Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 133 I saw the sunrise last time, of course I saw the sunset this time

Chapter 133 I saw the sunrise last time, of course I saw the sunset this time
There is a problem that I don't understand, that is why he turned into a phantom and disappeared on a strange rooftop after obviously transforming at the sea base.

And Dagu was standing next to him, and there were even two dinosaurs not far away!

No, sir, I don't seem to be involved in this plot, I was marginally OP the whole time, and I just went up to destroy the Naga fleet.

I didn't even participate in the story of dinosaurs on earth, what am I doing now?
Is there room for me to play?

"I hope that you can calm down and communicate with human beings. I also believe that the earth will accept you again." In fact, Dagu also feels that there is a bit of magic recently, mainly because he feels that the number of one-on-two has become more and more recently.

Not to mention the Kirielod people before, when they were not transformed, they encountered a mixed doubles of two dinosaurs, and after transforming, they encountered a mixed doubles of two biochemical dinosaurs.

What, did I turn on some one-for-two switch?

Yuanquan didn't step forward, instead he took a step back and gave the situation to Dagu.

Because if you ask him to speak, he must be trying to persuade the dinosaurs to leave, not to squat on the earth, or they will be caught and sliced ​​sooner or later.

It will let the two parties put down their conflicts and mediate or something. The source of such words cannot be said, so let Dagu say it.

He is the hero of this TV.

This dinosaur man in a white coat, who is also the supervisor of this dinosaur research center, a dinosaur man named Adamu stepped forward and stretched out his ferocious dinosaur claw.

Not an attack, but an apology that he wanted to shake hands before feeding back to Taiko, but he refused.

It can also be regarded as a way to express peace and communicate.

"Thank you, Team Dagu." After shaking hands with Dagu, Adamu took his companion, Yi Wu who was also a dinosaur, to take a few steps back.

Because their spaceship had already flown up from the Dinosaur Research Center and landed on top of them.

"We are sorry for doing such a thing, but Dagu team, we had the idea of ​​destroying all life on earth, so we have lost the qualification to continue living here." No matter Adam said Whether the meaning of this sentence is what he thought, but there is no doubt that his leaving is a wise choice.

Yuanquan didn't interfere precisely because he knew his choice a long time ago.

"We dinosaurs will go to find a new hometown." In the light of the spaceship, the hidden human skin on the surface of the two dinosaurs began to fade, revealing the posture of the original dragon.

It's that green that makes it difficult to recognize.

Are all dinosaurs like this?

"Hello." At this time, Yuanquan suddenly spoke, and stepped forward to stand with Dagu: "That Adamu, you returned to the universe so easily, will the Naga people let you go?"

"I think, there are two giants of light, and the Naga people don't dare to think about the earth anymore." Wandering in the universe all year round, Adam certainly knows that there are legends about Dyna in the universe.

A single Dyna is already such a formidable target, there are now two Giants of Light on Earth.Although the Naga suffered a loss here, they were determined not to take revenge.

"If something really happens, call our name. As giants of light, we should be able to feel this call." Yuanquan nodded, this is the only thing he can do, and it is better than nothing.

After all, you can't expect him to actually be a bodyguard.

In the dazzling brilliance, the spacecraft broke through the earth's atmosphere at an extremely fast speed and rushed into the vast universe.

Only the ruined city after the war was left, and the two Maruka Neza dinosaurs that fell into the pit.

This thing, TPC will definitely not let go.

"You already have the answer in your heart, don't you? Dagu, it's just that you want to avoid it subconsciously." Why Adamu and Yiwu left, of course Yuanquan understands, and Dagu also understands.

He is like this, the kind of person who knows everything, but wants to hold back in his heart and say nothing.

"Yeah, I clearly understand everything. The root cause of their departure is that they still feel that human beings are not trustworthy, and they will not be kind to them at all."

Below the damaged city, Zongfang commanded the ground troops to dig out Maruko Naiza. This is a huge project, and it is estimated that it will take until tomorrow morning.

Facing the light of the golden sunset, Dagu's eyes were shining brightly.

"If we can coexist." Dagu really doesn't know when this beautiful wish will be realized.It was as far away as a dream, a level that he couldn't touch at all.

"There will be such a day, in the future, there will definitely be." Yuanquan stepped forward and put Dagu's shoulders on his shoulders.

The last time I watched the rising sun, there is nothing wrong with watching the sunset this time. Anyway, I feel emotional after seeing the scene. What kind of emotion is not good?

But after watching the sunset for a while, the world of the two was broken by a sudden sound from the communicator.

The communicators of Dagu and Yuanquan sounded at the same time, and when they turned on, what came out of each of them was the roar of the boss.

"Da Gu, where did you go! Hurry up and help!"

"Yuan!!! Come and dig the dinosaurs! What about you kid! What about your role as the vice-captain!"

Dagu and Yuanquan, who went down the stairs on both sides, confessed their crimes. Although it was funny, it seemed so real under the reflection of the setting sun.

After all, we are human beings who still bear responsibilities and always have to do something, and whether it is responsibilities or fetters, they will gradually accumulate and become full in the corresponding process.

Until the day of full glow.

————————Cut ————————

The attack of the Naga people brought a great panic to the whole TPC. If Ultraman Nexus had not obtained brand new power and took the lead in resisting the pressure on him, the space fleet of the Naga people would be enough to make TPC The whole earth fell under the aggression of the other side.

Therefore, at the TPC summit meeting reopened the next day, the decision of the hawks defeated the dovish decision for the first time, and TPC began to vigorously develop military technology to prepare for a series of possible alien invasions. be ready.

Rather than this time, without the help of Ultraman, it would be impossible to win at all.

This meeting also set the tone for the development of TPC in the future. With the changes in the new era and more and more contacts with cosmic people, the overwhelming power of the hawks is obvious.

But although it is overwhelming, it cannot completely suppress the doves.

Between the two, only coexistence can achieve development, and the existence of any single party will only lead to destruction.

It is conceivable that the future trinity fighter jet, the use of the arming of the Max power system, and the most coveted, even many people are quietly carrying out the study of the secrets of the broken giant stone statue of the pyramid are all going on.

The excavation of Luluye's remains will only happen after Tiga defeats Gatanjae, but not now.

However, the corresponding N plan has already had initial signs.

In such an environment, the monster appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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