Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 343 - The First Generation Ultimate Lifeform

Chapter 343 The First Generation of Ultimate Life Forms - Lebrando Stars
After telling their parents what happened on the way home, Haruno Yujiro and Haruno Mitsuko couldn't figure out what happened, so they could only treat it as an accident.

Just what kind of accident would such a thing happen?

In the middle of the night, lying on the bed in the grocery store, looking at the moonlight projected from the window, Yuanquan looked at the sky with his eyes, and was in a daze.

"What kind of person was I before?"

He lived in Musashi's house for about five or six days, and during these five or six days, he tried to find his past several times, but all of them were in vain, and he had no clue at all.

Coupled with the scene seen today, Yuanquan was even more suspicious.

He was very sure that the girl at that time said the five words Ultraman Goss to Musashi. In other words, in the eyes of that girl, Musashi was Ultraman Goss.

And already know what kind of source Ultraman is, but I can't believe that Musashi is the shock brought by Gauss.

How could such a huge giant be Musashi?
Especially the gaze that the girl focused on at the end of her disappearance made Yuanquan very sure that she knew herself.

But I have no impression of this girl at all.

The betting moonlight dimmed for a moment, and a strange cosmic cat flew across the sky, whistling in a very happy flying posture, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

The cosmic strange cat living happily has no idea what impact it has had on the world, and during this period of time, how many people with amnesia appeared in various countries throughout the earth.

Just after the cosmic monster cat flew by, a crack suddenly appeared in the moonlit sky. The crack was very faint, but even if it was only a little bit, it represented the red ball that had left and was about to carry it with it. A powerful enemy, a harbinger of another return.

Yuanquan closed his eyes and sank into a dream.

In the early morning of the next day, Yuanquan was woken up by a hasty knock on the door. With sleepy eyes, he opened the door, and then countless rough men rushed in, like catching ghosts, and directly grabbed Yuanquan. Hold on to the table.

Then several heavily armed guys tied up the source and dragged it out.

Although he hasn't figured out what's going on, Yuanquan wants to resist subconsciously. These constraints on his body are not a problem for him, and even when he is struggling, he has already broken free from the constraints.

It's just that the special sound waves that suddenly sounded rushed into his mind, which immediately weakened his resistance, and the whole person fell back into sleep.

They were tied up and stuffed into the armored vehicle. Not only Yuanquan, but even the Musashi family, including Yujiro Haruno, were all arrested.

These heavily armed guys with guns didn't say a word, they got up early in the morning, arrested people and left.

And their goal is also very clear, that is, close to the headquarters building of the Earth Defense Force in the coastal area.

Last night, they received an order from their boss, asking them to arrest Haruno Musashi's family and four people including Yuanquan to the ground headquarters.

And they quickly carried out this order, especially when they returned to the ground headquarters, they escorted the members of the Haruno family's defense team, carrying Yuanquan who was still unconscious, into the ground headquarters.

The occurrence of this scene made Musashi feel a little scared, and subconsciously clenched the Gauss pyroxene in his hand, as if this could bring him a little comfort.

"Don't worry, Musashi, it will be fine, Dad assures you." Yujiro stroked Musashi's head, and the firmness revealed in his words made Musashi feel scared.

When he was young, his biological father boarded the spaceship with such a tone, and has never returned since then.

When they came to a gate, the escorting team members handed the source to Haruno Yujiro, and then retreated, handing over the scene to their leader.

"Come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time." The voice from inside the house made Haruno Yujiro make up his mind, and he walked in with his wife and children behind his back.

Immediately, he saw the leader of the Earth Defense Force, Earth Defense Force, who was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and waiting for them.

"What are you trying to do by arresting us here?!" Breaking in early in the morning, if it wasn't for those guys with guns, Yujiro would have started to fight back.

But even so, he didn't have the slightest liking for the members of the Earth Defense Force.

"Of course you have what I need in your hands." Putting down Erlang's legs, Hijikata stood up, set his eyes on Musashi, and stretched out his hand directly: "Bring it, Ultraman Gauss something for you."

"You and I will not give it to you!" Although he was surprised why this villain would know the existence of Ultraman Goss, but if he wanted to snatch the token left by Ultraman Goss, Musashi would never let him do so.

"Ultraman Goss, how long you have to hide on Musashi, you should know, your last chance is only now." The girl sitting on the swivel chair turned the chair, facing the Haruno family, especially the His eyes were on Musashi and the sleeping guy.

"It's such a pity, is this Ultraman Nexus? After all, it is still no match for the power of the cosmic monster cat." Snapping her fingers, the girl smiled at the corner of her mouth, and released the control of the source, allowing him to Waking up from sleep.

"Ultraman Nexus? Ultraman Goss? What the hell are you talking about?!" Yujiro dared not look at this girl with the eyes of a child. From her body, Yujiro could feel the extraordinary horror aura.

That's not something a girl about Musashi's age can have.

"Of course it's about your child, and the man you adopted. Their names in the universe can be said to be famous." As he said, Risa opened his hands, as if he wanted to hug Musashi, and Musashi hurriedly Hiding behind Haruno Mitsuko.

"Well, it doesn't matter, Ultraman Gauss, if you don't stop me here, then you have no chance." No longer concealing it, the red light suddenly emitted from the sky swept across the entire earth, as if it was the second sun The crimson light enveloped this peaceful city, this peaceful earth.

Just like what the red ball does in other worlds.

In the next moment, cracks began to appear in the red sky, and the cracks cast colors like the Northern Lights in the cracks, which was psychedelic and dangerous.

"I'd like to see how different this universe is!" The voice resounding throughout the earth seemed to resound in everyone's minds, causing people on the earth to raise their heads and look at the sky involuntarily.

Looking at the ultimate life form that transcends the universe, time, and this era from the shattered space crack.

It can be seen that although Lebrondo didn't realize who was blocking an existence outside the universe, the powerful force of the other party made Lebrondo understand that the other party must not want it to come to this universe.

Then, it just wanted to come and have a look!
(End of this chapter)

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