Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 337 It is indeed a skill that Baltan can avoid all correct choices...

Chapter 337 Baltan's ability to evade all correct choices is indeed a skill...

Baltan shook his head and woke up, the burning pain in his chest made him not want to move immediately.

The crimson sword aura descended, even causing it a nightmare.

After waking up, Baltan thought that he would be captured by the mechanical lifeform and bound to the operating table, and then his body would be filled with pipes.

Even a little too much, there may be missing arms and legs.

Thinking of such a scene, Baltan shuddered, even quite frightened.

It's nice to open your eyes and see something other than blazing white lights.

Heaving a sigh of relief silently in his heart, the Baltan star looked at the ordinary to the extreme ceiling, and wanted to get up, but he was surprised that he couldn't get up at all, because its hands and feet were completely locked.

After realizing this, Baltan smiled dismissively.

I, Baltan, am a cosmic ninja. What kind of storms and waves have I never seen?

With this mere restraint, can it be difficult for me, the cosmic ninja Baltan?

What a joke!I actually didn't know for a while who you were underestimating.

Baltan smiled coldly, the two pincers began to shrink, and even the whole body shrank.

The so-called confinement is just tying yourself up. When you shrink down, don't you still want to leave?
Baltan was full of complacency, even though it didn't know where it was yet, as long as it was out of trouble, it would be easy to say anything.

Then, Baltan became smaller and smaller, but he still couldn't feel the feeling of breaking free, as if it was getting smaller, and the shackles that locked its hands and feet were also getting smaller together.

Baltan:? ? ?

Baltan, who didn't believe in evil, decided to do the opposite, and prepared to use his gigantic figure to forcefully burst the shackles, but he was surprised to find that it couldn't do this, as if it had shrunk now, only It can maintain its current size, no matter how hard it struggles, it can't return to its original appearance.

What the fuck?

What's this?
"Don't struggle, it won't change much." A faint male voice sounded, and Baltan felt his head was being caressed by a pair of big hands, rubbing it violently.

"Is this the lobster head? It feels a bit rough, not so easy to touch." While stroking the crayfish's head, the man said seriously.

"Which ignorant guy dares to touch my head?" The crayfish was extremely angry. If it wasn't for its own pincers being locked, it would definitely let the other party know about the lobster pincers...

"Oh, it's me, don't you know me?" A head protruded from the front of Baltan's head, which was exactly what the source looked like.

Of course, with their eyes facing each other, in Baltan's eyes, the head in front of him was not a human head, but the Ultraman's head with milky white eyes.

"You you you! You stay away from me!"

Seeing that the head of this Ultraman was so close to him, and his eyes were still facing each other, all the scenes of Gauss beating it violently appeared in Baltan's head, and it was so horrified. struggling.

I, Baltan, really believed in Nima's evil. Which wisdom in the universe said that Gauss is gentle and kind?
The best thing is that I really believe it!
How could I, Baltan, believe the rumors of you guys, it really killed me.

"You Ultraman, why did you arrest me? What do you want to do?" Frightened, Baltan also began to ask why.

As a great and upright Ultra warrior, you can't do this kind of thing that takes captives and tortures them physically and mentally.

No, you shouldn't even do things like arresting people!
"It's nothing, such a huge body fell in the ruins, it's very eye-catching, if you don't want to be captured and lose arms and legs, you have to thank me." Yuanquan clapped his hands, and these words bound the Baltan star The bed turned over immediately, allowing Baltan to see clearly what was happening in front of him upright.

Besides the Ultraman who was clearly visible to him, Baltan also saw a little girl with a cold face, holding a scalpel in one hand and tweezers in the other.

Although she didn't say a word, she was actually more threatening.

Because in Baltan's eyes, this little girl is neither human, nor Ultraman, nor an alien, but just a little girl.

Conceptually, Buddha only gives people the impression that he is a little girl.

"You're quite cooperative." Looking at Baltan, which has become almost five or six meters tall, Yuanquan patted its feet, and said with satisfaction: "It's not in vain. I personally made a wish and prepared the shackles for you."

"What the hell did you use, what kind of weird method did you use!" Baltan had never heard of a restraint device that could shrink with him and restrain him from growing bigger, and he had never heard of such a thing in the entire universe.

"Oh, this isn't mine, it's hers." Pointing to Lisa behind him, Yuanquan said nonchalantly, "I'm not a devil after all, I just thought you might not be too calm when you wake up, so At once……"

Baltan: ...

"After I was defeated by that mechanical monster, you won't win, right?" Baltan may have accepted his fate, after all, it can live, and this Ultraman is still alive, which means that the mechanical monster was wiped out by Ultraman .

Think about a mechanical monster that can kill itself with one punch, and then be defeated by the Ultraman in front of you.

In other words, I'm afraid I won't even be able to resist a punch, and I will die suddenly.

Baltan is not blind to the situation, of course he understands that he should be more cowardly at this time.

"Okay, I know what you are worried about. Your children are not dead. I used the Meta Field to protect them at the last moment. If you want to meet, I can open the Meta Field and let them Come out." Although it was correct to say so, Yuanquan had no intention of letting Baltan down at all.

"Really? You can do such a thing?" Baltan's eyes lit up. The meaning of its existence is to find a piece of paradise for those children. If there are no children, there is no point in conquering the earth.

"If what you said is true, I am willing to give up the invasion of the earth and take my children to find other homes." Baltan promised the Ultra warrior in front of him.

At the moment when the Star of Baltan exploded, he finally understood what was most important to him.

"To search, or to invade?" Yuanquan hadn't spoken yet, but Lisa was the first to ask, stepping forward with a knife.

Looking at the girl in this pose, Baltan was silent for a while, and then he sneered: "Yes, our planet has been blown up, and if we want to navigate in the universe, little Baltans can't bear the harmful rays of the universe at all." Strength, will die one after another, that is also unacceptable to me."

"The earth seems to be the only choice, but I also understand that Ultraman will not let me stay on the earth, not only you, but even Gauss." Baltan looked at the source, that is, Naik Seth Altman.

"My only chance is to wait here for the arrival of Planet Juran."

"Planet Juran, that miraculous gem of life in the universe?" When Baltan mentioned Planet Juran, Yuanquan immediately understood.

After all, that is the place where Gauss Musashi will live in the future, and it is also the place where he and his harem live in seclusion...

So from this point of view, it's better for you, Baltan, not to think about planet Juran...

(End of this chapter)

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