Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 158 The command room is full of joy

Chapter 158 The command room is full of joy
"What? Have you seen a vampire?" After returning to the TPC headquarters to report the news, Zongfang stood up in shock and came to Koda in three steps: "You guys Are you all right? Did anyone get hurt? What about Yuan? He met a vampire right after he got out of the hospital?"

"That guy is really worrying. He encountered this kind of thing just after he was discharged from the hospital. It seems that he really has some inexplicable fate with these things." Xincheng covered his face. Knowing that Yuanquan had been discharged from the hospital, he wondered how such a serious injury healed so quickly.

I originally planned to ask about it today, but I didn't know that I heard such explosive news now.

Xincheng can only say that it is you. It is widely rumored in TPC that the 100% man who fights against monsters, as long as he is on duty, he will definitely encounter monsters or aliens. So far, he has maintained a 90.00% chance, and it has become a legend. .

It made the sixth team look like a monster, and almost no one dared to team up with Yuanquan.Even the sixth team has always maintained that few people.

To tell the truth, no one in the other teams knew how the captain and three members of the sixth team had survived until now with such miraculous luck as Yuanquan.

Encountered so many cosmic beings and monsters, the sixth team unexpectedly had no one missing.

It's just weird.

Zongfang paid close attention to the situation of the team members at the first time, which made Koda's favor towards Zongfang even more.

"It's okay, although the opponent has a lot of people, but the vice-captain's strength is too strong, those guys are not the vice-captain's opponent."

Zong Fang's expression was a little strange, probably because he thought of something happy, but he was well-educated and professionally trained, and he would never laugh when he shouldn't.

Lina didn't care about that anymore. She put her hands on the back of her head and grinned, and said casually: "It's really rare to bully ordinary people with my superb physical fitness and fear of death, but in the end I met Source this guy."

"To a certain extent, Minamoto is indeed the nemesis of such a guy." Hori could not help laughing out loud, bullying ordinary people, one kill at a time, and because of their elusive nature, the members of the winning team were temporarily shocked. It will be impossible to locate them for a while, and the number of victims is expanding.

Therefore, these guys who bullied ordinary people were beaten up immediately after they met a source who was stronger than them, and even pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger.

This is simply a typical example of being fucked instead of pretending to be coercive.

"After this time, I guess Yuan should never encounter those things." Dagu also had a smile on his lips, because he conceived a scene in his mind, that is, the vampires were running in front, and Yuanquan was chasing behind. .

One ran in a panic.

One is very excited to chase.

Thinking about it in this way, the feeling of the picture came out immediately, and Dagu couldn't help but laugh.

"Ahem, Yuan meeting such a thing can be regarded as bringing us some information." Zong Fang reluctantly suppressed the urge to laugh, and asked Ye Rui: "Investigate the location where Yuan led the team to patrol last night, specially Investigate a place that is big enough and has a warehouse."

"If they are really vampires, they should hate light. They must hide in these buildings in broad daylight."

Yerui nodded to express his understanding, and immediately began to adjust the satellite.

"Oh, and this." Koda said, and took out a piece of arrow from the burlap bag behind him. It was the fishing gun used to crucify the vampire last night, and the blood-stained arrowhead was intercepted and brought here.

"This is the blood that was stained when we nailed the vampires with fishing guns last night. The vice-captain said that it might be helpful to you." After handing the arrow to Zong Fang, all the members of the victory team surrounded him curiously. Come up, want to see what's different about vampire blood.

"Thanks for your hard work." Zongfang nodded, and handed over the arrow to Hori: "Hoi, does this help you?"

"If this is really the blood of a vampire, I think I can make a weapon specifically for vampires at noon the day after tomorrow." Hori took the arrow and was very confident.

As the brains of the winning team, he knew this kind of thing well.

The main reason is that this kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice, he is very experienced now.

Doraemon, it's up to you!
"Okay, everyone go out to patrol, strengthen the guard, and the communication cannot be disconnected." After a pause, Zong Fang seemed to have thought of something, and then added: "If the firearms don't work, tell the logistics department to let them go out immediately. A large set of crossbows. If we can't kill them, we'll crucify them!"

This inspiration has to be said to come from the source. Seeing their team's reaction when facing the vampire, Zong Fang copied what he did.

It doesn't matter if you can't be killed by a gun, as long as I restrict your activities.

Today we don't say anything about a large crossbow like a fishing gun.

You see, if we tie it or not, you're done.

"By the way, where did Yuan go? Has he not come back yet?" After ordering the action, Zong Fang asked, "Why didn't you see him coming?"

"The deputy captain said that he had never encountered anyone who could run under his nose in his life, so he asked us to come back and report first, and he chased after him." Speaking of Yuanquan, Koda couldn't help feeling helpless, the deputy captain If you really want to do something, no one can stop it, even if the captain is here.

Although words such as chasing and killing vampires felt a bit wrong from a human mouth, but Yuanquan did have such abilities, and Zongfang and the others knew about it.

"This really has that guy's style." Xincheng punched the palm of his hand and said excitedly: "Okay, since Yuandu is so motivated, we can't fall behind!"

"I don't think we need to investigate where the vampire is. In fact, we can definitely find it as long as we follow the source." Hori shrugged: "Although I, as a scientist, shouldn't talk about superstition, Source has already used data This time it turns out that he really has a deep bond with these weird things."

"You said that, why do I always feel that if he heard it, he might beat you up." Dagu pushed Hori, and everyone burst into laughter immediately, and the command room was full of joyful atmosphere .

"Then investigate where Yuan is now. If he can really meet a vampire, and we have such a mission in the future, we can just send him out." Zong Fang finally couldn't help showing a smile. I made up a lot of interesting pictures in my brain, but I didn't expose them for the sake of face.

"That's much easier to use than radar." Lina interjected playfully, making everyone's tense and dignified feeling before departure disappear without a trace.

"Thank you for your hard work. We will handle this matter ourselves. Yuan also hoped that you would not be involved, so he let you come back." Zong Fang patted Koda on the shoulder: "But if you can face that kind of thing directly, you can also be witty. The reaction has been too strong for many people. "

In fact, Zong Fang also saw the performance of several members of the sixth team. Although there was still a gap between them and the victory team, in fact, compared with the ground headquarters team, these few people had surpassed too much.

Perhaps in the future, these few people may join the Victory Team after they retire.

(End of this chapter)

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