Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 178 He's here, the source of all evil, Hikari, came with bad intentions

Chapter 178 He's here, the source of all evil, Hikari, came with bad intentions
When Yuanquan opened his eyes, what he saw was not the ceiling and light bulbs, but a room with transparent crystals that was so sci-fi that even he couldn't figure out, and all the facilities were huge.

Standing here as a human being like him, it always feels like he has come to the kingdom of adults.

"Ah, you're awake." At the same time, a slightly tired voice sounded in Yuanquan's ear.

Looking at the source of the past, I saw the blue gigantic body at a glance, which was very huge, just like ordinary people watching him transform into Ultraman Nexus.

Of course, his two unique elf-like ears are even more unforgettable.

Yuanquan recognized this guy the first time he saw him.

Chief of the Academy of Sciences of the Kingdom of Light.

Famous quote: I'm just a scientist, not a founder with their power.

Root of all evil.

If you want anything in the whole universe, just come to his laboratory and take a walk around.

The Kingdom of Light Security Division focuses on stocking objects.

The "weak" fighters of the Blue Clan...

These and so on add up a lot of titles, thousands of words can only be gathered into three words, forming his name.


"It was the father of Ultra who brought you back, an unknown silver warrior." Hikari operated the virtual console with both hands, trying to weaken the brilliance as much as possible to prevent the silver warrior from overabsorbing.

"This is the Kingdom of Light?" Although he was sure, Yuanquan had to pretend to be puzzled.

Even Hikari, he couldn't admit that he knew him.

"It's the Kingdom of Light. You have suffered serious injuries. With the current level of medical treatment in the Kingdom of Light, you cannot be completely cured." Hikari said, putting a large can on the side at the source side.

Of course, this big is for the source.

"It's the kind of destructive power that comes out of your body. I've never seen such a destructive intensity."

"If I hadn't made a temporary container, it would be impossible to preserve it with the existing storage methods." Hikari shook his head. Although he wanted to know what kind of existence the owner of this energy was, Whether Yuanquan said it or not was up to him.

"Tsk, I think I should know who it is." Although he was attacked by surprise, Yuanquan saw the golden body before he was shot out of the space-time tunnel.

As for the golden guy who looks like Ultraman in his image, I'm afraid there is only the ultimate life form, the star who introduced himself.

"Really?" Hikari agreed on the surface, but in fact he didn't stop at all.

This also made Yuanquan very curious about what Hikari was doing.

"You are now..."

"I'm making a piece of equipment, and I'm trying to see if I can use this destructive unknown energy to create a brand new piece of equipment." Hikari spoke quickly, but his answer made Yuanquan critique .

Good guy, are you just starting to do cheating?

You are simply a hacker who can do whatever you catch.

That being said, the Little Golden Man won't come to the Kingdom of Light in the future to snatch this thing you made from Hikari, right?
Aren't you tailoring a costume for the little golden man again?
Yuanquan deliberately wanted to speak, saying that you, Hikari, should stop doing that thing, and you will be stolen sooner or later.

But for a newcomer, if you say something so hastily, you always feel that you will not be able to get out of the Kingdom of Light.

"I have already notified Captain Zoffy, he should be back soon."

After wiping out the invading aliens. "Hikali finally stopped his operations, and put his glowing eyes on Yuanquan's body: "They all want to thank you personally, after all, you eliminated the Hippolyte star, disintegrated its conspiracy, and saved Get off the Alt brothers. "

"It's nothing, it's just that I just caught up." Yuanquan shook his head, not feeling anything about it.

As long as you see such a scene, you won't just sit idly by.

Especially the Ott brothers, they are all the seniors he has seen before.

"If the guys from the Silver Race knew that there was such a powerful fighter like you wandering outside, they would definitely..." Before Shikari finished speaking, the closed door of the laboratory was violently destroyed.

The ferocious energy rewinds, shaking the laboratory continuously.

"I found you, Hikari!" Stepping in from the gate, the Gazi star with no neck and head walked in first with a gun.

Behind him, followed by a strong monster.

That was none other than the ferocious monster-King Red.

"Kazi people? How?! The people from the security department! What did you do to them!" Hikari blocked his face to avoid being burned by the flames.

Since the Gazi Stars were able to find this place, and even rushed in, it means that the Ultramans from the security department guarding outside have already...

"What kind of person from the security department? Aren't you the only one inside and outside this laboratory?!" The Gazi star only felt that Hikali was so courageous that he dared to stay in the laboratory alone without any equipment. security guard.

How to say?Is the more dangerous place the safer place?
You Hikari also play this set?

But in front of me, a star with a high IQ, your little tricks are so tricky!

See how big my head is?It's all pure high IQ!
"What?" Hikari was taken aback, what the hell?No one outside?

Didn't it be agreed that the people in the security department would guard it to the death?What about you people?
This is the Kingdom of Light Research Institute, a very important place, where are you guys from the Security Section!
"Hikali, hand over the life-solidification technology!" Ever since Hikali developed this thing, there is no one in the entire universe who is not greedy for it.

What does that mean?That means that even if you die, as long as you have this, you can still be resurrected, and you will be alive and well.

Who doesn't want this kind of technology looking at the entire universe?
If it weren't for the fact that the Hippolyte stars took away the Ott brothers in a wave this time, and Ott's father was too tired to travel long distances, the rest of the high-end combat power was out on missions, giving them a chance for these cosmic people, how could they Maybe dare to take the Kingdom of Light's idea?

Of course, the main reason was that there was cannon fodder in front, which attracted most of Sophie's attention.

It's also because of the people in the security department of the Kingdom of Light, Du Nima is like no one.

The Gazi Stars are full of ambitions, and you, Shikari, are just a member of the Blue Race, a group with weak combat effectiveness.

Can you still draw your sword and kill me now?
To be honest, if Mebius's Hikari, maybe he could really draw a sword.

But the current Hikari hasn't acquired the breath of a swordsman, so of course he's a...war scum?

Since the real master Hikari is here, the Gazi star didn't bother to say nonsense, and raised his hands to gather energy to form a circle, as if he wanted to envelop Hikari in his head.

Although Hikari's combat effectiveness is a little weaker now, he is not helpless to fight back.

It is also unrealistic for the Gazi Stars to win Hikari in a short time.

You can see this from Hikari jumping left and right to continuously avoid the attacks of the Gazi stars. Hikari has exercised himself a lot.

With this movement and transformation, the showman's mentality is about to collapse.

This is the scientist of Kingdom of Light!
"Damn it! Let me do it, King Red!" The Gazi Starman, who was almost paralyzed by the show, commanded the monster Red King to rush over angrily.

For the laboratory or something, smash it and it's over.

Anyway, just capture Hikari and take away his research results.

King Red roared, waved his short hands and stepped into the laboratory.

With his brain capacity, no matter how precious the things in your laboratory are, just smash them and you're done.

"Wait!" But just when King Reid was ready to go, the Gazi star suddenly stopped King Reid, making King Reid unable to get up and down, and yelled at Kazi in dissatisfaction .

"Look, what did I see? A human, a human locked in a laboratory." Seeing the source, the Gazi star laughed, and the advanced brain began to rotate rapidly.

"Okay, Hikari, you are doing human experiments here, so you are such an Ultraman!"

"I didn't expect you Kingdom of Light to be so hypocritical, it really scared me to death!"


(End of this chapter)

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