Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 388 - The Dragon of the Earth - Renlong

Chapter 388 - The Dragon of the Earth - Renlong

Just outside the construction base in Marunouchi, Jie Dunniang's Sanwulian became serious at this time, she turned her head and said to Yuanquan: "I feel that Renlongniang is here, and she is already very angry gone."

"Angry?" Yuanquan asked back.

"This is the trace of the track. It seems that XIG is moving faster than we imagined." Kuroda Megumi entered the center of the Marunouchi construction base along the opened gate. Traces of crushed tracks.

This is enough to explain what.

"Those guys, they must have fought with Renlong underground." Yuanquan took Jie Dunniang's hand and came to the construction base. Beside Kuroda Hui, he also saw the traces of the tracks. It spread all the way to the inside of the passage, that is, deep underground.

Reminiscent of the anger that Mrs. Jieden said, the Hercules team is probably not already.
"Over there." Niang Jie Dun shook Yuanquan's hand, and she pointed in another direction, the stationary EX floating in the sky, which is the car of my dream.

The existence of this plane is enough to prove that XIG is already in action.

"Too bad, they will offend the dragon of the earth." Kuroda Megumi was extremely worried, but she couldn't do anything about it.

And she also believed that in XIG's air base, those leaders must have also discovered the existence of the underground dragon vein, but they still launched an attack and ignored it.

Knowing that it is wrong, do you still want to continue to make mistakes?

"...I'm going to stop them from doing stupid things, Mrs. Jayden, you take Miss Kuroda away first." Although he said that he wanted Renlong to teach humans a lesson, there was no doubt that Yuanquan had to watch Hagrid helplessly. Even if the three members of the Sri Lanka team died underground, he couldn't do it either.

He did not choose to transform, but strengthened his body with light energy, and entered the underground passage with a human posture.

Choosing to face Renlong in the form of a human body means that Yuanquan wants to make a choice that belongs to him as a human being at this moment.

After he transforms, there are more things to consider.

And now, he can only hope that it hasn't come to the time when he needs to transform to solve it.

Strengthening his body with light energy, he rushed towards the underground passage quickly. Yuanquan tried to penetrate all the way to the end, and rushed to the front of the Hercules team to prevent them from attacking Renlong.

But when he walked halfway and came to the end of the underground passage, which was where the underground Longtan priests were, the entire passage began to vibrate violently.

Including this dragon pool, countless water streams began to rush upwards, and the turbulent water column spread to the surroundings. The head of the blue dragon protruded from the water and let out a deafening roar.

The dragon head's eyes were fixed on Yuanquan's body, and he didn't move half a step.

Even Kuroda Kei can tell Yuanquan's identity, and Renlong, as the dragon of the earth, can of course recognize Yuanquan's identity.

But under the rage, even if the guardian of the sky is face to face, what Renlong has to do is still to teach mankind a lesson.
No, it should be said that she wants to take back this land that has been inhabited by humans for a long time.


It was the first time he faced the king of monsters on earth. On her body, Yuanquan could not perceive any darkness. On the contrary, on Renlong's body, he could detect a mysterious and distant aura.

Inherited from the earth, everything from the ancient earth.

The dragon of the earth is by no means vain.

But the crux of the problem is not here, but in the Longling Temple opposite Longtan, where Renlong's mastermind is located.

And in front of her main brain is the ground tank of the Hercules - the Sting.

The continuous artillery fire all bombarded Renlong's head, hitting a large area of ​​sparks.

Compared with those small dragon heads, Renlong, who is the main body, let these attacks fall on her body, she didn't speak, she didn't even roar, she felt the attack from the gunfire on her body, the red eyes , was gradually replaced by coldness and disappointment.

Humanity has made its attitude known.

In the end, it still disappoints the dragon and the earth.

When he saw Renlong's human eyes, Yuanquan knew that this Shenlong had made a decision.

Knowing that he could not fight against this dragon with human strength, Yuanquan took out the evolutionary trustee in desperation, and pulled it out directly while running.

The dazzling red light, and the flash of the Dragon Jade on Renlong's forehead, the two powerful forces collide with each other, causing very serious damage underground in an instant, and what is reflected on the surface is the boom Rumbling earthquakes and jets of water rushing out of the ground.

Countless jets of water rose into the sky, and within a short while, the urban area of ​​Tokyo had been submerged.

The innumerable water jets bring about a sight rarely seen in a hundred years.

The clear sky was covered by thick dark clouds, which blocked the light of the sky and also blocked the detection of the detector.

When Renlong is angry, the heaven and the earth respond, how can it be easy?
In rage, the earth immediately gave
Responding to it, cheering for the dragon of the earth, boosting the power of this dragon.

The turbulent water column spewed out red water, and was so angry that he no longer had illusions about human beings. Renlong, who rushed out of the ground, untied his restraints and released his original body.

With a blue body and nine dragon heads and tails behind it, the dragon reappeared, and the sleeping monsters all over the earth felt it, roaring and celebrating the coming of the dragon.

In contrast, a red figure rushed out of the ground, holding the Hercules team's Sting in both hands, and flew into the sky, avoiding the impact of the water column.

But the EX number of my dream was not so lucky. The EX number hit by the water column that shot up into the sky lost its kinetic energy and barely avoided it.

But the next battle is obviously useless.

Without hesitation in my dream, I directly took out the sapphire cone and shouted Gaia's name, and transformed into a giant of light, standing on the ground.

Even in this appearance, there is no earth-shattering gravel, but standing quietly on the ground.

Could it be that he will be deflated in this episode, and he will not have any momentum when appearing on the stage (in nonsense).

At the same time, Nexus fell from the sky and landed in a suburb not far away.

Holding the smoking Steen in both hands, Nexus put it on the ground, turned around, and faced Renlong.

At this moment, Renlong was roaring at Gaia, as if he was telling something, but unfortunately, Gaia couldn't understand Renlong's words, and even his appearance was to destroy Renlong.

"Unknown life forms, Gaia, and the third giant appeared in Tokyo." Dunzi immediately switched the screen to the main interface, presenting this rare scene to everyone in the command room.

"It turns out that there really is a dragon underground." Staff Officer Qianye looked stunned, because he thought that the fairy tales his grandparents told him when he was a child were just stories.

"Unknown giant. What will you do?" Commander Shishi ignored Chiba's shock, but focused on Nexus, thinking about the actions of this unknown giant.

Gaia was too lazy to think about anything, clenched his fists to raise his breath, and went up to punch Renlong a few times.

Anyway, they are all monsters, there is nothing to say, just kill them and it's over.

But just as he rushed halfway, the red body that descended from the sky blocked in front of him, stretching out his hand to stop his attack.

Gaia was taken aback, and took a few steps back to open the distance, only to realize that it was Nexus standing in front of him, preventing his attack.

And this also made Gaia a little difficult to understand.

Could it be that this sky guardian is also a person like Teng Gong?
Stopping Gaia's attack, Yuanquan turned around to face Renlong. As soon as he turned around, he immediately ate a shot of lightning that Renlong spit out from the mouth of the dragon head at the tail, which hit his chest, making him suddenly Take a few steps back.

Seeing this, Gaia on the side immediately wanted to step forward and continue to attack.

Subconsciously, he still regards Nexus as his comrade in arms. After all, they are all giants of light, and they all got the light of the earth.

But Nexus' arm in front of Gaia still prevented his attack, showing his attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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