Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 334 The last glory of the Jiazi generation, it's gone! (How to say, I heard that the up

Chapter 334 The last glory of the Jiazi generation is gone! (How should I put it, I heard that the upper limit needs to be updated.
Since I don't have a materialized weapon in my hand, I can't say that I have to play a guest role as Leo and borrow weapons from my enemies.

Thinking of this, Nexus immediately turned his attention to the mechanical sword in Galatron's hand. Although he was about to move now, he wanted to take the knife, but after thinking about Galatron's performance With his powerful fighting power and that inexplicable magic, Nexus always felt that things would not be that simple.

Maybe he just took the sword back and it turned around and stuck in him.

After all, it is not too much to be careful with the enemy's weapons.

Gathering the magic circle again with one hand, only the last four floating cannons flew out from the device behind Galatron.

There are only four left because Galatron did not release all the floating cannons at once, so there are still some remaining.

Feeling troubled, Nexus continuously avoided the floating cannon's attacks at his own speed, and approached Galatron at the same time.

No matter what, he had to fight Galatron in close combat. Even if it was a long-range attack, with that sword, it would be useless to release more energy attacks.

That would only consume one's own energy for no reason, and even make wedding dresses for others.

After approaching Galatron, the floating cannons stopped attacking. Galatron turned the magic circle, and the vertical and horizontal wings were manipulated by Galatron to descend from the sky like a galloping flying sword, forming a circle of swords for protection. layer, keep Nexus out.

Seeing this, Nexus immediately ignited flames all over his body, shining burning brilliance in the dark universe like a galloping meteor, crashing headlong into the sword array.

The sword array was hindered for a moment, but it was only for a moment. Soon, the burning Ultraman broke through the outer protection, broke through the inner circle directly, and approached Galatron.

And Galatron had already prepared a great gift for Nexus to practice.

The tail stood up high, and several magic circles appeared on the left and right sides of the tail, echoing the red energy core on Galatron's chest at the same time.

At the same time, a huge red magic circle appeared on Galatron's chest, echoing the magic circle at the tail, as if communicating.

The red core on the chest was brewing with terrifying light. With the increase of the mysterious power of the magic circle, at the moment Nexus broke through the defense, Galatron no longer accumulated energy and directly launched this attack.

Galatron flash shot.

Not sure if it was magic or science, Nexus dispersed the flames on his body, condensed them on the Nexus armor to release the ripple shield, and blocked Galatron's blow.

The corrugated shield could block it, but Nexus mistakenly ignored his own tolerance limit, and was pushed all the way by Galatron's flash shot, and was blasted out without any surprise.

Flying back all the way, until hundreds of thousands of meters away, Nexus supported the power of Galatron's flash shot and was able to gain a firm foothold.

But even so, his lower body was deeply embedded in the soil, which was the plowed marks he was pushed all the way.

Nexus originally intended to use the Nexus weapon to absorb this energy and make another combo, but he was surprised to find that this red stream of light was completely out of the range he could absorb. The Xers armed forces were unable to absorb any energy from this attack.

But it's impossible, this is clearly an attack released by energy, if it's not energy, then what is the form of expression?
Is it really magic?
But even if it is magic, it also belongs to the category of energy.

Galatron's continuous attack finally dissipated, and Nexus immediately revoked the ripple shield.

Until the end, Galatron's attack still didn't break the shield, and until the end, Nexus didn't receive any energy.

A red magic circle appeared out of thin air, and Galatron's body stepped out of the magic circle, spanning a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, and stood in front of Nexus.

It seemed that Galatron was harmless, but Nexus could clearly see that on its chest, that is, around the red gemstone, there was still a blazing high-temperature uncooled metal sample, and the special lines engraved on its body were not damaged. As bright as ever.

Such a blow was definitely not without consumption for him.

Seizing this opportunity, Nexus flew out of the pit, with his arms outstretched, and the freezing beam was thrown out, covering all the space around Galatron.

The freezing air near absolute zero instantly made a frozen layer appear on the scarlet planet. Galatron's resistance to physical and even energy damage is invincible, but it does not have much damage to such effects Reaction.

The joints of Galatron's body were covered with frost, and the freezing air that penetrated into his body froze its original functions, making its movements extremely sluggish.

The high-temperature metal sleeve on the chest encountered freezing air, and under the simple principle of thermal expansion and contraction, cracks appeared in the metal of Galatron's chest, and the small cracking sound resounded, surrounding the red energy core, spreading to the circle around.

Grasping this rare opportunity, Nexus immediately raised his hand, and began to make a light strike. After accumulating enough light energy, the ultimate light-torrent rushed out in a flash, carrying an unparalleled The strong pressure hit Galatron's core.

The light lasted for two seconds, Nexus canceled the light, launched Mach to move to the front of Galatron,

What he has to do is to capture Galatron's mechanical greatsword.

Enemies hit by the ultimate ray-torrent will eventually be killed, but whether Galatron will die because of this, Nexus really has no idea.

The red core flows with a unique light, flickering, after being hit by the ultimate light-torrent, Galatron's core is in such a state, neither unsealed nor counterattacked, but seems to have fallen into a downtime state.

Nexus successfully captured the mechanical greatsword, but the weight of the sword was beyond his imagination, and it took a lot of effort. Nexus lifted the sword and chopped it off with difficulty.

The Storm Sword is integrated into the mechanical greatsword. The unique structure and its own ability allow this mechanical greatsword to perfectly accommodate the power of Nexus.

The specific performance is that the blade of the mechanical great sword emits a golden light, and then suddenly stretches out an extra golden blade, making this mechanical great sword look like a golden sword.

Raising energy, slashing vertically, using all the strength of the whole body to instill into this blow, the moment of giving it all, the golden sword draws a bright light under the crimson Martian sky,

Although it is fleeting, it is so unforgettable.

The golden greatsword slashed at Galatron's body. Although the blade didn't cut through, it caused terrible damage.

Galatron's body released a powerful light, which burst out from the inside of the body, with a piercing quality of intense light.

Seeing that Nexus was wrong, he didn't even take the sword, let go of his hand and ran back quickly,

In the next moment, the energy core in Galatron's chest exploded, and a huge sound wave swept across the entire Mars. The rumbling explosion shook the surface, and the powerful shock wave shattered the rocky ground of Mars.

The wreckage of the mechanical greatsword was carried by the air waves and flew out, slantingly inserted on the ground, and the countless scattered metal fragments showed what happened to Galatron.

Nexus fell slowly from the sky and stood on the solid land of Mars.

"Why is it completely different from the original work, Galatron, no, what happened to Gilbaris?" An unknown terror that escaped his control made Nexus' heart silent,

What the hell is going on in the future?
From the change of Tartarus, to the abnormality of Galatron, to the inexplicably extra owner of the red ball,

The development of the incident was completely out of Nexus' imagination.

And he himself is just a small part of this surging tide.

He even felt that with his current strength, he might just be a pawn.

(End of this chapter)

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