Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 174 I am the ultimate life form, ah...

Chapter 174 I am the ultimate life form, ah...

"Nexus? A name I've never heard of."

Although Jonias had never heard of a character like Nexus, he would not underestimate the Ultraman in front of him.

Just judging from the energy level of Nexus and the lightsaber he is, he is not a nobody.

This kind of strength cannot be unknown in the universe.

The possibility of being from another universe is quite strong.

"Did Ultraman Nexus from another universe come to our U40 to chase this dark giant?" Jonias knew that there were other universes, and it was nothing to U40 Unimaginable, Jonas had once seen an Ultra warrior from another universe.

Now that another one appeared in front of him, Jonias felt nothing.

"Faust, the dark giant, is one of the culprits who destroyed a world." Nexus is now very calm when talking about the world he was destroyed.

No matter how much resentment and anger, Faust was seen and burned in the battle.

Looking at it now, Faust is so weak, so weak that he even finds it ridiculous.

"Destroyed the world?" Jonias tightened his grip on Nexus suddenly, and that strong and powerful arm made Nexus feel a little pain.

That's true, with this muscle-exploding arm, whoever's hand Jonias is holding makes everyone panic.

"Then if that's the case." Jonas pondered for a while, then let go of Nexus' hand, turned around and left without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

Looking at his back, Faust suddenly fell into a situation where he didn't know what to say.

No, didn't you come to stop that guy?This is not your home?Isn't this your place?
Don't you feel bad when we fight on your territory and break something?

Come to persuasion!
Come back quickly and persuade me!
Don't turn your head and just walk away, okay?
No one knew the shit in Faust's heart, and Nexus didn't even want to know about it. Without any obstacles, the sword of the storm fell on his head.

But at the very moment, Nexus' figure suddenly became transparent, and gradually faded away, as if he was disappearing from this world.

But in fact, it was true, Nexus was indeed in front of Faust, and disappeared just before the death blow fell.

He was already staring at the Sword of the Storm, ready to accept the result of defeat, but how could Faust have thought that such a thing would happen?

It was obviously close, but the sudden disappearance of Nexus saved his life, and the doomed death got a glimmer of life at this moment.

"Disappeared?" Looking at the empty world in front of him, Faust was ecstatic after being stunned.

Well, it really is a road to heaven, this is almost killed, I didn't expect Faust to win.

It seems that I, Faust, deserved to die.

Wait, Nexus, no, it should be the source, this time you lost the best chance to kill me, next time, next time we meet again, I will let you kneel in front of me, helplessly Watch me take everything that is yours!
I, Faust, have always been a man of my word, Yuanyuan, you are dead...

The secret ecstasy in his heart has not dissipated, and the shadow covering his body once again made Faust raise his head.

This time he saw not Nexus, but Jonias who had gone and returned.

"Disappeared? It seems that the factor that caused him to leave the universe has disappeared." Nexus' sudden disappearance could not be concealed from Jonias, and the fluctuations of time and space dissipated in the air were also clearly visible.

This indeed proves that Nexus is indeed from another universe.

It's just that it's somewhat inappropriate for him to go back this time. Leaving such a dark giant in U40 will cause some troubles.

"Oh, thank you for giving me the delay, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to wait for him to disappear." Barely regaining some strength, Faust stood up again.

Although Jonas's size is exaggerated, Faust does not think Jonias will be his opponent.

The five-pointed star headdress is as strong as an orangutan, and it can be seen that the brain capacity is not enough.

When I, Faust, darken him, it's not bad to use it as a thug.

"Looking at you, it seems that you want to make a big fuss here." Jonias turned sideways, and being able to say such words meant that Jonias was already prepared.

"As your answer for helping me, I will show you the scenery of a higher world."

"The deep darkness is the eternal truth of the universe!"

Faust opened his hand and aimed at Jonias to release a dark shock wave.

This is a skill that can transform a creature into a dark creature, and it was taught by an unknown sick giant.

Faust thought with all his heart that he could.

But Jonias told him with the facts, it can't be done.

The spread five fingers were in front of him, so casually that he seemed to raise his hand to slap the dark shock wave aside.

Jonias supported his waist with one hand, which made his body even more burly.

"In that case, I can't let you go, unknown dark giant."

"Hmph, stupid gorilla, you don't really think you're my opponent, do you? I can tease you casually with your appearance."

"Oh? Your courage is commendable, so I'm looking forward to it." Jonias wasn't angry either. He had cerebral palsy and always thought he was good at it, but he'll know later whether he can do it or not.

Faust is full of ambition, but in fact he doesn't know what kind of existence he has offended.

He also didn't know what kind of terrifying monster stood in front of him, and even the object of his insults.


The scene in front of him became illusory in an instant, and by the time Nexus reacted, he had reappeared in the space-time tunnel and was traveling through it again.

But Nexus didn't want this result!

If he didn't come sooner or later, he was pulled back just when he was about to kill Faust, what the hell?
The head of the person who got it flew away!
I'm about to accept a big man's head, but you told me that it's gone?

Although Nexus was unwilling to scatter the sword of the storm, there was nothing he could do.

They have all entered the space-time tunnel, and it is impossible to go back.

But Nexus did not expect that traveling through the space-time tunnel, he should have been very safe, but encountered an attack at this time.

The aura of destruction was strong, and the golden lightning gathered strange red energy, criss-crossing in the space-time tunnel.

Almost before Nexus could react, he had already hit his body.

This overly powerful attack was beyond what Nexus could bear, and his uncontrolled body broke through the barrier of the space-time tunnel, causing Nexus to fall into an unknown time and space.

"Oh, troublesome guy, I finally found you." Withdrawing the hand that released the attack, the golden existence touched the ruby ​​on the back of the hand, and said with satisfaction: "Wandering in time and space for so long, I can find your past." It's not easy, Nexus."

"Tartaros, what on earth do you want to do!" Followed by a courier from the Kingdom of Light with ponytails and arrogant, Sai Luo, who also traveled through the tunnel of time and space, wearing dazzling armor.

Searching continuously from the other side of time and space, Zero finally caught up with Tartarus.

(End of this chapter)

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