Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 370 Not active after get off work, brain problems

Chapter 370 Not active after get off work, brain problem
If Zollim is the light, what is he himself?
Or what is the existence of Zollim?
Zollim is undoubtedly the weapon that destroys the summoned entity, and is an existence that was eliminated before fully revealing its strength.

In the original TV, there is not much mention of Zollim's situation at all. We only know that it is a great enemy, and we only know that once the full picture of it appears, the earth will go into extinction.

Nexus didn't know any of the other things.

But now Mother Jieden said that there is light on Zorim's body, does that mean that Zorim devoured Ultraman?
In other words, Zollim itself is Ultraman?


But how can Ultraman look like this?
How could this monster look like Ultraman?

Zollim didn't care about that, and noticed the appearance of Nexus. The unique light that was different from the light of the earth made Zolim interested, and it was different from the light of the earth that he had tasted all along.

This light is full of novelty.

Zulim poked his head over, and just such a small movement caused a raging storm in the world outside this space.

Those chaotic space storms cut through Nexus' body like sharp blades, so that Nexus had no choice but to use light energy to protect himself and build a shield in front of him.

At the same time, Nexus ejected the Storm Sword, and the kilometer-extending Storm Sword was also a colossus to Zoliam.

Nexus roared and slashed down, but Zolim also condensed a shield in front of him, blocking this invincible blow.

And the moment Zollim's shield was used, Nexus recognized that this shield was Gaia's rotating shield.

Is this another proof of Zollim's identity?


"Zolim, could it be... that the world I just saw didn't have Ultraman, but that the light of the earth was... shattered and summoned..."

If you think of the original work, the Angel of Destruction Zog has the ability to deprive the light of Agru and Gaia, then the identities of the monsters created by the Destroyer, or the monsters created by the Destroyer, before they become monsters , most likely the Light of the Earth.

And once the answer is determined, it will be no less than the most terrifying thing for Nexus.

The body of destruction is conquering countless parallel universes, wreaking havoc and strengthening itself in every timeline of the Gaia world.

All of this is to fight against the will of the earth in the main world.

The idea of ​​destroying the earth with monsters made of the light of the earth and destroying the host is very good.

Knowing this, Nexus looked at Zulim differently.

The light that once protected a certain world has now been transformed into this appearance.

Destruction invites the body, is this the evil deed you have done to the light of the earth?

Inexhaustible anger suddenly burst out in Nexus' heart. In his rage, he brushed the energy timer on his chest with one hand, and switched to the blue youth form in an instant.

He decided not to hold back.

The blue youth unfolded, and the powerful light energy instantly filled the surroundings, which affected the rolling storms, scattered and burst one after another, unable to enter Nexus' body.

Putting one hand on his chest, he realized the flying bird imprint into a light arrow, aiming forward with his left hand as a carrier.

At the same time, Nexus condensed the ultimate guillotine, turned into a light arrow, and carried it on the bow and arrow while spinning at high speed.

A completely transparent bowstring appeared behind, and was slowly pulled away by Nexus' right hand.

Aware of the danger of death, Zorim woke up from the instinct of greed and lust. The thousand-meter-long lightsaber was enough to shake his mind. But it gave it an indescribable sense of crisis.

will die.

Once hit by that, his huge body will burst in an instant, leaving no whole body dead!
Zollim began to roar wildly, as if calling for a certain existence hidden behind the scenes, or, the real master who turned it into what it is today.

Nexus didn't pay much attention to it, and fired directly after aiming.

The guillotine turned into an arrow pulled out a slender stream of light, which fell like a meteor and shot towards Zorim's head.

The little light shining at the tip of the arrow is like the brightest star in the dark night, bringing light to the desperate world.

But this attack still missed in the end, because a certain powerful existence descended across the space, condensed a same light arrow at a huge price in an instant, and faced Nexus' attack head-on with a confrontational attitude. collide.

The powerful hedge generated by the sudden explosion swept their respective backs, and beyond this space barrier, waves rolled, forming endless flames of war.

Zollim couldn't dodge, and his too huge body made him suffer the most damage from this hedging force.

In just an instant, most of its huge figure was destroyed. The space cut formed by the high-temperature energy burning and the rolling storm was like the sharpest knife, cutting off pieces of flesh and blood on its body, making this infinite Square land, dyed bright red.

The roar turned into a scream, and now Zulim understood that big things have big disadvantages.

In the current situation, it is the one who suffers the most.

Unable to make a single blow, Nexus raised one hand, holding the Storm Sword high above his head, the lingering golden light energy swelled and condensed, accumulating more power.

But since the will to destroy the summoned body has come, there will be no other chances for Nexus.

Zollim's shaved and miserable body was swallowed and absorbed by the black hole, and he was moved away impressively.

Instead, it was a humanoid creature whose main body was black and white. The white skin seemed to be covered with a layer of armor. Like medieval knights.

The red crystal standing on the chest is just for decoration. It also likes the existence of a red crystal on the chest, which seems to be somewhat similar to Nexus.

The black gloves on both hands possess great strength, which is a powerful arm strength that is simply incomparable to those in the past.

The outstretched wings spread out behind the back, and the demon put his hands in a posture. It appeared from the black hole, and it was supposed to face Ultraman Gaia or Ultraman Aguru as before, and the new light in front of him It can be said that this is the first time I have encountered such a giant.

"Destroyer Demon?" Nexus couldn't remember the name of this guy, but he knew that this guy was Destroyer Demon, a high-level Destruction monster that appeared in the later period of Ultraman Gaia.

Facing Gaia's v2 form and Agur's v2 form with one enemy and two, he can even gain the upper hand for a long time, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Is a formidable enemy.

Nexus unleashes light energy, creating a safe field beneath the shoulder plates for Madam Zedon's protection.

And he himself clenched his fists, ready to face the battle with the Shattered Demon.

A strong enemy that can suppress Gaia and Aguru will never be so weak.

But just as Nexus was concentrating on preparing to face the enemy, he saw the Destroyer spread his wings and cross the barrier of space at the fastest speed in his life.

Turn around, turn around, accelerate, all in one go.

The speed of the blessing made the Destroyer soon only have a black spot left in Nexus' eyes.

Nexus: ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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