Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 408 Although this form is said to be deflated, it is still overpowering in the first appeara

Chapter 408 Although this form is said to be deflated, but the first time it appeared on the stage, it was still awesome (dog head)
"I don't want it anymore. Yoshida and the others in the team always drag me to exercise. Every time I see them, I feel very scared. Obviously I am just a scientist." Although I said this, I didn't hate Mengmeng. This thing.

If the Hercules team didn't come to him one day, he might not be used to it.

"It's good to have experienced this kind of thing a lot, and they are also caring about you in their own way. Maybe, Yoshida is a person who is not good at expressing himself." Yuanquan gave the answer with a smile, but for him, once he There is also such a captain.

It's just that as a soldier who saves the world, he has to leave that world, stay away from everything he is familiar with, and embark on this journey of homelessness.

"But I still really want to know how people can break a tree in one fell swoop." As I said that, I Meng quietly approached Yuanquan and whispered beside Yuanquan.

"Can you tell me, boss."

"I dream, this is my exclusive secret technique. I would not easily teach it to ordinary people. Since I have developed this set of secret technique, I have taught it to no more than four people." Stretching out four fingers in front of him, Yuanquan Playing hard to get, if you want my dream to be fooled, then you have to wait.

You can't act like you agree to him right away.

"Is that so? I'm sorry, I took the risk..." It was only then that I Meng realized that it was too much to inquire about how other people become stronger.

How could such a secret technique that was not passed on be easily taught to others?
I still asked abruptly.

I deeply bowed my head to express my apology, my dream is to sincerely apologize.But Yuanquan's changed words made him raise his head in surprise.

"But you are also a giant of light, and you are also a person chosen by the will of the earth, so I don't think it's a problem if I hand it over to you." After speaking, Yuanquan finally couldn't help the gene of praise in his bones, and stretched out his hand in my dream. He gave a thumbs up in front of him and smiled brilliantly.

"So, if you are willing, I will teach you personally, and I will teach you by precept and example, and there will never be any trace of privacy."

"But...it's not yours..." I Meng raised his head in surprise, he thought Yuanquan would accuse him angrily, but he didn't expect Yuanquan to be so magnanimous and indifferent.

Didn't even seem to care much at all.

Is this untold secret very cheap?
"My dream, what you will face in the future is the crazy target of the shattered body, whether it is a challenge from the universe or something else, if the speed of becoming stronger is too slow, sooner or later you will have something to regret for life."

"And you will be unable to solve it because you are weak."

Seeing that my dream is still hesitating, Yuanquan intensifies the material, and continues to pour chicken soup into my dream, and must agree to my dream in a daze.

"So, I want you to become stronger, at least for the tragedy that happened to me, you must never...again..." Speaking of this, Yuanquan's mood sank, as long as a person can detect the depression visible to the naked eye Once you arrive, you will understand that this person must have a sad past buried deep in his heart.

Of course I also noticed it in Mengmeng. As a genius, he is exceptionally keen on this aspect.Taking a deep breath, he nodded heavily.

"I understand, Boss, you are also doing it for my own good. If I live up to your sincerity, then I am too worthless." Taking a step forward, I dreamed of holding my head high, with a solemn posture, as if I was about to step on the boundary between life and death. , like a soldier preparing to die.

"I've made up my mind, boss, please teach me how to train and become stronger!" I dreamed of shouting out the last sentence.

Confused by the chicken soup, he now only feels that his whole body is full of inexhaustible strength, and the fire burning in his heart has already ignited him.

"Very good, as expected of the successor chosen by the will of the earth, the human body of Gaia, the light of the earth." Yuan's expression hidden in the darkness under the lowered head showed a smile uncontrollably.

It was a smile that succeeded in trickery, and it was also a self-satisfied smile that made people limping.

But after raising his head, Yuanquan returned to that reliable senior, with the reliable appearance of a senior with unbearable memories and past.Patting my dream on the shoulder, he said with deep feeling: "If you have such awareness, you must be able to protect the things you cherish."


I Meng nodded, taking a positive attitude towards this.

"Go to the store and change your clothes. I've prepared them for you. We'll come back after you change your clothes. At that time, I will teach you how to become stronger." Nodding, Yuanquan is not afraid of my dream not coming back.

It is already a turtle in an urn, and it is impossible to escape with its wings. Can a cooked duck still fly?
It must be impossible for such a thing to happen.

Seeing my return from Mengyuan Road, Yuanquan showed a happy smile, went to the side and groped under the tree covered with fallen leaves for a long time, and after brushing off the dead leaves covering the device, Yuanquan prepared this device early in the morning. thing lifted up.

This thing is nothing but a very long stick, and this stick was inserted into the ground by the source, establishing a high boundary.

At the same time, Yuanquan also took out the backpack he had prepared, and gradually put the things he prepared for the next training on the floor.

There are ordinary small objects such as boomerangs, walking sticks, meteor hammers, and nail guns.

Of course, there are also Haipa victory guns, knuckles, and hand grenades, which are nothing to talk about.

And the trick that Yuanquan himself invented in private.

A combined double blade similar to an airplane propeller, and a chain blade composed of countless iron chains entangled together to form a band saw blade.

The kind that can directly saw trees with enough horsepower.

With these things, it can be regarded as a facade for the next training.

After all, the object of training is Ultraman's human body, Gaia, the light of the earth.

If you don't show some real skills, how can you achieve the effect of exercise?
Nodding in satisfaction, Yuanquan lay cross-legged on the ground, quietly waiting for the return of my dream.

Pure as my dream, it is impossible to release pigeons, he will definitely come back.




With Sai Luo's fingers brushing the golden relief in the center of his chest, Ultraman Tiga jumped out of a golden gate and stopped in front of Tartarus.

Tartarus was not surprised either. He had been entangled with this form of Sai Luo for so long, and he basically understood what kind of abilities this form of Sai Luo possessed.

Being able to use all the powers of Ultraman in the Heisei era, and releasing these powers in combination, can form dozens of different powers of Ultraman to bless the body.

And after pressing the reliefs on his body, he can summon the corresponding Ultra warriors to help him fight.

So far, Tartarus has killed such summoned Ultra warriors countless times.

But these summons are like endless consumables, no matter how hard you fight, you can't finish them.

After three punches and two kicks to eliminate the compound Tiga, Tartarus raised the rubies in both hands, ready to use his super power.

But another powerful superpower suddenly stepped in and interfered with Tartarus' attack.

In his bewildered expression, the light of Libolum twisted and absorbed all the surrounding matter, dragged its tail, and rushed towards him at high speed.

Not far away, the miraculous Dyna maintained a posture of attacking, and slowly disappeared behind the door.

"Dyna... in the form of a super warrior?" Tartarus gritted his teeth. The abilities of these Ultra warriors became more and more annoying, but they couldn't be eliminated.

Only by defeating Sai Luo can this endless battle be terminated.

But where Sero is now, Tartarus can no longer be sure.

Tartarus opened the gate of time and space, and the tide of Absolut's space-time hell sea eroded and destroyed the Libolum Ray.

But at this moment, a super-giant lightsaber with a diameter that tore through the space-time tunnel swept over, carrying a powerful force to destroy everything, and wanted to take Tartarus' life.

Max Spark - Galaxy Holy Sword (60% power release).

(End of this chapter)

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