Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 442 Nima, Mephistopheles, you gzz!

Chapter 442 Nima, Mephistopheles, you gzz!
"Kanima, Mephisto, you gzz!" Nexus strode towards Mephisto, his left foot ignited a fire, and he kicked Mephisto with a side step.

But Mephisto blocked the powerful blow with his elbow.

Although Mephisto was kicked back a few steps, it still couldn't change the fact that he was not injured.

"Dare to say, but he was selected after all able-bodied people died. What face is he running rampant here!" go.

Nexus also bent his arm to touch the devil's claw from the side, and at the same time grabbed Mephisto's wrist, and the two sides were once again stuck together in the close-range wrestling.

"I am the first generation of able-bodied people in the true sense. Unlike you guys who have been selected by the light, I have abandoned this light. I don't want it!"

No light or shadow could be seen in Mephisto's dull black pupils, the darkness was like the gaze of an abyss.

"Let's not to mention you, you are still a capable person who was selected after no one else!" Mephisto broke out with strange power, forcing Nexus to retreat, the devil's claw swung, and the phantom pulled quickly Attacking, as if there are more than a dozen devil's claws attacking at the same time.

It's a pity that Nexus didn't intend to fight him at all. Instead, he directly raised his foot and hit Mephisto's attacking elbow, forcibly changing the trajectory of the hand.

Nexus lowered his body, hugged Mephisto's waist, and drove his body to twist Mephisto down.

The tactics learned from the U40 still worked. Nexus, who was sitting on Mephisto's body, struck out with a heavy punch, condescendingly attacking Mephisto crazily.

Mephisto folded his hands and hugged it in front of him, protecting his head.

Although the chest and abdomen were hit hard, as long as the head was not hit, there would be no problem.

During the struggle, Mephisto endured several punches, and finally seized the opportunity to wrap his feet around Nexus' neck, throwing him out forcefully.

Nexus, who flipped his body and floated in mid-air, waved out the particle feather. Mephisto took the first blow, and then waved in front of him with the devil's claw.

Half squatting, he blocked the remaining particle feathers and defeated them all.

Even when he swung the devil's claw for the last time, he also released the crescent light blade, and the dark purple attack went straight to Nexus' face.

Turning slightly sideways, he dodged the crescent light blade's attack at an extreme distance, and even just a little bit, the crescent light blade would hit the Asuka core on his chest.

Mephisto reorganized his attack, jumped up and flew up, chasing Nexus.

The battle that broke out this time is a battle in the air. The sky of infinite pursuit is an infinitely vast battlefield, and it is the final battlefield where they can play freely.

Nexus and Mephisto flew away one after another, and Gaia and Bizom, who had been stunned by the fierce offense and defense between the two, finally reacted.

Suddenly realizing that the two of them who were still fighting were the same Jiling, they immediately rushed towards both sides.

Although the battle over there was fierce, it was obvious that the other side had froze. If the battle here was decided, it would be enough to become a vital force in the battle between the two guys.

Gaia is absolutely unwilling to lose, whether it is for himself, Teng Gong, or Nexus, he has reasons why he cannot lose.

Nexus didn't intend to stay on the earth, he crazily blessed his speed and went straight to the outside of the earth, passing through the atmosphere.

Soon it flew out of the earth and went straight to the deep cosmic darkness.

Mephisto followed closely behind. Today, he must figure out what exactly is contained in this 5.00% light, so that the source can push this light to Lan Nai's evolution level again.

The big screen in the air base is divided into two parts, one part shows the battle on Gaia's side, and the other part shows the battle between light and dark warriors chasing in space.

For the first time, they saw the stalemate of the battle after Nexus turned on the blue form.

You must know that Nexus in this state has the power to stop Digrob.

So in other words, does the dark giant also have the power to stop Digrob?

Is that also one of the powers that Destroyer summons?
Nexus, as the last line of defense of the earth, as the strongest of the guardians, has always been the one that everyone feels most at ease.

And now, there is actually an existence that can compete with Nexus on the other side of the body of destruction... How strong is the body of destruction?

Is there really any hope for mankind?
No one can give this answer. They can only watch the battle and hope that Nexus can win.

In the universe, in this vast battlefield, Nexus can finally release his full strength without worrying about the damage being too serious.

Nexus, who turned back, immediately began to accumulate energy, and accumulated movements to prepare for the nirvana.

And Mephisto also understands it very well, and also prepares the light technique to start accumulating power.

In the process of getting closer, the two sides completed the accumulation of light energy at the same time, and released the light at the same time.

The energy of blue-gold and black-purple clashed, and as the two approached, a face-to-face face-to-face light beam technique came directly, and the erect hands were close together, and neither of the two sides retreated.

The bombardment at too close a distance caused the explosion of light and darkness, which sent the two sides flying, and the powerful shock wave swept all around, stirring up ripples in the dark universe.

Nexus flew backwards, but quickly adjusted his body and caught up.

The same goes for Mephisto.

One wants to absorb the other, and the other wants to kill the other. Both of them have reasons for not being able to coexist.What is reflected in the battle is a battle that never holds back at all.

Standing up with one hand, the Storm Sword popped out, and after accumulating light energy for a short period of time, he slashed down, and the hundred-meter crescent shock wave roared out, heading straight for Mephisto.

Mephisto held the Devil's Claw with both hands, instilled dark energy into the Devil's Claw, and the feedback he got was a huge Demon's Claw (energy version).

Wielding the same flawless Devil's Claw, Mephisto grabbed the Crescent Shockwave and crushed it, while grabbing towards Nexus.

Momentarily activated Mach to move to the back of Mephisto, Nexus punched out the fist that he had accumulated for a long time, and countless flashes of light formed a space together, illuminating part of the dark universe and covering Mephisto in it .

This is an atomic flash that hasn't been used in a long time.

Mephisto flew out of it in a state of embarrassment, but there were no obvious wounds on his body.

"You really learned a lot of new tricks. It just so happens that I also have a lot of tricks for you to see." Mephisto brushed off the marks on his body, brushed the top of his head with one hand, and the dark purple photon smasher rushed out. Hit the corrugated shield erected by Nexus across many distances.

This time, Nexus didn't even bother to absorb it. He supported the shield with one hand, and directly condensed the light energy with the Nexus arm with the other hand, rubbing out an eight-point light wheel and throwing it out directly.

It was even divided into three lanes during the flight, rushing out separately.

"Eight-point light wheel? You guys, you have been to the Kingdom of Light!" After recognizing this trick, Mephisto was still a little surprised. He never thought that Nexus had already been to the Kingdom of Light up.

That is to say, not only did he evolve into Lan Nai again, but he even had a time-travel?
It's outrageous
Mephisto didn't care about the attack of the eight-point light wheel, but directly ejected the lightsaber, smashing the eight-point light wheel one by one.

Nexus was waiting for this opportunity.

The ripple shield was shattered by Nexus again, Nexus directly resisted and absorbed Mephisto's attack with his wrist guard, and approached upstream.

The radiating light from his fist all came from Mephisto.

"Aren't you tired of using this move?" Mephisto, who obviously knew about Nexus' combo, withdrew the energy attack and left directly from where he was.

But Nexus is not the kind who will let you go if you run away.

Since he couldn't catch up, Nexus punched directly from the air, and the energy accumulated in the fist turned into a torrent of light, hitting Mephisto's back and knocking him out of the flying stance.

"Use this move to end your swollen life!" With fists clenched in front of his chest, the red bird's core began to shimmer.

With Nexus' hands spread out towards the sides in a "big" shape, the core of the bird released a red pulse, and went straight to the unbalanced Mephisto.

(End of this chapter)

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