Ultra Fighting Legend.

Chapter 1590 1582: The Realm of the Great UniverseSuper Ultimate Realm

Chapter 1590 1582: The realm of the big universe is beyond the ultimate realm (Jagula: No one wants things that don't add combat power)

"Ah~ That robot went berserk."

Although the distance between the earth and the moon is far away for human beings, it is relatively close for Pleshe.

At a glance, you can see the mecha Zero, who is raging in the city, crawling out from the underground of the armory, and you can see more detailed things.

Meticulous thought power can magnify all tiny things little by little, and Plesher can even use this to see the body of Celebro, which is the body of the bug, in Yoko's body sitting inside Mechano Zero. appearance.

But all this has nothing to do with him, what he is waiting for is Zeta, and he only wants to see in Noah's eyes, why that Zeta can make Noah look up to him.

It's just that what he was waiting for in the end was not Zeta, nor Jugula, but a guardian who should not appear on this planet, the land of this universe.

The red warrior flew out from the earth and landed smoothly on the surface of the moon.

Unlike the earth-shattering and exaggerated scenes of landing on the earth, on the moon, Gaia's landing seems so commonplace.

"Gaia." The moment he saw Gaia, Presche stood up from the ground, and leaning on the scepter, he walked to Gaia's position, and had a face-to-face conversation with him: "The guardian of the earth. I see, is this Earth calling you here?"

"Ah~ That's right." Gaia nodded: "Your name is Presher, right? Can you please hand me both cards?"

Prescher didn't say much, but spread out his palms, and placed both cards floating in front of Gaia.

Gaia thought that he would go through a fierce battle, and then Presher was willing to give him these two cards, but he never expected that Presher would be so generous that he had already planned to clench his fists and give him one. Fist himself was somewhat embarrassed.

Stretching out his hand and holding both cards in his hand, Gaia nodded his thanks, but at the same time couldn't help his curiosity.

"Eh? Why did you give it to me so simply? You didn't give it to Jugula when he came before."

"At that time, if he wanted it, I would give it to him, but he didn't want it either." Presher said indifferently.

"Cards are useless to me. I am an old antique from the old era, and I can't use these new era bells and whistles."

Waving the scepter, Presher continued: "But the purpose of my coming here has not been achieved yet."

"What's your purpose here?" If Plesher wasn't an enemy, then what exactly was his purpose here?
Gaia did not get this specific information from the source, but only knew that Presher took the two cards.

"Let's see what kind of qualifications Zeta has, which is worthy of being taken seriously by my king." When talking about his own king, Pulai's tone became fanatical: "This kind of ordinary Ultra fighter, why on earth? Can you get my king's attention?"

"Your king? Who is that?" Gaia asked.

"The messenger of the primordial light, the guardian of time and space, the oldest giant of light, the king of the past and the future, is Ultraman Noah!" number, and with each repetition, the tone became more and more fanatical.

And when he finally said the name of Ultraman Noah, Gaia was really shocked.

What the hell?You are so ugly. You, the king of Plesher, is Ultraman Noah?

That legendary warrior?

No, why do you, an evil cosmic being, recognize an Ultraman as king?

Leaving aside what happened on the moon, on the Earth side, Celebro, who occupied Yoko's body and successfully controlled Yoko to board the Mecha Zero, and launched the Mecha Zero to attack, didn't need to put on a show at this time, but Show off all your operations.

Let Mechanical Cyro directly pierce through the gate of the fourth hangar, and then climb up little by little in a climbing posture until it crosses the ground and stands on the ground of the armory.

Although Mayo Yuuki's questioning call came from his ears, Celebro didn't need to hide anything now, and directly exposed his original purpose.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, he, Celebro, is not Celebro, but Yoko, but this is enough.

This is also part of the Celebro plan, manipulating the warriors protecting the earth to board the ultimate weapon, and then use this ultimate weapon to destroy human civilization, and then let human beings fall into doubt and suspicion about themselves.

Because in the eyes of those stupid pig-like high-level human beings, all this has nothing to do with Celebro. Instead, Yoko, the driver, rebelled against human beings and wanted to control the strongest power.

So since Yoko from the former armory would do such a thing, would the former captain of the armory and her comrades in arms also do such a thing?

This is not only the revenge against Jugula, but also the most needed drama in this game, that is, the story of the soldiers who fought at the forefront, protecting the earth and human beings, and were destroyed by human beings themselves.

Isn't it something to be happy about such a drama being staged?

After cutting off the communication at the headquarters, Celebro, who already knew what would happen next, grinned and started his final drama.

Manipulating the mechanical Cyro, he began to wreak havoc in the city, intending to pour the power of the strongest weapon of mankind on mankind itself.


Almost at the same time, Jugula and Yaohui woke up together.

It's just that the performance of the two is different.

Jugula was panting violently, lying on the ground retching continuously, as if something made him feel sick.

And Yaohui kept scratching his neck, as if something was about to be poured from his mouth into his stomach.

Their whole bodies were drenched with intense sweat, but after the two realized that they had escaped from that situation, they finally recovered slowly and became calm.

"That's the realm of the great universe?" Jugula lay on his back on the ground, covering his face with one hand, his chest heaving violently: "The realm of the great universe is just a sticky mass, I don't know what Is it inside the mucous membrane of the thing?!"

"My words are a frightening group of birds, constantly trying to get into my stomach." Yaohui coughed a few times, and his red eyes meant that he was not in a good mood: "But, I remember that I was clearly in the In a pitch-black sea, why are there birds in the sea?"

"You two, what do you think of the realm of the great universe?" Withdrawing his arms, "Yuanquan" looked at the two sweating profusely and said softly: "That is to replace its heart with my heart, and replace the great universe with my world." The ultimate realm, do you really think that is something that a cat or a dog can comprehend?"

"Not to mention you, even if there are many transcendents, they have not comprehended this state."

"I really dare not think about it, no wonder no one would want to experience such a state." Jugula shook his head with lingering fears: "The awakening process is so exaggerated, even after all the hardships awakening, there is no such thing as increased combat power at all. No wonder people don’t take it seriously.”

"But if you want to go further, this is a must." After a pause. "Yuanquan" continued: "Not to mention the realm beyond the realm of the big universe, there is a super-ultimate realm, and that is the ultimate mystery."

"Do you want to try it? That kind of realm." As he said, "Yuanquan" waved his hands in front of his face: "You are far from the realm of the big universe, I took a trick to let you feel the realm of the big universe , but your current situation is the sequelae of this kind of trickery."

"As for the ultra-ultimate realm."

"Stop! Stop talking!" Juggler immediately told "Yuanquan" to shut up.

What a joke, it is far from the realm of the big universe, and it has already become like this to enter this realm by tricks. If this is an even more exaggerated trick to enter the realm of the ultimate, I am afraid that my life will not be lost.

Don't dare to think about it, really don't dare to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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