Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 432 The destruction of the sky guardian who has already figured out the identity but not sha

Chapter 432 The destruction of the sky guardian who has already figured out the identity but not sharing the information is a crumb

"Sure enough, that guy is an obstacle." After successfully letting Gaia complete the plan, Claude didn't want to fight at all, and ran away at the speed of light, because he knew that if he continued to delay, he would wait until that guy came It's over, but it's really over.

Gaia is no longer a threat, especially after previous collisions.Now I dream, even if I am not dead, my physical strength should be exhausted.

It's just that the guy who acts as the last line of defense in the universe, Claude really thinks, is a tough nut to crack.

The last line of defense on this earth is too strong, and Claude really can't think of any way to beat this guy to the ground.

He had already heard the news from the Destroyer Demon, and he knew that the red Nexus was not the limit, and the blue Nexus, whether it was Zorim or the Destroyer, was like him. It is like killing a pig.

Let alone him then.
Therefore, the current method is to defeat Alchemy Star and XIG first, and after weakening the power of human beings, think of a way to deal with Nexus.

Of course, Claude actually has the intention of absorbing the light of the ocean that he snatched from Teng Gong for his own use.

In the previous battle with Gaia, just before the photon smasher and the photon skate almost collided, Claude threw out the pendant filled with the light of the ocean.

Because of this, his plausible photon smasher was crushed by Gaia's photon skate, and then the photon skate hit the pendant logically.

It is equivalent to saying that Gaia hit the light of the ocean with one blow.

And this is the opportunity Claude is waiting for.

He himself is a biological weapon partially made by the distorted light of the earth. Although the essence remains the same, in fact, with his power, it is impossible to stimulate the energy level explosion produced by the collision of the guardians.

Starting from the sneak attack on Teng Palace to take away the Light of the Ocean, Claude's plan has been going on silently, and so far, everything has been successful.

The light of the ocean hit by the photon ice skate, the huge energy generated by the guardians' power hedging explosion rushed out of the earth's atmosphere, and was absorbed by the wormhole that opened and twisted in the cosmic space waiting to receive it.

With the help of Gaia's power, on the one hand, it can cause serious damage to my dream and make Gaia weak in combat power for a long time.On the other hand, it also makes the light of the ocean depressed, so that it can be better absorbed directly.

Let the collision of the two cause extremely strong recoil damage to the earth, which can be said to be a plan to kill three birds with one stone.

Of course, this killing three birds with one stone did succeed, but in the universe
Claude ran fast. As soon as he left, XIG's Mir and Sting came to the scene one after the other.

Commander Shishi came to the battlefield in person this time. Whether my dream is Gaia, he needs to witness it with his own eyes to believe it.

But when he was about to disembark the Mir, he was interrupted by another voice.

"Commander, Daniel, the speaker of Alchemy Star, requests a call."

"...take it here." The chairman of the alchemy star came over, it must be no small problem.

After the screen was switched on, Daniel's young and handsome face appeared on the screen in the Mir plane.

"Commander, there is a problem with the optical quantum computer Chrissys." Daniel didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point: "I don't know why, Chrissys has fallen into a frenzy, is currently unable to run, and is in a state of collapse."

"That is to say, at this time, Chrissys is unable to give a specific time when the body of destruction will come?" Shi Shi was very puzzled, why did Chrissys have a problem at this time, but why did it happen in such a crisis? Glitch when huge?
"I don't know. If there is Teng Gong, we might be able to get an explanation." Daniel recalled the famous genius in the alchemy star, but unfortunately, he has been missing for a long time now.

"Teng Palace?"

"It's the person in charge of designing Chrissys, so to speak, the creator of Chrissys." After a pause, Daniel added: "The Alchemy Star has already calculated the result of the screen transmitted to me by the commander. Now, in the outer space of the earth, at first it was the distortion of the earth’s atmosphere that caused human observation errors, but now, the positions of those stars have really begun to be misplaced.”

"In the universe, it is impossible to measure the distance and existence of space. It seems to be very close but it is very far away. It seems to be very far but it is very close. There is no concept of direction. Therefore, the existence of space is observed by us, and then endowed with the concept of space. concept, the universe has space.”

"And now, there is something that observes and locks on the space outside the earth, and begins to interfere with the observed space."

"In other words, behind this space, something is preparing to come."

Daniel gave a picture, that is, a picture of the magnitude of the power that burst out because of Gaia's battle with a certain guy.

"Now there is a lack of an opportunity to open the door, and this power is the key." Daniel's voice was full of aftermath: "Thanks to Nexus, if he hadn't blocked the key, if the space was opened If so, the gates of the two worlds will be linked together, and at that time it will be... "

"So, it was Gaia who opened the door?" The stone room didn't quite understand Daniel's long list of technical terms, but he still understood two crucial points, that is, Nexus's Behavior is important, and the key to the wormhole door is released by Gaia.

"No, Gaia wouldn't want to do this, it can only be the unknown being who fought against Gaia, luring Gaia to do so."

The commander of the stone room pondered for a while, and after making a choice in his mind, he hung up Daniel's communication and chose to get off the plane.

The thing he most wants to confirm right now is whether my dream is actually Gaia.

This matter is very important, so important that it cannot be preempted by others.

On the other side of the universe, they noticed that the key to open the door was being blocked by some unsightly guy. Although Zulim behind the door couldn't come over, he still summoned a powerful helper to help him go there and kill that Guardian of the sky.

Although the wormhole has not been fully opened, but for it, the huge body makes the wormhole that can accommodate it very scarce.

And those monsters of average size can still travel through this wormhole.

So the Destroyer Demon naturally undertook this task. It shook its wings and set off a storm outside the space. The obstacle between the two doors was nothing at all. It crossed the barrier almost instantly and entered the Gai In Asia's main world.

Spreading his wings, the Destroyer Demon looked around with a fierce aura all over his body.

It wants to see what kind of beast is the sky guardian of the earth, and it dares to intercept it here.

Afterwards, the Destroyer saw a very familiar figure at a glance, that was a certain Ultraman who had been chasing it for an unknown amount of time, biting it from heaven to earth.

The Shattered Demon was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, his wings vibrated, and he flew back at a faster speed than when he came. After passing through the two gates, he ran straight away without looking back.

Fuck, that guy is the sky guardian of the earth?
Didn't Nima say that the guardian of the sky is Uranus?
You call this Nexus Uranus?

Hit Nima?Grandpa ran away!
(End of this chapter)

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