Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1101 Dagu: No matter what the situation is, be it a savior or a human being, I will always b

Chapter 1101 Dagu: No matter what the situation is, be it a savior or a human being, I will always be by your side.

The appearance of the strongest evil god, and the arrival of the mysterious evil god, had a very huge impact on this universe.

Although the transcendent transcends the single universe, it is close to the mysterious level, far beyond the transcendent, and is a stronger existence that completely surpasses it.

There are only four mysteries in the big universe since ancient times, and it is conceivable how powerful the mysteries are.

Even just getting close is extremely terrifying.

Lucifer has not yet arrived, but the pervading evil has formed a thin film entangled in Lucifer.

The entangled black air is like tentacles. Under the interference of the evil air, the Karelan molecules inside the frontier universe began to show their original appearance, and the golden light particles were still blooming under the cover of the evil darkness. out of its own light.

At the same time, a certain existence that glued the broken universe together to form the cornerstone began to become clear under the infection of evil.

The power of King Ao, coupled with the stability of the cornerstone, made these evil qi surround the entire universe, but there was no way to engulf it.

But the frontier universe was once broken once. Even with the protection of the power of the Austrian King and the foundation stone, those broken cracks that were originally glued together were taken advantage of by the more and more active evil energy, along the These cracks are small and penetrate a little bit.

When the entangled evil energy infiltrates, it will gather in a certain place inside the universe, and then become a materialized evil god.

This is a creature created by Lucifer's will unifying the evil gods he hunted, and it is part of the energy split from his body.

Possesses some of the powers of the evil gods he devoured, but is manipulated by him.

After the evil god condensed into a solid body, he raised his palm, looked at the blade on the outside of his arm, and sneered.

And his image is also an image that Dagu is very familiar with, and even Yuanquan is very familiar with, that is the Balrog warrior-Kirialod.

It is the existence that was swallowed by Lucifer in the shadow universe.

In the world of the Eryuan universe, where there is no light but only deep darkness, the Kyriairods also got everything they wanted. They have a powerful civilization of a planet, and the life in that civilization regards them as gods, Worship every day and praise every night.

In the more powerful dark world, more powerful Balrog warriors were bred, so this is by no means as simple as the second generation.

But even the three generations of Kyrierod, together with their gods, entered Lucifer's body in the end and became a part of him.

"Yuanquan, it seems that I am one step faster." Although it is only the carrier of power and not the deity, Lucifer knows that Yuanquan has never returned at this moment, and he is still in a split state.

Then he will not be his opponent!
Bearing the image of Kirielod's three generations, Lucifer found the right location, and in the gradually invading evil, he found the location of the earth.

And just after Lucifer left, the evil spirit that infiltrated from other places condensed together again, and the condensed entity this time was another image.

With a dark blue body, the fins on the back are fanned out, and a single horn rises to the sky. The overall shape is more like a moth. It is a completely unfamiliar evil god.

But if Naios and Seven 21 were here, they would be able to recognize who this was.

The ultimate evolutionary emperor - Mansheheit.

There are many, many forms like Mansheheit, appearing in every corner of the universe, in any part of the universe, and seeping in through the gaps in the universe.

And these guys with different shapes but the same consciousness have only one goal.

"Ahem. There is something I want to tell you." It was the next day, Xiaolu and Laiye went shopping, and Yuan found Dagu, and stood by him with a somewhat tangled expression. in front of.

Dagu didn't understand, but he still put down his work and turned around to face the source.

"What's the matter? The relationship between you and me doesn't need to be so formal."

"Ahem. There is a person who asked me to meet you, and he will tell you the rest of the matter." Yuanquan coughed a few times, and finally decided to speak: "You wait, I will call him immediately come out."

In Dagu's questioning eyes, Yuan closed his eyes, and the aura on his body changed in obscurity, changing little by little.

And this change in breath made the eyes of Dagu, who was quite curious at first, gradually light up.

His heart also began to rise up excitedly.

After opening his eyes again, the scenery of the sea of ​​stars in his eyes flashed away, but the source of the eyes of ordinary people regained his focus, and he was ready to say something to Dagu.

But before he could make any movements, he felt his body being pulled over, and then, a pair of arms surrounded him, holding him firmly in his arms.

Although he didn't speak, Dagu's trembling body was enough to explain his current mood.

"Sorry, Dagu, I've been missing for so long without permission, and I've made you worry." Yuanquan smiled knowingly: "It must be a long time since we said goodbye last time."

"When I found out that something happened to you, although I knew you would definitely come back, what if? This kind of scenario is always on my mind, and I can't let it go!" Dagu said solemnly, "Didn't we agree? Will we go on together forever? Whether it’s you or me, we’re both indispensable.”

"Why do you choose to split yourself? Do you not care about your own life at all?"

"Dagu, if I can't figure this out, I'd rather be dead." Yuanquan shook his head, pushed Dagu away, and stared at him intently: "I responded to the legend and became the savior. This is my responsibility." ; I want to go on as a human being and keep my happiness, this is my willfulness."

"When responsibility and selfishness collide, and when both are inescapable, I must do so."

"I'm going to find that answer."

"Could it be that if you become the savior, you can't keep everything that is human?" Dagu asked.

"That's right, the savior will sprinkle the heavens and divide the light of salvation into all life in the universe. That's what the savior should do. It's more thorough than Noah." Yuanquan nodded and continued Said: "That will inevitably give up everything that is human, and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly for the sake of the universe and all living beings."

"but me"

"Then do you have to be a savior? It's a big deal!" Dagu continued.

"If I don't become the savior, then someone will return from the non-existent world, and then become a mystery, bringing destruction to the whole universe." Yuanquan said: "He has always existed, just because I haven't come back yet , so he can’t come back.”

"Who is this person you are talking about?"

"Another me, another possible me." Yuanquan said: "If the two of us fuse together to become Gu Jia, it will indeed make him retreat, but Dagu, in that case, you will become the target of his death."

"It's impossible for the two of us to remain together forever. Once separated, he will never let you go."

"I don't want you to fall into that dangerous situation, so I must be the savior!"

Having said all this, Da Gu didn't know what to say, because everything, everything that could be considered, had been considered by the source, and he had made a corresponding choice.

"So, do you choose to carry everything on yourself?" Dagu sighed: "Sometimes I really want to give you a hard punch, and when I'm not by your side, you will always take risks. Come up with these random, messy thoughts."

"Have you forgotten what you said to me at that time? If there are some things that you can't do alone, if you can't face it alone, then bring your partner together, then face it together with your partner."

Dagu grasped Yuanquan's shoulders with both hands, his eyes were piercing.

"You will always have me by your side."

"You are never alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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