Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 378 Source: My 3rd brother has the courage to be unreasonable, taking a person's head l

Chapter 378 Yuan: My third brother has the courage to be undeserved, and taking someone's head is like a detective...

"When the ancient overlord is projected onto the present body, allowing the world to see everything in the past, it is not only reminding mankind that the splendid races that lived on the earth in the past are also reminding people that for the earth, human beings What a tiny existence." This voice was not from my dream, nor from Asano Mirai, but from a young man wearing a blue jacket who came out of the forest one by one.

He came slowly, jumped over the small ditch, and stood beside my dream.

"Every race living on the earth has a splendid splendor, but under the tempering of time, it just becomes history in the loess."

"The earth is kind, and she remembers the lives that have existed."

"The earth is cruel, because these lives are buried by her."

"You are..." Obviously in a world of two, why would an irrelevant person suddenly appear?I Meng looked at this young man very puzzled.

He can guarantee that he has never seen him before.

"You're right, under the scale of time, everything is meaningless." Asano Mirai shook his head, freed from the dazed thinking.

"Thank you for your answer. Although this answer has ruined all my efforts for so many years, the meaningless pursuit can end here."

"Mirai, you finally..." My dream was very moved, he had understood Asano Mirai's eccentric character when he was studying.

Of course, everyone is a member of Alchemy Star, so they naturally understand what happened to Future.

Losing his parents since he was a child, living alone, and developing a withdrawn and rebellious character made the future weird.

In her world, there is only her and what she loves.Nothing else matters.

"Hello, my name is Yuanquan. I'm a traveler. I just came to Japan and I'm going to rest here for a while before starting my trip again." Yuanquan raised his hand and said hello. My dream and Mirai Asano are neither Strangers, but to them, they are strangers.

"Hello, I'm Gaoshan My Dream." As a five-good youth, I Meng is of course obliged to introduce myself first.

Although he didn't know it, the person in front of him was Ultraman just now.

"Asano Mirai." After the short four-word introduction, Asano Mirai put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, humming a ditty as he walked past the two men, and quietly walked into her residence.

"I dream, you join XIG, maybe you have your own persistence, I hope you can get the answer you want." The girl who was gradually going away made a blessing, which was a wish for another boy.

In Asano's future life, it seems that this is the first time she has said such words.

It was also the first time she expressed her desire to a boy.

"Thank you." This can be regarded as a change in the future, anyway, things are always developing for the better, and my dream is in a leisurely and relaxed mood.

"Future, I hope she can become like Hibino Mirai."

"Hibino... Mirai?" I muttered the name in my dream, and asked curiously, "Who is that? Is that your acquaintance?"

"It can be said that she is my younger generation. She is innocent and warm to others. She is completely different from her at the other extreme." Thinking of the future that came up and hugged her in the future timeline, Nexus actually I'm also quite curious about what my future self did to him.

It can't be that he robbed Taylor's apprentice.

"This...Brother Yuan, I have a car at the foot of the mountain. If you want to leave, I can take you for a while." Although the jeep at the Ji'ou base is precisely a bus, I dream that as a group favorite, he just drives it. This car blew it up, Geo base and air base, and absolutely no one said anything about him.

Instead, I will excitedly prepare another one.

Feng Yuan cursed and quit the group chat and clicked a step down.

"Okay." Yuanquan naturally agreed, why not just rub the car if you can?Although it is a jeep again, but if you are blessed, isn't it a fool?

Besides, what about the jeep, can I drive a jeep and hit me in my dream?
How dare he!
"I didn't expect that there would be a third Ultraman today. I really couldn't have imagined it." Although I Meng is still young and doesn't even have a driver's license, I am a member of XIG. Do you understand if you have privileges? .

Do you dare to check the driver's licenses of XIG members?
Want to rebel, right?

"If there is the first one, there will be the second one, and if there is the second one, there will be the third one, that's normal." Yuanquan didn't care, waved his hand, and said proudly: "If you want me to say, you just saw a bunch of Ultra There is no fuss about the country that Mann formed."

"Uh... this kind of thing shouldn't happen..." I Meng smiled awkwardly, he couldn't say that such a thing is impossible.

Because he is Ultraman, Ultraman Gaia.

As an Ultraman, he certainly understands the nature of the Giant of Light.

In his opinion, there are at most three Giants of Light on Earth.

And now, the three giants of light are all complete.

"You just lack that kind of imagination. Although you are a genius, many things are gradually realized after experiencing delusions."

"When you think it's impossible, you won't work hard towards that square." Yuanquan crossed his arms and folded his chest, pretending to be aggressive in front of the junior in the passenger seat.

Although Nexus is the fifth in Heisei (not counting Naios), but I know that someone was on the set of Tiga, the first Heisei work, because of reason and reason, I have mixed up with the seat of a Heisei big brother , Calling you third brother is not too much, right?
"But dreams must also be based on the possibility of realization. Excessive dreams are not called dreams, but fantasies." My dream is a genius scientist who knows a lot. Although he won't refute Yuanyuan's words, he doesn't think That kind of unrealistic thing can succeed.

Because I know a lot, I know what is possible and what is not, so I only dream of doing what I can.

"Who can say that fantasy may not come true? My dream, have you ever imagined the appearance of monsters, the appearance of Ultraman, and even the emergence of so many geniuses on the earth in an instant?" Looking ahead, Yuanquan Frankly speaking, because my dream is an individual and part of this general body.

"I..." It is difficult for me to answer in my dream, because these things are indeed things that cannot be explained by science.

Similarly, he couldn't imagine what it would be like for a planet to have its own consciousness.

That was beyond his comprehension, so he regarded it as impossible.

At the foot of the mountain, Yuanquan opened the car door and got out of the car, bidding farewell to Gaimeng who rolled down the car window.

In the latter's thoughtful absent-minded state, Yuanquan knocked on the car door, signaling him to concentrate.

Otherwise, it will be two lines of tears from relatives.

I dreamed that I was a genius, and the reaction of a genius is very fast, so Yuanquan didn't dare to say some obscure views about Ultraman being human.

With my dream's IQ, he may be able to figure out the key points if he thinks deeply for a while.

And Yuanquan didn't want to reveal his identity so early, because then he would definitely be caught in the dispute between Gaia and Aguru.

There may even be a situation where both sides try to win him over.

But Yuanquan didn't want Gaia or Aguru to win him over, because what he wanted to do more was to beat up these two guys.

The love of seniors can cross the world!

Of course, the more important reason is that Yuanquan thinks that I Meng and Fujimiya should fight now.

(End of this chapter)

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