Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 428 You said that if I became the Supreme Bizom, can I stand to earn money?

Chapter 428 You said that if I became the Supreme Bizom, can I stand to earn money?
When Fujimiya woke up from the coma, the first thing he felt was the feeling of being severely restrained, which was not very good, and he was even more mentally exhausted.

Teng Gong opened his eyes slowly, and the first thing that caught his eyes was the figure of the back who was sitting in front of the computer with his back facing him and manipulating the computer.

And his sapphire bracelet was placed on the table beside him.

"Woke up so soon, you are indeed the first guardian of the earth to admit, so powerful~" Clearly he could sense Teng Gong's awakening without looking back, Claude continued to operate the computer, and at the same time a certain The device in front of him was constantly flickering, as if it was echoing something.

"You should have something you want to tell me, Claude, such as why you have the face of my dream." His hands were tied together and fixed on his head, wanting to move Suddenly, Teng Gong felt his muscles relax.

Obviously, he was given a drug, and it was a muscle relaxant drug.

The current him can't exert any strength at all, even as soon as he loosens the restraints, Teng Gong won't even be able to stand firmly, and will directly fall to the ground.

"From the moment I quit Alchemy Star, I have been this image, but the ugly look I used to be doesn't suit me." On the table where Claude works, there are a considerable number of Gaiyao Terman's photo, which attracted Teng Gong's attention.

"Your goal has always been Gaia?!"

"You have long been a knife in our hands, but the appearance of Gaia has caught us by surprise. It is very difficult to control Gaia, especially since his successor is Gaoshan Gaimeng." Crowe De unplugged the charging cable nearby and took out something he had put in the box.

"Even in Alchemy Star, my dream belongs to the very small group."

"Facing him, I have no certainty of winning."

"But you still found out his identity, even together with the shattered summoner." After being unable to break free, Teng Gong gave up that idea.

He will remove the transformation device in his hand immediately, this guy Claude is really self-defeating.

"I will become like this only because the successor of the light of the earth in this world is my dream of the mountain, that's all." Turning around, he picked up the iron piece of the pentagram in his hand, and at the same time Claude picked up the Teng Gong's transformation device, after turning around, let Teng Gong witness with his own eyes what he will do next.

"Because I am also the light of the earth." Claude showed a piercing smile on his face, especially this face was exactly the same as my dream, which made Teng Gong feel disillusioned.

"What are you kidding, don't think that you can become Gaia if you become like that guy!" Teng Gong sneered, completely ignoring what Claude said.

"You are kept in the dark about many things, and it is normal for you not to know."

"Teng Gong, there are a group of stupid people in Alchemy Star. They can't see the real powerful power of this universe, and they can't see the new life brought by experience." Put the pentagram and the sapphire bracelet together , Claude's eyes were full of pity: "However, you still have a chance to make up for your mistakes."


"Tell me who the successor of Skylight is and where he is, and I'll let you go." Claude's real purpose was never Teng Gong, but the unknown guardian of the sky.

He checked inside the Alchemy Star, and there was no sky guardian at all.In other words, the person who inherited this light is not a member of Alchemy Star.

And in this way, Claude is in a state of black eyes, especially when the disillusionment is reflected in the urgent desire to get the light of the sky.

Because that guy's strength, even in Claude's view, is really too terrifying.

The shattered body is afraid of Nexus' power, but what he wants is to get that power.

Just like what he is doing now.

"If you have the ability, you can find him yourself." Teng Gong smiled confidently, and he had great trust in Yuanquan's fighting power.

After all, I have personally experienced it with my own body, and of course I am deeply impressed.

"Teng Gong, you have disappointed me so much. We are friends. What you have been doing has cleared up many obstacles for us, hasn't it?" Claude smiled sinisterly, and smiled softly. The sound was so ear-piercing to Teng Gong.

"In that case, I have to let you know what consequences are."

The pentagram pendant attached to the sapphire bracelet on his hand began to emit light. This light disturbed the light of the ocean in the sapphire bracelet, and even began to absorb the light of the ocean one by one.

"What are you doing! Hey! Claude! Stop it!" Unexpectedly, Claude had such an ability, Teng Gong was out of balance and roared angrily.

"Why, do you care so much about the power of Ultraman? Or do you really think that as Ultraman, you are different from stupid humans?" Pentagram continued to absorb the light of the ocean, Ke Lauder sneered, ignoring Teng Gong's struggle.

"Your vision limits your knowledge. Perhaps only you and I are the guardians of the ocean and the land in this world."

"But that's only in this world."

Although Teng Gong was angry, Claude's words immediately attracted Teng Gong's attention.

He, who was originally a genius, thought about it for a while, and soon came up with a very scary, even shocking answer.

Parallel universe?
Having figured this out, when Teng Gong set his sights on Claude again this time, what he saw was not Claude himself, but a guy who was half Gaia and half a pitch-black demon, standing in front of him. in front of him.

In his eyes, this is the image of Claude at the moment.

"You Claude, you guy, do you want to replace him?" Teng Gong understood Claude's identity, and also understood that everything this guy said was not nonsense.

He really has the ability to replace my dream and become the guardian of this earth.

"I just realized it now, it's too late. Teng Gong, you are useless." He released the sapphire bracelet that had lost its light and fell to the ground.

Looking at the pendant in his hand filled with the light of the ocean, Claude was very satisfied.

"I will get the light of the land and the ocean, and become a unique existence!" In a frenzy, Claude put the pendant on his neck, feeling the resistance of the light of the ocean, but he didn't care.

Does resistance work?Under the power of the shattered summoned body, the light has only the fate of being enslaved and becoming a driven puppet!

"Don't underestimate people. Even without me, there are Gaia and Nexus. They will definitely stop you!" I have to gasp for words.

"Don't worry, you will tell everything you know soon, my best friend." Claude stretched out his hand and brushed Teng Gong's face, Claude sneered and waved his fist vigorously, and punched Teng Gong in the face .

"We are friends who know everything."

As soon as the words fell, the elongated reflection covered Claude's body. Although the sound of the gun swinging was weak, it couldn't escape Claude's ears.

"Let go of Teng Gong."

Holding a gun in one hand, I Meng stood behind Claude.

Although Teng Gong was one step ahead of him, he finally arrived here after dawdling for so long.

"I dream of the mountains, hum, I'm waiting for you." Claude finished in a low voice, and his whole body began to mutate in the brilliant red and blue brilliance.

In that splendid and sacred light, there remains a very hidden darkness, hidden in the deepest part of the light.

Having absorbed the light of the ocean and evolved, Claude no longer hides himself, and is ready to show his true posture.

At the same time, large-scale space distortions began to appear in the earth's atmosphere, which was caused by the destructive body trying its best to release its own power, not only to distort the earth's space and connect with the wormhole, but also to attract a certain sky guardian attention.

This fully distorted space caused time and space to fluctuate, and some existences that were wandering in the boundless, conceptless space-time turbulence were drawn here.

Under the fragility of the distorted space, the visitor waved his fist and shattered the space, just like breaking a mirror, coming to this time and space from outside the dimension.

At the same time, Nexus rushed out from the ground, forming his own body in mid-air.

He was about to go to the sky to fight against the shattered summoning body, but he was shocked to realize that in the city of Tokyo below, there stood a powerful existence from outside the dimension.

An ancient monster that can be called a natural disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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