Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 352 I'm still on the road of stacking boxes

Chapter 352 I'm still on the road of stacking boxes
Flicking across the split timeline with one hand, Reggado re-merged it into the normal timeline.

It can be separated, and naturally it can also be combined.

For Reggado, this is just a casual thing.

The timeline returned to normal, which also caused Gaussian space-time to continue to follow the original history. The so-called red balls that appeared, the so-called LeBrondo, are all illusory illusions for Gaussian universe.

Everyone thought it would be a dream, everyone thought it was just an illusion, and no one would take it seriously.

Reggado didn't erase everyone's memory, it just blocked their cognition.

Compared with simply erasing memory, this method is more sophisticated and gentler.

It stands to reason that after Reggado finished the battle, he should unfuse and return to the images of Gauss and Justis.

This is the characteristic of Reggado in the original book, just like a certain duel king game, Reggado can only be fusion summoned in this round and exists on the field for one round, after the end of the round, the transformation will be released and Gauss will be re-formed and Justis.

Savior Dragon and Tamashi praised this feature and expressed their understanding.

But this time is different, after eliminating Lebrondo and restoring the timeline, Lebrondo turned around and set his sights on Nexus.

Looking at the blue warrior, Reggado was speechless, as if he had something to say, but he couldn't say it at this moment.

"The legend sung by the universe - Ultraman Regedo." Nexus murmured and repeated the name of Regedo. This noble and mysterious legendary warrior was standing in front of him now.

One of the four mysteries.

Unlike the kingly old man like King Ao, the cosmic order and justice represented by Reggado, whose name is the long distance of the legend, will only give people the illusion that he came from another era.

Reggado didn't say anything, but slowly stretched out his hand, and the light scattered in the palm formed light particles similar to the light waves of the moon god, and slowly flowed into Nexus' body.

At the same time, on Nexus' wrist, where the bracelet was, a white gemstone was lit up, and the burst of light shone on Nexus' wrist.

Although the light was faint, it was as stubborn as a grass, and it would not go out easily no matter what.

Feeling that the exhausted energy in his body was replenished, Nexus just wanted to say something, and then he felt that the style of the bracelet changed.

From a bracelet full of mechanical styles, it has become a blue-gold bracelet with a mysterious side depicting a mysterious pattern.

The gemstone filled with the light of Reggado came to the most central position and became the center point of the entire bracelet, shining with extraordinary brilliance.

"This is." The ample light brought extraordinary power, and he raised his hand, stroking the brilliance of the gemstone. Nexus didn't know what effect the current changes in the bracelet gave him.

But why did Reggado do this, why did he give him this thing?
Or did Reggado also see something from the future, so he gave him this power?
Nexus is very clear about what the power on his bracelet represents. Among the new generation of Ultra fighters, only Ultraman Geed has the capsule of the King of Ultra, and obtained the emperor's form with it, which is very powerful.

And that powerful Zunhuang is just a small part of the power of King Ultra.

If the capsule of the King of Ultra can be called unique, then the power of Reggado is only in his hands right now.

"Leggedo, why?" He was about to ask, full of doubts, but Leggedo had already re-differentiated into two individuals in a flash of light, and Nexus did not give Nexus a chance to clarify his doubts.

Looking at Justis and Gauss standing side by side in front of him, Nexus could only suppress the doubts in his heart and lowered his arms.

The power of Reggie. It is not necessary to use this power when you want to become Noah, right?

That's impossible...

What is the relationship between the power of Regedo and the evolution of Nexus to Noah?
There is absolutely no similarity between the two.

Or is it that the relationship between the two is like Ultraman Noah condensing the light of the entire universe, turning it into a Palaji bracelet and handing it to Sailo, and Sailo obtained the light of Gauss and Dyna through this, and successfully merged into Ultraman Saiga.

Could it be that his future will also lead to such an ending?

Nexus is well aware of his power as Nexus.

But how strong Noah is, just like he can't speculate on Reggado and Ao Wang at all, he can't speculate on the power of Ultraman Noah.

The transformation was canceled, and the source fell to the ground.

Although Rebrondo has been resolved, there is still a big problem that needs to be resolved.

Gauss crouched down and slowly projected a small boy from his timer.

Musashi, who was holding the red ball, turned around and stared at Gauss' face so close at hand, probably in a daze of shock.

"Musashi, you really did it." Lisa came from the side and stood side by side with Musashi. Her eyes stayed on Yuanquan for a moment, and then turned to Musashi.

"I don't know what I did, I'm just Risa, you did all of this, right?" Musashi scratched his head, not a bit conscious of what he had done, in fact he didn't feel himself What have you done.

Making a wish on the red ball is just the power of the red ball.

"Musashi, now you are the owner of the red ball." Lisa looked at Musashi in a daze, and there was a trace of anticipation in her eyes without emotion at this moment.

"You should know how to do it."

"If the red ball continues to exist, sooner or later it will be filled with desire again. At that time, she will just repeat what she has been doing all along." Standing behind Gauss, Justis directly conveyed own meaning.

"Human... No, Gauss, only you among us have that ability."

Justis called Musashi Goss, but in fact he also recognized Musashi's identity and thought he was Ultraman Goss.

"If I make a wish, Lisa, will you disappear?" Standing in front of Musashi were Lisa, Gauss, and Justis.

On the other side not far away, Yuanquan also walked slowly and stood beside Musashi.

Those who have personally experienced this battle to save the world are here, waiting for Musashi's choice.


Lisa nodded, answering without a moment's hesitation.

"Then I... don't I have it." Although Musashi is still young now, the essence of Aquaman doesn't care about age.

Lisa is already in front of him, can Musashi make the duck he got run away?

"If you can't decide for a long time, let me make the choice for you!" Such a voice suddenly appeared in this sensational atmosphere, which really disrupted the atmosphere.

Everyone who followed the sound and looked over saw Lisha standing in the ruins with his palms raised to the sky.

So you didn't disappear!
"The deal is done, the matter has become a settlement, what do you want to do now?" Justis asked sharply: "There is no machine that can provide you with a wish!"

"Really? That's not necessarily the case!" Lisha's smile was very strange, it was a triumphant smile that had won the final victory: "Did you forget something!"

"Not good!" Gauss woke up suddenly. There was a non-human existence among them. At the moment when the cosmic monster cat was blown away, that guy should have recovered his memory.

"That's right!"

As Lisha's words fell, the controlled Baltan star maintained a human posture and stood up from the ground unsteadily: "You forgot him, but I haven't!"

"Thanks to him still not regaining consciousness, he gave me a chance!"

"Since Reggado has already appeared, then I will use up all the last remaining power, and it will be the object I want to summon!" In the madness, Risa's eyes widened, and she shouted together with the Baltan starlings under her control The name of that monster.

"Happageton, come!"

(End of this chapter)

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