Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 326 The twin sisters are of course double...

Chapter 326 The twin sisters are of course double...

Lisa has a lot to say to Yuanquan, including the scenes of her traveling through the universes during this time.

In fact, Risa is no stranger to Ultra warriors. The red ball has defeated countless Ultra warriors, and forcibly destroyed the world under the hands of these giants of light that were supposed to protect the world.

The source in front of me is such an existence.Although at that time, he was not Ultraman.

Lisa has seen Sai Luo and Di Jia, even the new generation of Objet.

There are all kinds of Ultra fighters called by the red ball.

But there is no doubt that it is the red ball that satisfies the hearts of those who want to be Ultraman.

After being fulfilled and becoming an Ultra warrior, the desire will not stop because of this, but will continue, and continue like this until the whole person is swallowed up.

At that time, even if the wisher was an Ultraman, but he didn't have the corresponding awareness, the so-called Ultraman's power was only to that extent.

Without a heart capable of carrying strength, fundamentally speaking, one is just an ordinary person.

But there are always other people who are not Ultra fighters who rise up and take on the responsibility of protecting the earth.

It's just futile in front of the power of the red ball.

The source is very special, because the red ball has given countless people the similar light of Nexus, but this inherited light rarely has a chance to be passed on.

Only in the world where the source is located, this light was handed over to a qualified warrior, and then through his hand, generations of dedication and hard work began, until all able-bodied people were completely destroyed, before it was passed on. To the last qualified person.

That is the source.

Although the ending of the world's destruction cannot be changed, at the very least, the proof of existence must be preserved.

Let a hope live in other universes as a grave keeper.

Lisa actually has a lot of curiosity about the source, and it is not an easy character to be able to carry that light all the way to the present.

Now that he is standing in front of him, should he...

With her head down, Lisa, who was still thinking about something, was hugged by a pair of strong hands. During the continuous jumping of the latter, she avoided several lasers that were flying towards her.

These rays hit the ground one by one, creating potholes one after another.

Yuanquan frowned and looked forward. At the end of his line of sight, the figure of an alien wearing a philosophy suit holding a charged weapon and turning around was very clear, which also made Nexus understand who the attacker was. .

The golden afro, the extremely artistic leather jacket and the metal spikes on the body, plus the bronze mask and the cable ties on the body.

It's you, the dog (Babar) star!
But it shouldn't be, there is no trace of Babar in the Gauss universe, and it is even more impossible to jump out and shoot him a few times.


"That's the Babar star who was summoned. It seems that it has found an intelligent life full of desires, and it has begun to take revenge on you." Lisa was hugged by Yuanquan, and she had never experienced anything like this before. Although Lisa was still calm, it could be seen from her flushed ears that she didn't care as much as she showed.

"It's impossible for anyone in this universe to know the name and existence of the Babar Stars. Is the red ball a mandatory control?" People on this planet don't know, but the red ball knows, except that the red ball turns the host into a wishing machine. Apart from this possibility, Yuanquan couldn't imagine why Babar appeared here.

"That's right, it has been chased by you for countless universes. Once she gets a heart full of desire, she will definitely take revenge on you as soon as possible." As a peer, Lisa naturally understands the character of the red ball.

If she could really let Yuanquan run free, then she wouldn't be the red ball that was out of control now.

Following Lisa's words, the next moment, a girl with red shoes came out from the corner and stood in front of Yuanquan.

The same red shoes, the same pleated skirt, even the same appearance and hairstyle.

The only difference is that Lisa's aura tends to be flat, and there is neither sadness nor joy in his eyes, but this guy who looks almost exactly like Lisa has his eyes hanging, and his black hair is dancing wildly all over his body. It smelled of riot, and it was quite violent.

"Don't you get off that guy? Are you really trying to kill me? We are one." Risa (I wrote it like this to distinguish, Risa is sane, and Risa is crazy. ) glanced at the source, and the gloomy emotions in his eyes were fully revealed.

The endless hatred for the source, coupled with the existence of Lisa, drove her to stand in front of the source.

But her main target is actually Lisa.

"No, I won't go back, this is the only chance to stop you." Lisa shook her head and said firmly: "I've had enough of this kind of life, I don't want to be coerced by you to become a destroyer again. "

"Risa, you were not like this before, but in order to fulfill your duties, you were swallowed by the gully of desire that cannot be filled, lost control, and buried the real you." Lisa looked at Risha sadly, this It was supposed to be her other half, but now, the two sides have developed to the point where they have to separate their positions.

"Are you kidding me? From the moment we were created, it is our responsibility to satisfy the wishes of human beings." Risa ignored those, but gave the answer that the two sides had been arguing for a long time, which she would give every time .

"Even if the way to satisfy that wish is to bring destruction by violence, is it still at the expense?" Lisa asked.

"That's right, that's our responsibility." Risha nodded firmly, and continued: "I came to this universe because someone made a wish for Ultraman Gauss to die, and that's why I came to this universe." Come."

"In that case, I can't just sit idly by." Hearing that the red ball came to claim Gauss' life, Yuan Quan couldn't sit still.

Are you kidding, you want to kill advanced fusion material?
Who made this wish?
Tamar's can't be the wish made by that little golden man, right?

He finally found out that the mysterious four wanted to appear, and two of them needed Gauss, so he decided to come over and kill Gauss?
Then I know that someone must not let this happen.

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here!"

Risa looked at Yuanquan viciously, although considering her body shape, this expression is more cute.

"It's just a guy who was sent out by chance and survived. Don't think that getting the ability to become an Ultraman is nothing special. I have killed countless Ultra warriors!" As she said that, Risa raised her hand and shook it fiercely in front of her, as if this would make her more sure of the authenticity of her statement.

"Those guys who are doing Ultraman for the first time and wishing to become Ultraman, I think it shouldn't be surprising that they are not your opponents, because they want to meet Ultraman and want to be Ultraman , It’s two different things.” Of course, it’s two different things, the former will transmit an Ultraman with a human body together like Xiao Mian in the theatrical version, while the latter will become an Ultraman himself, which has a completely different meaning.

And this will bring completely different changes to the world.

"So what? You're not alone, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?" Risa raised his head, proud as a swan: "It's just Nexus, every world in the multiverse is possible The Ultra warriors that exist are the most common and common characters."

"Those guys who want to become Ultraman have longed for the light of Nexus, and have made countless wishes for it."

"And they all destroyed the world with them!"

"Where is the light of Nexus, where the alien beast and Zaki must be, this is what they asked for."

Risa snorted coldly: "The only thing I didn't expect was that you could beat Zaki."

"It's unbelievable."

(End of this chapter)

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