Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 461 Is this the joy of Leo's beating Mechanic Saiwen back then!I, Siro, finally...

Chapter 461 Is this the joy of Leo's violent beating of Mechanical Saiwen?I, Sailo, finally
"This is..." Not only Shishi was a little stunned, but even the other people were shocked, because what appeared in front of their eyes this time was a brand new Ultraman.

Especially when he removed his armor and revealed his original posture in front of everyone, it made them feel familiar.

The familiar ice axe, the familiar posture, the soft armor on his body and the stripes on his body are all exactly the same as the Dark Lopsero that has appeared before.

Apart from the color of the eyes and body, there is no difference in other aspects.

"Mechanical Ultraman again? Or... is this true..." The Dark Lopes Sero used to be a mechanical creation, and Shishi, who had communicated with Yuanquan, also knew the guy's name and knew it The mechanical giant was actually created by imitating an Ultra warrior.

And the name of the counterfeited Ultra warrior is Sai Luo.

"And Ultraman?" Staff Officer Chiba said repeatedly in shock, his gaze focused on Shishi, but seeing the calm look of his commander, it was difficult for Staff Officer Chiba to judge from his expression .

"It should be the prototype of the former mechanical Ultraman, a real Ultraman from another world." It is impossible for Shishi to say his name directly, because he couldn't explain how he knew it.Therefore, it can only be expressed in such a euphemistic way.

In fact, not only the people in the air base were surprised, but even the black hole and the magnetic field condensed by the shattered body were stagnant. Obviously, they never expected that there would be an Ultra warrior appearing here.

No, I can still accept Gaia and Aguru, after all, I have seen a lot.

I can also accept Nexus, because it can also be said to be the guardian of the sky.

But... what is this Ultraman in front of me?
Although the light on his body is not the same as the light of the planet, is it meaningful to worry about this?
Isn't he still Ultraman!

Converging on the Palaji armor, Sai Luo showed his basic state, and hopped on his feet quite confidently.

Taking a trip to Gaia's timeline, such a simple thing has so many accidents on the way, Sai Luo really can't think of it.

At any rate, he still has some understanding of the historical development of Gaia's world, and knows that his opponent is the creature of destruction, but the large number of monsters he met on the road have nothing to do with the creature of destruction.

Stopping and stopping along the way, even using that new form to kill all the way, even blocking the tide of monsters outside the Gaia world, guarding the line of defense behind, no monsters can cross.

Even the inexplicable jellyfish were wiped out by Sai Luo several times.

For a while, the fluctuating life forms suddenly became taboo about going to the world of Gaia.

The golden warrior guarding the timeline is too powerful.

Moreover, the continuous Ultraman appears in groups as if they don't want money, which is really unaffected.

Therefore, without knowing it, Sai Luo was given a nickname by other-dimensional creatures and hyperspace life forms, that is, the real guardian of the earth.

Gaia Aguru Nexus is just for fun, if you really want to watch protecting the world against monsters and fighting endlessly, it must be Master Sai Luosai!

Look at his dedication, how many monsters have been intercepted, how many powerful enemies have been eliminated?

This is the real guardian of the earth!

In the end, Sai Luo finally ended the chaotic battle and was able to move on.Just ahead of the road, he saw the opening of a wormhole, so he accelerated and rushed out.

Finally escaped from the chaotic war, and truly arrived on the earth in Gaia's time and space.

It's just that Sai Luo never expected that he would meet such a familiar guy as soon as he came here.

If the opponent is Nexus, especially the mechanical Nexus, he will definitely, definitely be able to burst out [-]% of his strength to fight.

Thinking of being able to beat Nexus without reservation, and even shoot him to death with light, Sai Luo's excited hands were trembling slightly, and he couldn't control it at all.

This opportunity... This opportunity is right in front of me, Sai Luo, can I miss it?

Wouldn't it be a lifetime of regret if I missed it?
It wasn't until the mechanical Nexus stood in front of him that Sero understood Leo's mood when he faced the mechanical Saiwen back then.

I think it's just the same as my present self.

"Wait...you are..." Sai Luo also took the time to glance behind himself, the image of the familiar girl in his eyes shocked him.

If he remembered correctly, the girl's appearance was exactly the same as the girl in the photo he saw in Shikali's laboratory.

And Hikari also told him that this girl is Nexus' regret, the guilt of not being able to protect it.

Sai Luo, who had only seen photos before, finally saw a real person.

But her ending...

Sai Luo wasn't stupid either. When he connected with the ingenious timing of his arrival and the movement of landing, if everything was connected in series, he also vaguely got an answer.

"Master, do you want...to make yourself disappear..." If it was really that conjecture, it would be too hard for Sai Luo to accept, but he has already become a part of the plan, deeply trapped in the situation, and there is no way to escape do it.

Even if I rush back now, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Is all this calculated?
Shaking his head, Sai Luo abandoned those thoughts and focused on the battle in front of him.

"Hmph, the counterfeit product made by Beria, let me send you back to the garbage dump!" With a gesture of fighting, Sai Luo has gone through battles, but with Palaji as his energy supplement, his current state remains the same. In good condition, at least about [-]% of the body is preserved.

"Discover Ultraman Zero, carry out the obliteration plan!" In the core order of Mechanical Nexus, the first is to kill Nexus, the second is to kill Zero, and the third is to kill Nexus. Kill the monster girl Saori.

And when Sai Luo appeared in front of his eyes, his goal naturally shifted.

"Eradicate? You really dare to say it." Sai Luo raised his hand, with disdain in his frivolous tone, and he walked straight to Nexus.

He couldn't wait to make a heavy hand.

Mechanical Nexus was also not to be outdone, his left foot ignited a raging fire, and the blazing energy formed a surging high temperature. Every step that Mechanical Nexus took would leave scorched black marks on the ground.

As Nexus' apprentice, Sai Luo certainly learned a lot from Nexus, so his left foot also ignited flames in an instant, and spread to the entire calf.

The difference is that his flame is formed by the burning of light particles, not a real flame.

Atomic kick inherited from Nexus.

At the moment when the handover was about to take place, Zero stopped and attacked, and so did Nexus. The kicks of the two sides collided, and the impact force spread across the surrounding earth in an instant. The ring of fire engulfed the storm, burning the color of the earth, Disappeared in an instant.

Saori took advantage of this rare opportunity to teleport and appeared directly above the EX. Taking advantage of the fact that the two sides were fighting to attract the destruction and attention of the body, she immediately transferred the EX and moved to the dense forest below the air base with herself. .

Destroyer attracted Tigang to stop it, but the entangled Zero and Nexus suddenly turned into two streamers of light, one blue and one white, entangled and rushed to the sky.

War is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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