Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 125 The fat house can also harvest love

Chapter 125 The fat house can also reap love (please subscribe for the third update)

"All electronic equipment is unusable, and we lost contact with the first team and the fourth team." Liang looked at the completely disordered radar in his hand, and immediately reported the news to the vice-captain Yuanquan.

"As expected, otherwise Feiyan No. [-] would not have crashed without any resistance." Yuanquan was not surprised, although Dagu did always crash, but it also depends on the situation.

Sometimes it is really impossible to crash the plane due to irresistible factors. For example, the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] was surrounded by the Lightning Man's lair before.

In fact, if Dagu was not sitting in the driver's seat but other ordinary people at that time, the driver would have died the moment he entered the Lightning Man's lair.

And this time it was the same.

It's just unavoidable to make people worry, Dagu really listened...

The worry at the source has not been let go, the whole mountain suddenly began to shake, rustling gravel and soil kept falling, making it difficult for them standing on the ground to stand firm.

"Be alert, something might be coming!" Yuanquan immediately pulled out the Hypa Victory Gun and leaned against the tree trunk to stabilize his body.

If the fog is coming, those monsters who are in the fog can't be careless.

The surging light energy echoed the source itself, and Dijia's huge body stood on the ground, waving his hand and hitting a palm cursor. It seemed that after hitting something, Dijia's body immediately turned into a phantom and disappeared.

From appearing to disappearing, the speed is very fast.

But the huge body was reflected in the eyes of these people. The front feet were still shocked and happy with Di Jia's appearance, but the back feet were completely invisible, which made many people puzzled.

"Dagu..." Looking at the place where Dijia disappeared, Yuanquan had to say that he was a little worried, because if there were no other accidents after the transformation, he would never undo the transformation easily.

Coming and going quickly often means that Dagu is now in a dangerous situation.

"Quicken your pace, let's go to the place where Dijia appeared." Brushing away the lush bushes in front of him, Yuanquan looked at the small river in front of him. If you pass by this river, it should be the range of the thick fog. .

It is precisely because of the existence of this river that the two sides of the river bank can be divided into two different worlds, and the fog can be blocked on the other side.

Water is the nemesis of those things that lurk in the fog.

So speaking of it this way, it is actually a fire element with weak water?
Oh, it's not Pokémon, that's fine.

"Other teams will definitely go and have a look when they see Tiga's appearance. Now that the communication is down, this may be the only way to join everyone." Xing Tian followed behind the source, if he fell behind or disappeared here , but I really can't find it back.

"But can we reach that place before it gets dark?" Nakajima looked at the sky, the dark sky was covered by clouds, and the thick clouds completely blocked the sun's rays, leaving only the dim light that was diluted countless times scattered on the sky. on the ground.

Just looking at it makes me feel heavy.

"Even if we want to go back now, we may not have time to go down the mountain." Holding the radar in his hand to his waist, Liang also chose to pull out the Haipa victory gun, but the road behind him...

In the absence of equipment guidance, you can only rely on yourself to make marks along the way, so that you will not really get lost.

But if it's night, you can't even use a flashlight in this mountain.

How could it be possible to find where the mark is in the dark night of the mountains?
"The magnetic field that can affect electronic equipment is not a monster again." This really made Koda think about it, because among all the monsters that have appeared so far, the ones that interfere with the electromagnetic field or cause changes in the electromagnetic field are all monsters.

Going forward is Garzotte.

The next number is Ai Neng Mina.

Now it's like this again.

Why are you monsters manipulating electromagnetic fields a basic ability?Any monster can have this function.

Let go of the earth's electromagnetic field. It is not easy for a human being to function normally, so why hold on to it.

"It's a monster, it's just more than one monster." Yuanquan, who walked in the front, untied the water bottle on his waist and began to collect river water.

After passing this river bank, there are many places that need water behind.

"It's not a monster, you mean... crow people?" Liang immediately thought of a group of crow people who came to Earth to commit crimes, and only this group of guys can be called a group.

"I don't know now, but it's always right to be careful." Yuanquan can't describe all the types, ranges and even shapes of monsters, can he?It’s okay to say that with Daiko, but with Koda and the others, how do you explain how you know?
So Yuanquan only gave an ambiguous reminder, and asked all three of them to come over and fill the kettle with water.

Don't ask, it's just material, I don't think someone has any other intentions, just treat it as a game of survival in the wilderness.

Survive, understand.

How precious water resources are!
Carefully crossing the dividing line of the river to the opposite bank, the moment one stepped foot, some kind of tiny creature floating in the air was disturbed, and began to outline the shape of the human being who entered this area. Draw it out, and generate a pattern to send to the monsters in the mist.

Those small monsters that can fly in the sky and even parasitize on human necks to control human beings.

This is the pattern of the prey, and the predator must of course follow the trail to find it.

Yuanquan felt this special wave. It might be better to say that although this wave is very different from the alien animal factor, it also uses biological energy.

The Light of Nexus, who has a very sensitive reaction to this, will of course respond immediately.

Yuanquan put his hands on the holster around his waist to ensure that he would always be able to draw his gun and attack immediately instead of being too late to react after being hit by someone.

This kind of biological energy pervades the entire air, and it is the kind of bond-like existence that ordinary people cannot see.

If the source is available, you can even follow these scattered links to find the location of the meteorite, which is the lair of the monster.

But in Tiga Ultraman TV, this episode... Hori met his future wife here, that is, Dr. Jiang Qi who was swallowed up by Ligadron in the Jeep No. [-] daughter, Jiang Qi Qianhe.

Here, Horei officially met Miss Qianzuru, and reached a bond with adversity. After breaking away from this dangerous mountain, Miss Qianzuru and Horii soon reached a relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend, and In the future, they will get married and come together thoroughly.

You see, what is the first Heisei game Ultraman Tiga? Even a fat tech nerd Horii can find a beautiful wife.

So why don't the fat nerds hurry up and work hard?
Strive to become a fat house like Hori!

"Vice Captain, look over there." The sky gradually darkened, and the visibility gradually decreased. It was really not easy for Liang to see a certain trace at the last moment.

Everyone followed their gazes, and at a glance, they saw a strange creature that had fallen to the ground and was already dead. It was covered with tumors and looked strange. The part of the body surface hit by the ray was still emitting green pus. The entire ground was soaked, but miraculously, there was no peculiar smell.

"This... This is not a creature on the earth." Nakajima squatted down and fiddled with the branches curiously.

Yuanquan rolled his eyes.

Are you talking nonsense...

(End of this chapter)

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