat than Sai Luo." Camilla patted Ren on the shoulder: "It's a pity that I am a dark giant, and I can't help you, or I will conflict with Sai Luo's power. "

"But it doesn't matter, if you need anything, I can help you once." Camilla leaned into Ren's ear and said softly, "I like you very much."

I really like it when you come up and call me sister-in-law.

With a frightening shock, he backed away again and again to widen the distance, and waved his hands again and again, already incoherent.

Even if Sai Luo was yelling to calm people down, it had little effect.

"Tregear to me." Camila was in a good mood with a smile on her lips.

"Tch, I've seen too many giants who fell under the power of evil gods."

(End of this chapter)

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