Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 164 You said his name is Gumen Yihui?

Chapter 164 You Said His Name Is Gumen Kakki?
"You grew up in an orphanage, and you had a good time with a friend of the same age in the orphanage. You regarded him as your older brother. Later, when you grew up together, your older brother took the lead in joining the Earth Defense Force, fighting in the The first line, until he is killed by a strange beast."

Faust now made it clear that he wanted to mess with Nexus, because he was still the captain of the Earth Defense Force at the time, and it was really too easy to kill someone.

"To this day, I still remember the way that guy said your name before he died, especially he told me to take good care of you." The phantom of Faust stretched out his hand and pointed at Nexus's At the same time, he laughed out loud, looking very happy.

"Let me see what your brother's name is."

"Oh, I remembered, Koto Kakki, it must be the name."


Nexus didn't speak, because he himself was stunned by what Faust said.

What?Koto Kazuki is my brother?

I still have an older brother in the last world?

Why am I not impressed at all?

Of course, you can't expect any expression changes on Nexus' metal face, but the changes in the atmosphere around Nexus were captured by Faust.

And Faust only thought that what he said had an effect and shook Nexus' heart, so he was more proud and more willing to say all the things in the past.

"Your brother is very reliable in combat and has a good reputation in the regional defense team, but the light on him is too dazzling, which makes me feel sick. If nothing happens, he is destined to become Nexus in the future One of the fittest."

"But he was too dazzling, so dazzling that I couldn't even open my eyes, and made me sick to the point of nausea, so before that possibility was born, I buried him first. In this way, this annoying light disappeared, and I couldn't see it anymore. won't show up."

"How does it feel? The murderer who killed the elder brother you have been attached to since childhood is right in front of you, but you have nothing to do with me." Faust folded his hands on his chest, and there was no light in those dark eyes, as if he could take everything away. All the light is absorbed.

"I just didn't expect that a lonely Ikki died, and you, the younger brother, who seemed to have accomplished nothing, could inherit the light of Nexus, become a capable person, and let this light shine again. Faust shook his head, and had to say that this matter was indeed beyond his expectations.

Before realizing this world, he only thought that it would be good if the incomplete Nexus light could transform at most.

But he never expected that there was a surprise in front of his eyes.

"There are so many things you didn't expect." For example, you Faust said so much, but have you ever thought about what you said, I don't remember all of it?
"But it doesn't matter, just wait, sooner or later I will come to this world and take away your light!" Faust snorted coldly, and the dark energy that slowly dispersed began to circle, accumulating in the field of Meta Tower to become a more strong presence.

"Then I'll really wait and see, waiting for your arrival, my good captain." Although Yuanquan didn't remember the existence of Koto Kazuki, he remembered Faust's identity clearly.

No matter why I have no impression of Koto Kakki, but the source cannot be exposed here.

"Huh, keep your mouth shut." The circling dark power condensed into a mass, forming a huge energy ball that descended from the sky and fell towards Nexus.

The sword of the storm swept across, splitting this dark energy, allowing these tangled dark energies to scatter and distribute throughout the entire Meta field.

And Faust's figure completely disappeared.

"Can't you enter Tiga's world for the time being? That being said, that guy is outside the barriers of the universe, and he is always trying to find a way to enter." After the transformation was lifted, the Meta domain also disappeared, and the scattered golden particles It symbolizes his return to the original world.

The Feiyan hovering in the sky detected the change in space, but Nexus and the vicious monster disappeared at the same time, leaving Xincheng completely confused.

"Headquarters, this is Xincheng. Space fluctuations have been detected, but the traces of Nexus and monsters have been lost."

After hearing Xincheng's report, Hori, who had been recalled to the headquarters, was frantically operating on the computer of the TPC mainframe.

Soon, the data map of the surrounding environment changes was projected on the big screen.

"It's a different space independent of this world, just like the world we entered before. It's the one we entered last time during the Lightning Man time." Hori came out from behind the computer and stood in front of everyone.

"This is a different world created by Nexus with his own abilities. It exists in this world, but it doesn't exist in this world."

"Specifically speaking, it's like we blow bubbles, a big bubble is blown out, and then a small bubble is blown out, and then the two stick together. That small bubble is the one created by Nexus time and space."

"But that world. That is obviously a world that has been destroyed, could it be?" Zong Fang supported the conference table with both hands, and when he thought of the completely destroyed world, Zong Fang felt uneasy in his heart: "Could it be that 3000 million years ago."

Zongfang couldn't help thinking otherwise, because the only world that could be connected with Ultraman, or even destroyed, was the unknown super-ancient civilization 3000 million years ago.

"I don't know, but what we can be sure of is that once Nexus opens up this space, we will not be able to intervene in the battle inside, unless we are inside from the beginning." After Hori said the last sentence, it was considered He analyzed everything he could popularize.

"In the past, I didn't see Nexus using this trick, especially when fighting in the city several times. It seems that it is a new ability obtained after changing the form last time." Dagu knew that at this time he It's time to stand up and cover Yuanquan, otherwise, maybe where his teammates can open their minds.

"We used to think that Nexus didn't have the ability to change form, but now it seems that it's because it hasn't been the time to trigger that." Hori's Hammer, who had suddenly realized, said with certainty: "Diga Otto Man only woke up from his deep sleep with one against two, and Nexus faced two monsters in the quarry and appeared before the eyes of the world, because he did not kill the killer, so his awakening was not complete."

"It wasn't until he faced the two terrifying opponents of the Kiriarods that he fully awakened all his strength."

"In other words, as long as one-to-two, Ultraman can awaken."

Dagu: .
No, Horii, how did you come to this conclusion?As Ultraman Tiga, why don’t I know anything about it?

Be careful if you continue to spread rumors like this.
"Since the monster has been wiped out by Nexus, we also have the task we shoulder on our shoulders." Munekata cast his eyes on Hori, "How is the preparation for what I have to tell you?"

"The final test is already underway, and I believe it will not be long before it can be put into actual combat."

"Okay, Ye Rui, keep an eye on the hiding place of the vampires, and when the weapons are in place, we will officially launch the battle against the vampires!"


(End of this chapter)

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