Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 313: The Great Sage

Chapter 313 A word from the great sage, let me eat someone's new form until now
Standing down-to-earth on the ground is much better than floating in the universe. King Gurante's power can be fully utilized.

Nexus turned on the blue youth form, and his strength was much stronger than before.

But this was the first time he encountered such a strong enemy.

Whether King Gurante or Zhou Da, they are not existences that ordinary people can deal with.

The reorganized arm was equipped with a machine gun on the shoulder, and continuous gunfire spewed out, and the fire snake formed a rainstorm and hit Nexus.

Playing the best speed of the blue youth, Nexus turned into a phantom, shuttled between the guns, approached the position in an instant, and came in front of King Gurante.

Gathering powerful light energy with one hand, and lightning flashing on his fist, Nexus aimed at King Gurant's chest and hammered down heavily.

After the actual hit, large swathes of sparks shot out, but to King Gurante, this was only an injury so weak that it wasn't even worth noticing.

The huge body approached forward, forcing Nexus to take a step back with every step. The powerful body was exchanged for powerful strength. With the weight of King Gurante, Nexus could not bear it. living.

"Kill, destroy, and bury the Ultraman in front of you. Our resentment for tens of thousands of years will eventually have a source of release!"

"King Gurante, crush him!"

Obtaining Zhouda's order, King Gurant waved his hands and continued to walk forward while roaring. The huge bull horns flashed with lightning, and the red lightning hit the sky, and then crashed down.

Nexus raised his hand and released the particle razor, hindering the falling of the lightning, and then dodged backflips continuously, avoiding the continuous electric shocks of the lightning.

King Gurant didn't hesitate, and approached Nexus with his steps. His huge body made it possible to leave a deep footprint on the land of the Meta Domain with almost every step.

Nexus popped out the Sword of Storm, and at the same time activated the freezing beam, infusing the freezing beam as energy into the Sword of Storm, making the golden long sword emit blue-white fluorescence at this moment.

The icy air continued to condense and fall on the sword of the storm, and a little cold mist began to gather.

As I said before, because of Dagu's transmission of a bunch of skills, Nexus' originally extremely poor skill list has been greatly expanded.

In addition, it is now in the form of a blue youth, and there are many tricks for the second evolution and the first evolution.

The richer skill table means that there are more things that Nexus can use.

Lifting the Storm Sword, Nexus knew that he only had one chance to strike, and after one blow, the Storm Sword would return to its original appearance, without its current power.

The big hand of Gurant Wang Pufan was inserted into the ground, shaking the ground to form a powerful shock wave and advancing towards Nexus.

Seizing this opportunity, Nexus jumped up on the spot, and he swung the Storm Sword directly in mid-air. The blue-white sword energy roared out, flying condescendingly from above.Wherever they passed along the way, the low temperature caused the water vapor in the air to condense, turning into little ice crystals.

King Gulant didn't dodge or dodge, and the lightning accumulated above his head rushed out directly, smashing the blue and white crescent moon shock wave.

But the powerful freezing air still permeated the surrounding area, covering that area in a very short period of time.

King Gurante was also affected. Although he was not hit directly, the spreading cold inevitably restricted his skills.

In the next moment, the fiery crescent shock wave carried a billowing high temperature, breaking through all the coldness, just like the sun suddenly appeared in front of Pluto.

The high temperature evaporated the ice in an instant, bursting out endless water vapor.

Crescent Blaster - Burning Type.

This inspiration, of course, comes from the Ultra Bomb.

The blazing crescent shock wave hit King Gurante, the interweaving of ice and fire, the external and internal trauma at the same time, made King Gurante's body disorder.


After Nexus’ words fell, the whole body of King Gurant suddenly burst into flames. In the rising flames, his whole body made a crackling sound, and then there was a loud bang, and a huge explosion resounded in the field of Meta , Shaking countless wildernesses around.

Driven by the high-heat explosion energy of the Ultra Bomb, it is added to the Storm Sword and released in the form of a crescent shock wave.

Once hit, the enemy will be destroyed from the inside, and the powerful high-heat blasting energy will be fermented uncontrollably, gradually rising until it explodes completely.

If the Otto bomb is to drag others to explode with him, then Nexus's move is that I will let you explode.

CTM is on fire!
In the hell of ice and fire, the silent bronze-colored metal floated in the air again, and then gathered together, rearranged and combined, and once again formed the body of King Gurante.

The dull eyes were once again wrapped in scarlet red light, King Gurant recovered his functions, stepped out of the hell of ice and fire, and stood in front of Nexus again.

Like an immortal mechanical demon god, returning from hell again, just for revenge.

"The trial of ice and fire is indeed good, but it's only to this extent." Zhou Da's voice sounded again, this time with a bit of dignity, because he didn't expect Nexus to have so many tricks.

"I didn't expect tens of thousands of years to pass, the Kingdom of Light is full of talents, and there will be a strong man like you." When the ancient Ah Legion ruled the universe, the Kingdom of Light was only barely noticeable, not at all. what weather.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, I never thought that this country could grow to the strength it is today.

And it's still a Blue Race!
"The overlord of the universe, the leader of the Gu'a Legion, really lives up to his reputation." Nexus also felt that it was difficult. Why did he always think that King Gurante was more difficult to fight than Zhou Da?

Could this really be an undead monster?

Or is it that my blue youth form has only come out for the third time and I am about to be deflated?

That's too out of line.

I can't just because I mock a certain king who has been stopped every day, I won't be deflated after I finish it.

Or is it all the fault of the great sage who became a king because of his words?
"You have the right to leave your name in Zhou Da's eyes. Report your name, Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light." drop.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The blue phantom was pulled out by the striding figure, and Nexus folded his hands together. Although there was still Guangya Storm who hadn't tried it, Nexus didn't want to be so early. Use nirvana.

Although it seems that there is no other way.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense about Ultraman, look well, the real power of King Gurante will be revealed now!" The layered metal joints of the bronze-colored mechanical body began to emit light, blazing like the sun The scorching energy of normal temperature began to explode.

Seeing this scene, Nexus was even more confused.

Obviously, this is the power furnace in King Gurante's body that is running at high speed, but King Gurante has been blown up twice by him. He didn't find the existence of the power furnace at all. The whole King Gurante is completely together.

Nexus, who knew nothing about this aspect, fell into confusion. King Gurant's strange methods and structures made him question the attack he was going to launch next.

Can those tricks really kill King Gurante?
(End of this chapter)

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