Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 354 The blind date whom Lina boasted about appeared, what should I do?Online waiting! Urgent

Chapter 354 The blind date whom Lina boasted about appeared, what should I do?Online waiting! Urgent!
"Red ball..."

After the dust settled, things returned to normal again. Hypagedon was not successfully summoned, and Risa's last remaining power was exhausted. Now she has even been deprived of her connection with the red ball and has become extremely weak.

Exhausted of her strength, she could only lie down on the ground in despair, lying completely flat.

On the other hand, Musashi was holding the red ball high. After the three words were finished, the last sentence was still unable to be uttered.

It was as if something stuck in his throat, preventing him from making any sound at all.

"Musashi, you can do it." Lisa looked at Musashi with encouragement, the red ball's journey was over, and she didn't want to be a wishing machine anymore.

She is already very tired, and this kind of life is already tiresome.

Gaussian universe time and space, if it can stay here, it will look pretty good.

But she can't say these words, once said, the wish will not be possible.

The girl's little mind was playing tricks, she really wanted to see the surprised expression on Musashi's face when he saw her again in the future.

"... Red ball... Red ball... ah..." This sentence was repeated several times, and it was pulled out of countless interruptions. He read the words in one breath as if giving up on himself.

"Red Ball, please disappear!"

After Musashi's words fell, the red ball flew directly from Musashi's hand and slowly floated into the air.

Everyone except Musashi raised their heads, and their eyes moved with the movement of the red ball until the red ball reached the sky, releasing a strong light from the inside to the outside, covering the entire red ball in an instant.

Fissures began to appear, and scattered light particles flowed down from the inside of the red ball, and then exploded with a bang, the entire red ball was completely blown up, and the resulting shock wave destroyed all the clouds.

Since then, there will never be a red ball in the multiverse again, and the journey of the red ball has come to an end here, completely ending her repeated life.

The moment the red ball was destroyed by itself, Risa and Risa were fused together by an irresistible powerful force.

But this time, it was Risa who was no longer the leader.

The red ball is not only destroyed by itself, but the long-standing desires hidden in the red ball have long been released, the good side has returned to the dominance, and Risha has also regained clarity from that madness and regained himself.

"Thank you, Musashi."

"Thank you for your care during this time, Yuan."

The feet have begun to become transparent, which means that Lisa is about to disappear, but she still has this opportunity to say goodbye and apologize before leaving.

"I'm really sorry, my heart has been filled with desire all this time, and I fell into madness, destroying one world after another." Risa regained her clarity, and naturally knew what she had done during this period of time, but A done deal, what has been done has become a foregone conclusion, no matter how it is changed, it cannot be changed.

Looking directly at the man standing here, right in front of his eyes, Risa could only treat him with an apology.

"Why didn't you make a wish to me back then, wishing that your world could be revived again." After Lisa apologized, Lisa took the topic and asked about the source.

This problem was also something that Lisa understood but couldn't figure out at the beginning.

Even though the red ball's wish at that time would only bring about destruction, the red ball's desire just now has been released and returned to the original time.

Let Musashi make a wish at that time, and the world of the source will definitely return to normal.

"Because someone told me that making such a wish is an evasion of responsibility for oneself and a manifestation of irresponsibility."

Shaking his head with a smile, Yuanquan continued: "If you really want to build that world, when everything is settled, I will abandon my identity as an Ultraman, return to my world, and use my own power to rebuild the world. Open up a new beginning."

That was the look in Lisa's eyes that she could never understand, just like when she wondered why there was a shortcut to the source instead of taking a long way.

Yuan at that time had the same look in his eyes.

Without relying on the strength of others, or is self-awareness really so high?

No wonder the light of Nexus can be reborn on your body.

You still call yourself a piece of trash?

It is really a blessing that the light of Nexus can finally be passed on to you.

This is also the only case where so many people prayed to me for the power of Ultraman, which survived and has been passed down to this day.

"Yuan, I hope you can..." Before Lisa could finish her last words, the scattered light spot had already covered Lisa's head, making her completely disappear in the light.

The scattered stream of light forms a galaxy-like ribbon, drifts to the deepest part of the vast sky, and then falls.

Musashi lowered his hands, feeling lost in his heart, as if something important had been dug out of his heart.

Lisa is gone, and under one of his wishes, let Lisa just...

In the next moment, Musashi's body fell limply, and Yuanquan quickly hugged him.

Of course he knew why Musashi was in a coma.

"In that case, it's time for us to leave." Now that the dust had settled, Justis didn't want to stay here any longer.

The power of Reggado is in effect. When people's cognition is completely reversed, the two Ultraman Gauss and Justis standing here will stand out.

Gotta get out of there before people wake up from the "dream".

"That's right, the timeline has returned to normal. We shouldn't have appeared at this moment." Gauss also spoke out, and the power of Reggado would make people think that a war broke out between Gauss and Baltan. A one-hit plot.

This is the real official historical plot, and it is also the price for the timeline to return to normal.

"Well, we will meet again in the future." Yuanquan nodded, after all, Musashi and Gauss fit together, and made a wish on the red ball.

With the spirit of a young man, being able to survive until now is already a manifestation of Musashi being different from ordinary people.

"From now on, Musashi, you will become the only earthling in this universe who remembers these things. I hope you can take all this and live a good life." Children can't keep any secrets, but no matter who they meet when they are Musashi , Everything he said was treated as nonsense in a dream, so Musashi himself would question this experience.

After all, people have a herd mentality, and it's normal to question things that only you know but everyone doesn't.

Maybe when Musashi becomes an adult in the future and becomes the human body of Ultraman Gauss again, he will suddenly realize that he was right.

But that's for later.

Gauss and Justis raised their arms and flew high at the same time, flying across the sky at an extremely fast speed, escaping into the vast universe, and completely disappearing.

Watching Goss and Justis leave, Yuanquan held Musashi in his arms, and there was a monster girl lying on his back, which can almost be called full.

There are still two pendants missing on the legs, so the warehouse is full.

Musashi has a place to go, just hand him over to Haruno Yujiro and Haruno Mitsuko.

I don't know if these two kind-hearted parents still remember him after their memory has been modified.

But what about Jayden?

What about this monster girl?
I can't unscrew it even if I pull it hard!
(End of this chapter)

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