Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 188 Yabo people: I also want to become light

Chapter 188 Yabo people: I also want to become light

Hello everyone, I am Yuanquan and Ultraman Nexus
Now that I appear here, I am risking my life to tell everyone a shocking secret, and you must remember to keep it secret.

I am now looking at the five-fold light of Altec in my hand. The blue one is plasma energy, which comes from the first generation.

The green one is Aimelium energy, which comes from Seven.

Jack's is also plasma energy, but slightly different from the first generation, his is white.

And the red energy represents myself, the fiery, passionate fire of life.

So the question is, what about Sophie's?What color is his energy?
Ultra five-fold light, our respective colors are displayed.

So the black color must belong to Sophie.

When I realized this, I was suffocated and I felt like I was screwed.

Did Sophie catch that I was aware of his plan?
Will he shoot and kill me in order not to expose himself?

That lord's power... no, he didn't even need to strike me to kill me!
No, my lord, I really didn't see anything, if you don't believe me, I can swear allegiance to you right now, don't kill me.

Zo↗ Fei↗!

Nexus has a feeling that if he pulls it with his hands now, he can pull and shoot the Light Arrow Storm, and the speed will be very fast, beyond his imagination.

Just thinking about the power of the Ultra five-layer light, if the Imperial Stars really take this trick, the chances of him not being able to do so are actually [-]%.

"Everyone, let's fight for a chance for Nexus." Although the energy is insufficient now, but the killing attack is ready, what is missing is only a chance to hit, and this opportunity, Sophie decided to create it herself.

"Understood, brother!"

Jack followed Sophie without saying a word, and took out the Ultra Javelin transformed from the bracelet, and threw it at the position of the imperial star from a long distance away.

In the same way, Sai Wen and the first generation who came from behind, one threw out his own head dart, and the other threw out a condensed eight-point light wheel, each of them had their own unique skills.

The Imperial Stars sensed the power of the five-fold light of Ultra, and they didn't dare to use their bodies to fight it, so they could only choose to avoid it.

In order not to let the Ultra Brothers be a distraction, he even became less inclined to kill the Ultra Brothers.

But now it is different, now it wants to go, but the Ultra brothers will not give him this chance.

Under the condition of insufficient energy, the Ultra brothers desperately stepped forward to create an output opportunity for themselves. Nexus did not hesitate, and directly pulled the bow and arrow.

After accumulating a little bit of power, he aimed at the position of the imperial star, and after it knocked back Zoffy and Seven who were defending together, Nexus seized the opportunity of this moment and directly let go to launch the light arrow go out.

If it was Lan Nai's Light Arrow Storm, it would have been a very fast move.

And now, although Nexus is still Hongnai, because of the Ultra five-layer light, almost at the moment Nexus let go, the multicolored light arrows crossed many distances and hit directly Imperial star.

The power of the light arrow is no small matter, and the power of the five-fold light of the Ultra is not blown up for no reason. The defense of the Imperial Stars was broken in an instant when they were subjected to such an attack, and the light arrow of the five-fold light tore it apart. The superficial defense left a deep scar on his body.

The wounds that passed through his body were only revealed in an instant.

The energy of the light arrow completely penetrated into the body of the imperial starman, causing his inside to tremble like a sky crashing.

"You...you..." Feeling the destructive energy conflict in the body, the light of the Ultra brothers plus the energy of this hateful guy in front of him, the power of the light constructed can even directly explode stars.

Such fivefold rays invade one's body, and the only result is one.

Nexus' timer also started to blink, and releasing this blow was not without cost to him.

But the overall situation has been decided, and the end of the Imperial Stars is at hand.

"Ultra fighters! You...I don't accept it!" Under the strong resentment and hatred, the eyes of the imperial star swept over all the Ultraman present.

Its death has nothing to do with these five guys.

Afterwards, there was a loud bang, the body of the imperial starman swelled and exploded, and the energy of the five layers of light remaining in his body completely exploded, blowing him to pieces.

There was a loud explosion in the universe, like firecrackers resounding throughout the universe.

After the explosion, the black smoke rising slowly is the last remaining of the Imperial Stars. Its unwillingness and resentment are all wrapped in the countless black air, which is the ultimate hatred for the five Ultraman in front of them.

And this long-lasting hatred also attracted a guy from another dimension to come here, and converged the power of this resentment into the world of another dimension.

"Yabo people, you are here, don't you want to say hello?" Although it is hidden in the world of another dimension, Nexus is quite sensitive to spatial changes.

The Yabo people came quietly, but they couldn't hide it from him.

"Huh, the killer weapon of the Kingdom of Light is really powerful. Even the Imperial Stars were killed by your Otto brothers." After being called out, the Yabo people did not intend to hide, but spoke out directly.

Although it hasn't appeared yet, the Otto brothers all know that this guy must be hiding behind the space, in a different-dimensional world.

"Yabo people, you actually appeared outside the Land of Light, on Earth, what are you preparing for!" the first generation gasped, and the flashing of the energy timer became more and more rapid.

Although he wanted to return to the Kingdom of Light now, it was obviously not possible.

"I didn't prepare anything. My goal is the same as yours, for the stars of the Empire." Although the Yabo people are not people who answer questions, they like to explain is a shortcoming that they can't get around: "If you destroy the stars of the Empire, I will Help you completely wipe out the Imperial Stars, so we are allies."

"What nonsense are you talking about? What are you planning!" The Yabo people couldn't believe a single word, and Seven had more reason to believe that this guy wanted to use the remaining grievances of the Imperial Stars to create a powerful super beast .

"Hmph, isn't it good that we each get what we need? With the current strength of your Otto brothers, let's go back to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible." go.

But the Yabo people are right about one thing. Now the Otto brothers are not in a good state, and Nexus is the same.

In this state, even if the Yabo people really want to do something, they are powerless to stop it.

"Go back first, let's think about it in the long run." Sophie understands the priorities of the matter. At present, the Imperial Stars have been wiped out. Dare to act rashly.

Of course, it is also because of the power shown by Nexus, an Ultra fighter who has never had a name in the universe before, that shocks most of the people in the universe.

Even the Ott brothers couldn't figure out why Nexus could withstand their light while being shocked.

"Thank you for your help, Nexus." After Nexus flew in from a distance, Sophie nodded, thanking her very much: "Thanks to you, otherwise I really don't know what will happen Sample."

"We are all Ultra warriors, and we should help each other." Nexus shook his head, not feeling proud of it: "The Imperial Stars were wiped out by the bonds of the Ultra brothers, and they belonged to the Ultra brothers." Light gave it the final blow."

"I just act as a transmitter to release this light."

"No, there is also your light in it, and you are also one of the heroes." Seven stepped forward and patted Nexus on the shoulder: "Do you have any plans to stay in the Kingdom of Light? The Ultra Guard You are really welcome to join us."

Just when Nexus was about to answer, Father Ao's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of all Ao.

"Ultra brothers, Ultraman Nexus, hurry back to the Plasma Spark Tower!"

(End of this chapter)

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