Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 168 Golden Dragon - Goldras

Chapter 168 Golden Dragon - Goldras

The gold dragon Goldras is a monster belonging to the same race as the silver dragon Shirpagon.

But compared to Silver Dragon, Goldlas surpasses Silver Dragon in all aspects.

Not only has the strange power above the silver dragon, even Goldlas can use a series of superpowers, including not limited to distorting the magnetic field, opening the space-time barrier to rebound attacks, and even condensing the entire earth's magnetic field to form a space-time travel. These are the abilities of Goldlas.

It is the monster that can be ranked in the top three in the entire Ultraman Tiga TV.

Its strength is so strong that even the powerful Tiga can't match it.

If it weren't for the original book, the Golden Dragon Goldras had no fighting intentions, I'm afraid Tijia would have suffered an unspeakable defeat because of this.

But even if he didn't have the will to fight, Goldlas' attack made Di Jia very difficult.

Of course, in addition to the powerful strength of the Golden Dragon, there is also its time-space realm that is talked about.

Linking the past, future, and present together, making all time and space chaotic, this ability even surpasses the golden dragon itself, and it has infinite possibilities.

"It's really spectacular. Is it a mirage?" Feiyan-[-] is still performing front-line patrol missions. Judging from the pictures transmitted from Feiyan-[-], the brand-new level of this freighter is almost as if it was just a few days ago. Same as factory water.

"Metal reaction can be detected, it should not be a phantom." As early as the first time the cruise ship appeared, the ground troops had quickly assembled and arrived here, organizing the cordon and not letting those curious people get too close.

Zong Fang was still the first to arrive at the scene as the conductor. He led the team members to the scene and looked around for a long time at the first time. He was relieved when he didn't see the source.

That guy isn't there, so it doesn't look like this is a monster-infested event.

That's great.

At this moment, the person who was complained by Zong Fang didn't have the slightest conscious to mix with the crowd in the distance.

He didn't intend to call Xibigang to help them, because the space-time realm where golden dragons gather is too unstable, and under such an electromagnetic field, any kind of thing is possible.

For example, you are patrolling the ground well, and a huge monster suddenly appears and crushes you to death.

Another example is that once the lightning gathered by the electromagnetic field hits the creature, it will also randomly teleport the creature to any time period in the past and future, which is completely random.

This is the scene shown in the original book.

Yuanquan can't guarantee that such a thing will not happen to their sixth team, there are too many uncertainties.

Compared with these distorted and concentrated electromagnetic fields, even Ultraman is useless.

On Zongfang's side, he also saw with his own eyes that the moment the lightning fell from the sky, it brought a girl with an extremely aura of the past.

The kind of clothes that are very retro.

And she was completely unaware of the fact that she traveled through time and space, she just looked at the strange things in front of her in fear.

Adhering to the principle of sending whatever they found to the base, Zong Fang and the others immediately reported the situation and brought the girl back to the base.

Regarding where she came from and what time period in the past, Ju Jianhui needs to send someone who can stabilize the other party's mood.

Xincheng is a handsome guy, but he is still single until now.

Hori is a dead house, a girl who knows shit.

All his girlfriends were picked up!
Not to mention Dagu, who doesn't even know Lina, and still wants to flirt?

So after thinking about it, the best candidate is Ye Rui, who is not much different in age and is single, so he should be very topical.

But Ju Jianhui couldn't imagine that she let Ye Rui go, but it happened to be in line with the particularity of time and space, and it was because of Ye Rui that the bond between the two was formed.

That pendant is the certificate connecting the past and the present, and it is the witness of the girl's wonderful shuttle journey.

After going back to the past, the girl kept the pendant with her photo that Ye Rui gave her.

From the past to the present, when Ye Rui was a child, he finally found Ye Rui and gave the pendant to Ye Rui with his own hands.

The particularity of time and space is verified here. The bond between two people is like the photo of two people. After overlapping, one person is here and the other is there, which symbolizes the time separated. It means that they are backed by time and space, and will never meet again.

In just over 20 minutes, a romantic story about time travel was vividly told, which also made Yuanquan deeply impressed by this episode.

Of course, that was also the beginning of Yerui's point of no return with a messy love partner.

"Dagu, are you there?" Turning on the communicator, Yuanquan immediately contacted Dagu, and Dagu, who was still in the base at this time, also received a call from Yuanquan, and established contact immediately.

"Yuan, what's the matter?"

"When flying a plane, don't enter the envelope of the electromagnetic field. That's the space-time realm. Once you are struck by lightning, you can't tell exactly when you will be teleported." If Dagu was really teleported away , Yuanquan was thinking that he would not be directly teleported to 3000 million years ago.

Then don’t tell me, if Dagu was really teleported to 3000 million years ago, no matter how you think about it, it will be very exciting.

"You are... at the scene now?" Dagu hesitated for a while, thinking that Zongfang's source was not there, this time it was not a monster's happy expression, and for a while he didn't know how to go back and tell the conductor.

"I'm at the scene. I'm on vacation today. I had dinner with the team members last night, and then I stayed here at Yaohui." Yuanquan felt a little baffled, why did you feel the disgust on Dagu's face? ?
"That's it, then it's okay." Dagu took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then continued to say to Yuanquan: "Do you know what kind of monster appeared this time? You have always had this ability in the past. Know the movement of the monster."

Then he ran after the monster, and because of this, TPC gave him the title of a man who chases monsters.

"It's the same type as the silver dragon Hirpagon we met last time in the Demon Realm, but this time it's stronger than Hirpagon." Yuanquan raised his head, and Goldlas now Has not yet descended into this timeline, but placed its existence in a certain time period in the past.

Because he wants to gather the electromagnetic field of the whole earth, and he will not really come to this timeline until the last step.

"Stronger? How strong?" Dagu asked.

"Let me tell you this, it is dozens of times stronger than the silver dragon, even if it is the Balrog Warrior and Hell Warrior, it will not be the opponent of the Gold Dragon Goldlas." Yuanquan tried to exaggerate, because he Haven't faced Jinlong yet.

However, judging from the setting given by the original plot, no matter how exaggerated it is, it cannot be overstated.

"... so powerful?" Now Dagu became serious. Although he had never fought a silver dragon, he still knew the strength of the Balrog Warrior and Hell Warrior.

And the monster that appeared this time was going to surpass the two?
How could there be such a tough guy?
"Very strong, so this time we may need both of us to shoot together." Yuanquan was also very serious for a while, although he knew Goldlas' weakness, if two Ultraman shot together, the winning rate would be greatly improved.

But don't forget that in the original book, the golden dragon has no desire to fight, and just uses a pair of horns to release the space-time barrier to fight against the enemy. It doesn't use the gathering of electromagnetic fields, or the operation of the space-time realm.

It can be said that it did not show its full strength.

And once the two Ultramans appear, Goldlas will definitely not let the water go.

Yuanquan really didn't know how strong the full-strength Golden Dragon was.

"Understood, I will report the news immediately."

"Wait a minute, Dagu, if you just report it like this, how do you explain how I know this?"

"No need to explain, everyone has become accustomed to your physique when encountering monsters."

"If it's you, there's no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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