Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 372 It is impossible for me to insert someone from TV, right?

Chapter 372 It is impossible for me to insert someone from TV, right?

"It's true, I really saw the existence of another Ultraman, not the blue one, but another blue one!" Back at the air base, I dreamed to XIG, the commander of the air base and The captain reported what he had seen and heard.

Especially the Ultraman who has never been seen before, and the demon who was chased by Ultraman, all were reported by my dream.

"Do you have a photo?" Commander Shishi actually believed my dream, but everything needs evidence. Without photos, Commander Shishi can't confirm everything I said in my dream, so there is no way Report to headquarters.

Commander Shishi's letter doesn't mean those people in the headquarters will believe it.

"At that time, the EX had lost control and barely stayed in the sky. I didn't have a chance to take pictures at all."

I couldn't help being a little frustrated when I dreamed that, and then he raised his spirits, and said to everyone in the command room around him, "However, I didn't lie, and I won't make a mistake. There is really a third Otto Man! And chasing a powerful demon!"

"During the time I mentioned in my dream, the EX did disappear from the radar for a moment, and the magnetic field twisting in the area above the sea area also twisted to the maximum at that moment." Sasaki Toko, a young and beautiful girl, is XIG The battle announcer, continued the style of the Showa era, when the female players did not go out and stayed at the base (Gayari has a dedicated female team.)
In getting along with Womeng, Dunzi was gradually attracted by this talented boy, and gradually put his heart on him.

She is intellectual and polite, but she also has a trace of girlishness.

In return from Dunzi, the bronze-colored face of the Shishi Commander has changed, but there are also some problems, which make him even more puzzled: "We thought there was only Gaia, and then a blue giant appeared. Now I dreamed that there was a third giant."

"What the hell is going on with the Earth?"

"Could it be that I misunderstood my dream? In fact, that is the second blue giant that appeared, but... Qianye Chenji, who has entered his seventies, is well maintained.

At least having lush hair is enough to disdain most (young) people.

As an observer and staff officer dispatched from GUARD headquarters to XIG, he played a role of neutralizing the interests and conflicts between the two.

Of course, this position is very difficult to do.

But fortunately, the positions of the two organizations are consistent with the outside world, which is already a very good result for Staff Chiba.

"There is no mistake! I am very confident in my memory, I will never be wrong!" I dreamed to affirm my opinion again and again. Although there is no photo, only his guarantee is very pale, but what he can do is only Let everyone see his attitude.

"Make a file for this unknown Ultraman, if he really appears" Commander Shishi is somewhat worried. Aguru's question has already made him worried, and now another Ultraman appears.

So what is the position of this Ultraman?

Is there an existence that is both good and evil like Aguru?
Individuals with great power who do not stand on the same front as themselves will only make people fearful.

"Let's not talk about that first, I dream, come and see here." Captain Ticheng, the captain of XIG, is also an important member of the Prime Minister's team and responsible for issuing attacks and so on.

Although he seldom goes to the front line in person, his ability is not weak.

"The reason why we called you back is also because of this, look here." Under the mobilization of Dunzi, the scene on the ground appeared on the big screen in the command room, and the giant creature like a sea worm stood up The picture on the edge of the Onuma Dam.

"This is." I Meng, who went out on patrol early in the morning, really didn't know that this thing had appeared, and it immediately attracted his attention.

"We have sent defense organizations to pull out the cordon, but we don't know what it is." Putting his hand on my shoulder, Captain Techeng said earnestly: "It is so close to the water source, will it pollute the water source? "

"Before, there was another person who hacked into the system of the air base and told us, don't pay attention to it, don't observe it, what does that mean?" Commander Shishi said immediately.

"Don't pay attention to it, don't observe it" repeated a few words, and my dreamy eyes gradually showed a sense of astonishment: "Yes, that's right! Just do what she said!"

"I'll go to the scene, maybe I can find someone who has been investigating this creature." I Meng raised his head, and didn't plan to stay any longer, and immediately ran to the hangar.

"I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!" Captain Dicheng's voice couldn't keep me from Mengmeng. Seeing that I Mengmeng left without saying anything or solving my doubts, Captain Dicheng cast his eyes on Commander Shishi.

"...Just follow my dream first, maintain the cordon, and not allow others to enter." Commander Shishi certainly believed what my dream said.

After all, he has high hopes for my dream.

The calling behind me gradually faded away, and my dream at this moment was full of the figure of that girl.

As a friend I once knew, I dreamed that I knew what she was researching, but the research fields of the two were different, and I hadn't seen her for a long time so far.

Especially after the other party left the campus, I almost never saw him again in Mengmeng.

Now because of this monster, and also because of this voice, I dreamed of some rumors inside Alchemy Star, and decided to go find her myself.

From the air base, the EX landed on the ground at the Geo Base, and drove to the research center next to the Onuma Dam.I dreamed that in a short period of time, I even thought about what the first words the two parties would say when they met.

It’s just that all the words were blocked by an invisible protective cover, forcing me to only shout the name of this old friend at the gate.

Mirai Asano.

Asano Mirai also knew that the only person in XIG who would come to find her and even know where she lived was Imeng, so she had already prepared for it, for which she even carried the remote control to control the closing of the protective cover.

Opening the protective cover to welcome my dream, Mirai Asano began to tell my dream everything about that monster.

Similarly, it is also the past and ending of those extinct creatures in the long evolutionary history of the earth since the Cambrian period.

"It's called Amones. It's a creature that doesn't exist now. It comes from the undead after the mass extinction [-] million years ago." Asano Mirai led me to her laboratory in a dream. Here, placed With a very high-end microscope and some very valuable paleontological fossils.

Asano Mirai is currently No. 1 in the paleontological world, and having such precious fossils is also in line with her status.

It’s just that the study of paleontology can still be understood by people. If you make a big monster out, it’s true that in the air base, all the commanders of the stone room can be seen through the communicator carried by my dream. They are at a loss.

"Why do ghosts from the past appear in this era?" I Meng stepped forward and questioned Mirai Asano.

"Because I am unwilling." Mirai Asano turned around and faced my dream: "I am unwilling to face the ruthless destruction of the earth."

"They used to be creatures that lived on the earth, but they were ruthlessly abandoned by the earth, so the remaining emotions are all just because the earth thinks they are not suitable for existence at all."

"They are creatures that are not loved by the earth."

(End of this chapter)

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