Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 328 A man's underwear pattern often reveals his nature

Chapter 328 A man's underwear pattern often reveals his nature

The first monster released by the destroyer on the earth in Gaia's time and space is used to detect the combat power of the earth and exist as a vanguard.

As the first generation of Gob, its strength is very simple, so simple that it is a common type in a monster.

After all, it is not the second and third generation of Gob that have been adjusted and evolved later.

It is the monster Gob, not Ultraman Orb, and the original strongest does not exist at all.

When such a monster enters the Gaussian space-time, it will undoubtedly cause a disaster, because Gob and the monster in the Gaussian universe have completely different characteristics, that is, it does not make sense at all.

The monsters or people in the universe of Gauss can communicate in most cases, and Gauss can also use the Luna form to discourage many things from happening.

Only when he can't persuade him, he doesn't persuade him anymore.

This point, even the Chaos light virus that runs through the entire Altman Gauss TV, has not escaped this setting.

Musashi is even more reckless, turning the great demon king of the universe who destroyed civilizations of multiple planets, under the light of the miraculous full moon, forcibly turning Chaos's body into a golden angel girl, and suddenly became one of his harem.

To be honest, the source of this operation has only been seen in light novels, but I really didn't expect this to appear on Tokusho's set.

But Musashi did it.

Therefore, the src team flew in front of Gob in a black-tech plane, and dramatically popped out two huge boxing gloves, and gave Gob a head-on blow.

This scene, which could be called a joke, seemed outrageous in Yuanquan's eyes, but it really had an effect on Gob.

Gob, who was attacking the hammer continuously with his fists, backed up one after another. He didn't pay attention to his feet when he finished. His left foot tripped over his right foot, and Gob tripped over himself.

Yuanquan covered his face.

Does this work too?
Gobb seemed to feel that it was embarrassing for him to fall down like this, so he quickly got up and waved the sharp blade in his hand, but under the superb piloting skills of the src team, the sharp blade swung through the air one after another without hitting any plane.

Afterwards, Yuanquan saw another thing protruding from the bottom of src's fighter plane, which was a huge horn.

Then, a strong sound wave penetrated Gobu's head and passed through his body, causing Gobu to cover his head and kneel down in pain on the ground. The powerless sharp blade drew traces one after another on the ground.

After all, Gob couldn't bear the disgusting feeling, opened his beast's mouth and vomited directly.

Although the scene was really grassy and Gob vomited spectacularly, Yuanquan couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness while feeling outrageous.

Look at my previous struggles in the Tiga universe, Dagu crashed at every turn, look at Gauss again...

It’s no good, I can’t compare it anymore, I think someone’s blood pressure is really full.

After vomiting, Gob kicked his legs and lay directly on the ground in the urban area, swinging the sharp knife as if saying hello, exuding a beastly aura, lying there without moving.

Gobb: I'm tired, let's destroy it, I designated it as a rest, let whoever wants to destroy it, I just want to lie down.

"Although it's a child's play, but it can protect the earth, no matter what." Yuanquan took a deep breath, decided to ignore these things, and used his brain and wisdom to say such a paragraph with a high EQ.

But looking at Lisa Gujing's unwavering eyes and expression without any ripples, Yuanquan could only maintain an embarrassed smile and turned his head away.

It's hard to get along with three no ones!
If that was the end of the matter, Gobb might have returned to action and walked away dispirited.

After all being treated like this, Gob also lost the tyrannical mind of fighting and destroying.

Of course, it's only if, because in the next second, countless artillery fires will be poured on Gobu's body. The continuous attacks and surging flames will make Gobu's body ache, and violent emotions will flood his head again.

This is not the kind of soft hypnotic attack, but this kind of attack that directly wants its life!
With a roar, under continuous artillery fire, Gobb stood up, pointed his sharp horn at the fighter plane not far away, and launched a flash shot directly.

The golden light bullets attacked continuously, crushing the oncoming fighter jets with intensive attacks, and Gob roared wildly with his two knives in hand.

Once the destruction started, he would follow his instinct and continue to fight like this.

Until everything that can be seen is destroyed.

"That's..." Yuanquan was interrupted by Lisa as soon as he spoke.

"In any world, there are people who think they are doing the right thing. They are immersed in their own world, full of thoughts about how they are and how well they will do, and then immerse themselves in the fantasy they weave." Sha's voice sounded, ethereal and emotionless.

"Even in a time and space like Gauss, there are still people like this."

"That's the proof." Lisa raised her hand, pointing to the fighter plane passing over the roof: "The Earth Defense Force is fulfilling their responsibility to protect the earth."

"The protection of bullshit will only add to the chaos of a group of guys." Yuanquan snorted coldly, even in the original book, the Earth Defense Force will only make trouble, breaking a situation that is not complicated to the point where you must die degree.

To say they are making trouble is to underestimate these guys.

"Are you going to stop it? Gob won't be your opponent." Lisa turned around and looked at Yuanquan standing behind her.

Especially the big underpants, which are extraordinarily attractive.

After all, these big pants are full of pictures of Two-dimensional beautiful girls...

"Gauss entrusted this earth to me, and it is impossible for Gob to cross the universe and come to Gauss' time and space, so I have a reason to make a move." Turning around, he took the evolution trustee on the table, Nexus ran to the balcony and pulled out directly beside Lisa.

In the next moment, a red light rose from the sky, turned into a red ball, and fell condescendingly towards Gob's position.

The red ball hit Gob's body, knocking him down, and the red ball slowly floated down to the ground.

Born in the brilliance is Nexus's huge silver-black body, standing tall on the ground.

Although it is a juvenile body, after the benefits brought by the second evolution and the training of Jonias, Nexus has quite good combat effectiveness even in a juvenile body.

"That is……"

Musashi immediately ran out of the house, stood on the street and stared blankly at the silver-black giant.

"Ultraman...another Ultraman besides Goss Ultraman!"

On this earth full of Ultraman legends, the children who have heard the legends of Ultraman since childhood saw the coming of the legend with their own eyes, and all of them were extremely excited.

Although for Musashi, this is the second time he has seen it.

But seeing it alone is different from seeing it with a group of people.

Now, no one will believe what he said!
Therefore, the moment Nexus appeared, he was startled that the surrounding environment was very strange, especially the place where he was standing was almost occupied by children swarming in.

So much so that the protective nets pulled out by the adults have no effect at all.

Kids can always play around.

Suddenly seeing so many children cheering at his feet, Nexus didn't even dare to lift his feet.

What are you kidding, if you move it, it's okay?
Speaking of which, why are the children in the Gaussian universe so tigers? They really aren’t afraid to drill under Ultraman’s feet!

Nexus was limited by the children's inability to move, but Gob would not be hindered by this. Gob, who threw off his feet, stirred up dust in the sky, trembling with every step, making people look at it and say that it is from Gaia time and space. The monsters that come are real and down-to-earth.

Sensing Gob's change, Nexus had no choice but to switch forms as quickly as possible.

But judging by Gobb's speed and the distance between the two sides, it might be too late.

At the very moment, a pair of iron fists flew from the side and hit Gob's head, turning him over.

This fist descended, and Gob called it familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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