Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 345 Baltan: Come on!Help!

Chapter 345 Baltan: Come on!Help!

Lebrondo subconsciously wanted to use the omniscience and omnipotence ability to get the information of the Ultra warrior in front of him, but after activating it, he could not get any feedback at all, so it felt wrong.

Even in a different world, when he first wanted to activate this ability, it shouldn't be that there was no feedback at all.

Unless there is some great existence in this universe that prohibits it from using this ability.

But after traveling across the universe for many years, Lebrondo has seen countless powerful existences. Even the civilization that blocked it from the universe before, Lebrondo has a rough guess.

But in this universe, what else is there?
What kind of existence can restrain its power?

Omniscient and omnipotent cannot be used, and Lebrondo will not be able to know the name and ability of the Ultra warrior in front of him. Although it is somewhat uncomfortable to fight in a state of not knowing anything, it does not feel that it will lose.

Lost to Ultraman?
What is there to be afraid of this kind of light life body that only appears after his death, this kind of organization that dominates the universe after his death?

The appearance of Justis brought a glimmer of hope to the people who were struggling to escape. As long as Ultraman comes, it cannot be said that the world will be destroyed.

Even if this is already the third Ultraman that has appeared.

"According to the will of the justice of the universe Dracion, life from another world, this is not a place for you to stay for long, return to your world immediately!"

A hand stretched out to point at Rebrando, Justis's voice was very gentle, because it was originally a female human body, although Justis turned into a man after transforming, but in fact...

"It's a joke, just talk and go, I, Lebrondo, am such a casual cosmic man?" Reblondo waved his hand, and refused straightforwardly: "From now on, this universe will also be under my command." part of the dominion and become my domain."

"And in my territory, there is no need for life facing me, and there is no need for the existence of Ultraman." Lebrondo raised his hand and dropped it. This time, what appeared was a continuous energy throwing knife. Combining them into arrayed spells, they roared towards Justis.

Justis threw out with one hand, and the diamond-shaped cursor was released from the palm of his hand, scattering Lebrondo's attack.

Justis didn't wait for the slightest, and stepped forward, intending to drag Lebrondo into the field of fighting that he was best at.

However, as the king of monsters, Lebrondo controls countless monsters, and his abilities often come from the monsters under his command that are controlled by him.

Therefore, when Justis was about to approach, Rebrando's body suddenly disappeared on the spot, and appeared behind Justis in the next second, and the one-megadegree fireballs popped out with one hand hit Jess one after another. Tice's back, knocking Jestis forward and almost knocked him to the ground.

After the attack was over, Rebrondo crossed his hands in front of his chest, and the huge and far superior telekinetic power covered the entire field in an instant. Even Justis, under the suppression of such a heavy telekinetic power, It was also difficult to make resistance movements, and was even nailed to the spot, unable to move.

In the building of the Earth Defense Force, a part of the entire building has been destroyed by Lebrondo's one-megadegree fireball, and the dumped rubble and ruins have caused very serious damage. It is impossible for Yuanquan and Yujiro to beat the earthwork hand in hand. Uninterrupted, thereby leaving that dangerous zone.

Especially Musashi and Risa, in order to save the two children, Yuanquan and Yujiro came out of danger, holding the hands of Musashi and Risa and preparing to leave.

But it is a pity that good luck will not only favor one person, and the wall that collapsed again is about to tilt, suppressing everyone present.

At the very moment, it was Yuanquan who stood up and forcibly used his body as a support point to resist the falling wall.

This was not an easy matter for him, the wall mixed with steel bars was very strong, and Yuanquan gritted his teeth to barely support it.

"Brother Yuan!"

Musashi saw what Genquan did through the arms between his parents lying on top of him, and shouted on the spot.

"Musashi... take them away quickly..." It was already extremely difficult to say a word. Although Yuanquan lost his memory, he hadn't lost his strength yet.

With a roar, the free hand punched the wall, and the huge kinetic energy brought extreme damage. With just one punch, the entire wall was shattered into debris, and the bits and pieces fell to the ground. gravel.

Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Yuanquan didn't have any intention of explaining, but picked up Risa and ran out directly.

Although wondering why Yuanquan would be so inhuman, it is clear that leaving here is the most important thing now, so Yujiro suppressed his doubts and ran behind Yuanquan with his wife and children.

"Hey! Those over there! Help!"

In the process of fleeing for their lives, there was such a shout suddenly. Everyone followed the reputation and found a man who was tied to the bed. Can you see the sole of the big foot clearly through the collapsed wall?

At this moment, he is calling for help.

Yujiro will not ignore this, and immediately prepares to rush forward to save people.

But the one who was faster than him was Yuanquan. He strode over and grabbed the belts, and tore them to shreds with great force. Yuanquan carried the opponent and joined the running team.

A group of people rushed out of the building with difficulty in the process of falling gravel and electric sparks, and came to the square of the Earth Defense Force.

And the moment they first appeared, Justis flew over their heads, crushing down a lot of houses and being covered in the ruins.

"Is that all? Ultraman!"

Lebron stepped forward, ignoring the few humans on the ground, and went straight to Justis.

"Musashi, go." Yujiro supported Haruno Mitsuko, looked at the huge Mercedes-Benz existence, and finally said: "Didn't you say that you made an agreement with Ultraman Goss, and he gave you Is it a token?"

"Go, Musashi, go and call him out." Yujiro hugged Haruno Mitsuko tightly, and both parents looked at Musashi together, giving the boy the courage to move forward.

"Father...Mom..." Musashi looked at his parents in a daze, and at the same time unfolded the Gaussite that he had been holding tightly in his palm.

Altman Gauss, who has not been given any chance of winning, will respond to him at this time?
Musashi didn't know, but with the expectation of his parents, he decided to do it.

He wants to see Ultraman Goss again, and he also wants to see Ultraman Goss!
The heart of hope calls for miracles, and idealism is the basic setting of Ultraman. When the light of Musashi's mind shines, Gaussian pyroxene also gives corresponding feedback.

The golden light mixed with blue began to emerge, and continued to emit warm light in the palm of Musashi.

As if he knew it without a teacher, Musashi raised his hand and lifted the Gaussian pyroxene.

Accompanied by the ascension of the pyroxene, the blue light turned into a gentle brave man, and a huge body emerged from the radiance. The gentle light that emanated from him made Gauss seem like a god.

Under the call of the brilliance of the youth's heart, the blue hero finally stands on the earth again.

Correspondingly, after the appearance of Gauss, the evolution trustee in Yuanquan's pocket also began to shine.

It's as if the fusion material that can replace everything has finally appeared in the synthesis formula for opening the large size.

This light attracted Lebrondo's attention, but the existence of Gauss interfered with its judgment, making it think that the light that attracted its attention came from Gauss.

...Although to some extent, it is true.

"Another Ultraman? Oh...it's you, hiding on that child." Lebrondo had seen Gauss, but only from Musashi.

It also thought that this Ultraman would always hide silently like this.

Now that this one has appeared, what about the Ultraman?Not yet?
Thinking of this, Lebrondo immediately cast his eyes on Yuanquan.

So it took me for granted that I saw the person who was running happily for his life with the little girl in his arms, and the trembling trunk of a tree... the Baltan star.

Lebrondo: ? ? ? ?

What kind of human delusion is this?
Are you two guys a little out of sorts?

An Ultraman doesn't do Ultraman's job, let it run for his life.

A cosmic ninja did nothing, hugged the tree and shook violently.

You are too much, Baltan.

Why, both of your hands are strangled into the tree trunk!
(End of this chapter)

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