Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 339 The first famous name, destroyed in one day

Chapter 339 The famous name of the first generation is destroyed once

Hey, wait, why am I running here?

In the process of running rapidly, Yuanquan suddenly stopped, frowning and thinking about what he had done.

Speaking of which, where is this place, and how did I run so fast?
The speed suddenly stagnated, and Yuanquan stayed where he was, puzzled. He couldn't figure out why he ran, and he couldn't figure out why he was here.

Another very important thing is what I originally wanted to do.


The confused source glanced at the strange and unknown creature emitting pink gas above his head, but couldn't remember what it was for a while.

He always felt as if he had forgotten something, but he felt that he was indeed normal.

There is a very weird sense of tearing.

Especially after the very weird guy fell from the sky, it exacerbated his confusion.

What is this?
The cosmic monster cat stared at the source for a long time, and confirmed that this guy was like the guys it met before. After losing his memory inexplicably, he slapped the ground with his tentacles dissatisfied, making scratches one after another.

Why no matter what kind of life will become like this when it meets me?

The cosmic monster cat couldn't think of the reason, but it was very dissatisfied, so it turned its head and prepared to float away.

Seeing the strange thing floating away, Yuanquan scratched his head and walked away with full of doubts.

He didn't know what he was going to do, not just where he was going, but in his confusion, the only thing he could do was go shopping.

Maybe I can remember it after walking around?
The evolution trustee in his arms lost its radiance, and became dim after losing his memory at the source, like... like a forgotten work that was not remembered by people.


"What on earth are you going to do? You want me to pretend to be a human being. Don't you know that it's uncomfortable for me? Besides, we don't know each other well!" Baltan tugged on his clothes in dissatisfaction, very awkward.

Mimicry becomes a human being, which is equivalent to restraining one's own nature.

I am used to running around the streets with pliers in hand, but now I have to be restrained under such a pair of skins. If I can get used to it, it will be a ghost.

"That guy has forgotten his identity now, and I'm afraid he has wandered aimlessly on the street." Lisa and Lisha are one body. As the same body of the red ball, she can also perceive what Risha summoned. This kind of existence came into this world.

So Lisa knew that the strange cat in the universe had arrived, and had even come face to face with the source.

Then, if the source is not guaranteed, then...

"Are you kidding me? As an Ultra warrior, he would be so easy to be tricked? I think you are just doing nothing." How can Ultraman be an easy person who can defeat that terrifying mechanical demon god Ultraman?You said that someone in this world could kill him silently, I don't believe it at all.

I, Baltan, am by no means an ordinary person. If that Ultraman was defeated silently, wouldn't that mean that I, Baltan, would be stared to death by a single stare? !
"It's not impossible to be defeated, but sometimes, some existences are inherently more difficult to deal with." Of course, Lisa knows the origin of the strange cat in the universe, and even knows the story of Ultraman Max.

Max can get through the entire Max TV in one form, and he is already worthy of the name of the fastest and strongest.

After all, the gadgets in there are all outrageous.

This has nothing to do with strength, or how firm a person's beliefs are, but the existence of Maxley, who just doesn't reason with you.

So what can be done?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can I, Baltan, exist? How could it be possible..." A hand was drawn across his face, and Baltan was full of arrogance and pride: "I am the strongest Baltan in the universe, and I lost to that machine The demon god is already an accident, let alone exists above me?"

"I'm just dead. I was beaten to death by Ultraman Gauss himself, and I was driven out of the earth from here. I don't think he..." Baltan's extremely arrogant attitude attracted a very curious existence, the cosmic monster cat It descended from the sky, carrying pink gas, infecting the entire street in an instant.

The cosmic monster cat leaned in front of Baltan and took a look. Seeing the latter's blank eyes, the cosmic monster cat became angry and slapped Baltan a few times in dissatisfaction, and then walked away.

Maybe in the eyes of the strange cat in the universe, these guys who are always in a daze are simply a group of wicked people.

"Huh? What did I just want to say? Speaking of which, who are you and who am I?" After the cosmic monster cat left, a confused expression appeared on the face of Baltan's imitation human: "What was I going to do before?" ?”

"You are Baltan, a human being." The faint voice resounded around Baltan, and Baltan, who had forgotten something very important, followed the voice and saw Risha beside him.

"You are..." Frowning and thinking for a long time, Baltan showed a distressed expression in a very humane way. After thinking for a long time, he said with some uncertainty: "Is it my daughter?"

Lisa: ...

The front foot said swearingly, but the back foot still forgot about myself!
"I'm your older sister and you are my younger brother. Let's go out together to find our guardian, a stupid superman named Yuanquan." Although San Wu was still San Wu, Lisa still showed a trace of unnaturalness on her face.

Although she is indeed older than Baltan...

"Sister? Are you deceiving me? How can there be such a thing that my sister is still so young, but my brother has grown up?" Baltan said that he was not so easy to be fooled, and it was full of vigilance and pointed at its own wit. Thumbs up.

"Don't compare your age by height. If you're not my younger brother, why would I speak out to explain you?" Lisa said.

Although there is no connection between the two, the trick is to make people feel that there is a relationship between the two, so that the other party can be brought into the pit.

"...That's right." Fumbling his chin, Baltan's frowning brows gradually loosened, and his jaws no longer twisted together.

"Then sister, now we have found what we were looking for...what we were looking for...who are we looking for?"

After succeeding in fooling around, Lisa, who was in a good mood, unconsciously spoke a little briskly: "Find a guy named Yuanquan."

"Oh, Yuanquan... that's right, it's him! Then why are we looking for him, sister?" As he said that, Baltan was eager to try, because he had forgotten a lot of things, and now he really regarded himself as a human being.

And humans...

"Find it first, then talk about it." Unexpectedly, after becoming a human, Baltan's courage has grown a lot.

But that's fine too. Compared with a Baltan who thinks for himself, a Baltan who forgets things is more conducive to manipulation.

However, in the next second, Lisa felt that it would be better for Baltan not to lose his memory.

A car of bread men rushed out suddenly... A van man dived down, surrounded Lisa and Baltan with weapons in their hands, and aimed at them with high-end weapons.

Finally, a middle-aged man wearing a land military uniform and sunglasses stepped out of the van and walked towards Lisa with a confident smile.

Lisa's eyes also reflected this guy's face, and the strong desire produced from him almost condensed into a solid body, which was particularly dazzling in Lisa's eyes.

Almost instantly, Lisa knew the identity of this guy.

 I couldn't find the name of the leader of the defense force who was the first strike force of the sun and the moon.

  I thought about it, or just call him Hijikata Nohiro.

  This name has no other meaning or meaning, it is purely a random idea...

(End of this chapter)

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