Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 466 I'm Hiroya Fujimiya, from Ultraman Cerro...

Chapter 466 I am Hiroya Fujimiya, belonging to Ultraman Zero...

Although he temporarily helped XIG at the air base, in fact, Teng Gong not only has no authority, but he is even a blacklisted player who is focused on by Ji'ou Base.

Appearing in the air base in such a swaggering manner is already the highest authority granted by Shishi by default.

Therefore, after this incident ended, Teng Gong was secretly sent back to the ground by Shishi immediately.

After Sai Luo landed on the earth, it was generally calm for two days, but only to the extent of two days.

During these two days, many monsters appeared, some of which had nothing to do with the Destroyer Enemy, and some were the vanguard released by the Destroyer Enemy.

But that's not important, the key is that the entire Gaia plot seems to be sped up. Originally, Gaia's plot time span was very short. Now if it is sped up again, it will be reflected in the fact that my dream's attendance rate is particularly diligent. up.

As if taking on two parts of light means taking on two parts of responsibility, the number and frequency of monsters that Gaia faced during this period were particularly large.

Now that Nexus was wounded and Aguru couldn't appear, he is the only guardian of the earth who can still move.

But fortunately, his strength has been greatly increased. V2 as the basis for strengthening has greatly strengthened Gaia's ability, and SV has guaranteed Gaia's upper limit.So even though they attacked repeatedly during this period of time, Gaia was still able to hold on to the situation.

Let's not talk about the destroyed Earth restart device - Yanshan.

The fusion monster from the moon - Gochigumon came to the earth across a long distance, just like the ancient times on the earth, it is going to lay eggs and hatch on this planet full of life, using the life on the earth.

It's a pity that it came a long time ago, ignoring the difference between the current era and the era of the earth it knows, so it was not only knocked down by the tranquilizer gun, but even hammered to death by Gaia.

It fully reflects what is meant by the phrase "My lord, the times have changed."

Of course, you can't say that it didn't do good things, at least its appearance and actions indirectly promoted the birth of a relationship, that is, the love between Kajio and Dunzi's sister.

I didn't expect you, Kajio, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to have the potential to become Prime Minister Cao!

Leaving aside the moon monsters who did good deeds without leaving their names or even their lives, what followed were the devils from ancient Japanese legends a hundred years ago-that is, the supernatural beings.

Yes, there are such things as supernatural beings in the world of Gaia, and it has also predicted the arrival of the summoned body of destruction, and has already taken refuge in the summoned body of destruction.

As long as he takes back the power of his remaining blood descendants, he can become extremely powerful and gain the power to conquer the earth.

The starting point is good, and the power of inheriting the bloodline is indeed strong, but his mistake is that he chose to use the image of Jiaen Q.
Now, to be reasonable, the hatred value of my dream to eye Q is obvious to all.

As long as the devil Onijuro changes his image, his death will not be so miserable.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.
These things all happened within a short period of five days, and it has nothing to do with the body of the destruction.

And the idea of ​​disillusionment attracting the body is also very simple, since there are monsters willing to take action, then He is happy to sit back and enjoy the rewards, and turn his attention to Fujimiya Hiroya.

Is it possible for this former warrior of light to degenerate and become a giant of darkness?

In an unfinished building that is about to be demolished, Teng Gong built a temporary residence with the resources at hand. With his current status, there are not many things he can use, most of which are materials from the safe house he bought before. over here.

Now that he has lost Aguru's power, what he can do now is to exert his own power.

He used to be too obsessed with the power of Ultraman, but now, he can finally think clearly about what he can do as a human being.

His starting point is good. Compared with the period in the original book where Teng Gong gave up on himself and wanted to die, Teng Gong now at least has the reason and motivation to fight again.

If he really goes on like this, then he will definitely be able to discover more possibilities for himself.

But it's a pity, whether it's Shattered Invitation Body or Mephisto, they won't let him go.

And before that, the source that had been prepared for a long time was fully prepared for the upcoming event.

Sai Luo, has already set off to meet with Teng Gong.

It's just not in the real world, but in the light quantum space, a world full of light constructed by Sai Luo.

That is, the space where the human body becomes Ultraman.

It's just that Teng Gong didn't know this. When he fell asleep on the bed and his consciousness suddenly sank, and when he reached this space, he was still wondering where he came from again.

But soon, he saw the new and brand new image of Ultraman standing in front of him.

"Yo, Teng Gong, this is our first meeting in this world." After making a hand gesture, Sai Luo knew him very well, and he also knew that Teng Gong was a difficult person to get close to. Give Teng Gong a chance to refuse.

".Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Sai Luo, Ultraman Sai Luo. I'm an Ultra warrior who wants to be one with you." Sai Luo put his arms around his chest: "I can't stay in this time and space for long, I can't use my own existence in this place. Time and space stay, so I need to find a human body."

"Although you have temporarily lost Aguru's power, don't worry, isn't there me?" Sai Luo slapped his chest, waved his hand, and said boldly.

"Please temporarily become my human body during this time."

".What are you talking about, to become your human body? What do you want to do?" Teng Gong was a little dazed by the combination of Sai Luo's punches. He couldn't understand what Sai Luo meant. He could only publish Ask your own questions.

This Ultraman, why does his mind look abnormal?
"It means that we have to be of one mind."

"No, if it wasn't for Aguru, I don't need other powers!" Teng Gong refused without thinking.

"I knew you would refuse, but in the current situation on Earth, only Gaia and Nexus are not enough. The enemy is stronger than you can imagine. It once exterminated one world, no, it is many worlds. A strong enemy." Sai Luo knew that Teng Gong would refuse, so he went to Yuanquan to ask for a solution.

For the next words, Sai Luo basically copied Yuanquan's answer.

"That's also Nexus' old enemy, an opponent that even he might not be able to win."

"And when he is entangled, do you want Gaia to face the body of destruction alone?"

"You who used to be an aguru will never turn a blind eye to you when you are recruited by the destruction. They will definitely do something to you. But you who have lost the power of aguru have no qualifications to resist at all."

"I know, you want to do what a human can do now. But being an Ultraman does not conflict with what a human should do."

"Besides, don't you mean to take revenge with your own hands? Invite the body to the destruction that fooled you."

The above is what Yuanquan said, and Sai Luo relayed it all.

The pale yellow sharp eyes watched Teng Gong change from a face of indifference to thoughtfulness, and then became ugly, and finally clenched his fists to imply anger, Sai Luo also had to admit , he still has a lot to learn in terms of speaking skills.

If it was him, he promises not to say these things.

"But why me?" Teng Gong asked back.

"I am not an Ultra warrior in this time and space, or even in this universe. My existence is limited and I have no foundation, so I am not recognized by this time and space." Sai Luo reached out to cover the timer on his chest, and then handed Go out and put it in front of Teng Gong.

"Therefore, I need someone to carry my strength and fight with me."

"We know each other, in the future."

"The future. Could it be that you are?" Teng Gong understood at a glance, his pupils widened slightly after he understood where Sai Luo came from, but he quickly accepted this setting.

"I see. No wonder you said that you can't exist without a foundation in this time and space."

"As expected of you, I understood it as soon as I said it." Sai Luo smiled hey, in a good mood.

"I am now worthy of being an Ultraman? Do I still have that qualification?" Although I have seen a lot, it doesn't mean that Teng Gong doesn't care about what he did in the past.

He clearly remembered the death of Dr. Inamori. When he was looking for Chrissy's question, he turned and left to find the source of trouble and then came back to see the scene. He will never forget it until his death.

If it wasn't for his discovery too late, if it wasn't for his self-willedness, if
Being Ultraman brings nothing but suffering to the earth and mankind.

It's better to do your duty as a human being and do what you should do.

"Teng Gong, I know what happened to you, but I still want to say that you have to regain possession in order to atone for the past, instead of giving up on yourself. I used to have the same confusion." Sai Luo racked his brains, Finally, he found some ink in his stomach, and prepared to pour it into Teng Gong with old chicken soup.

"If the power of Aguru makes you addicted and no one reminds you, then until you find the light of Aguru, let me be your partner. We are of one heart, help each other, and grow together."

"One more time to fight as an Ultra warrior, and one more time to try!"

"One heart and one body, shall we be together?" Repeatedly whispering such a sentence, Teng Gong stretched out his hand and held Sai Luo's hand together.

"If possible, we are of one mind, support each other, and grow together, Ultraman Zero!"

A strong light erupted from the position where the two shook hands, and at this moment, it filled the entire light quantum space.

In reality, Teng Gong, who was lying on the bed and breathing steadily, also condensed Palaji's bracelet on his wrist covered under the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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