Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 469 Sero who bullied TV monsters in theatrical form is a crumb

Chapter 469 Sero who bullied TV monsters in theatrical form is a crumb
"These forms of yours are too many." Teng Gong felt for the first time what a big family is. How can he, a native of the earth who has only used v1, bear it?
Obio is pissed off, isn't he?

"Don't look too much, in fact, there are not many people who can be used." Sai Luo is still a little embarrassed when he said this. His current strength is in a very embarrassing situation. He can't beat those who are too strong, and he disdains those who are too weak. Fighting, but it happens to be in the middle level, which is not high or low.

As for the form that can really wrestle with powerful enemies, Sai Luo's control is insufficient.

Therefore, among these forms, the only one that can be called a card in his heart is Chonghuang Zero, which he used to kill randomly before.

"Get ready to meet the monster, it's coming!" Sai Luo reminded Teng Gong aloud. Now that both of them are charging towards each other, the distance between Sai Luo and the cosmic ninja-Kuros Sabaga is very close.

"Theoretical operation is not as good as practice, Sai Luo, you can call me again, let me familiarize yourself with your fighting style." Just before the contact, Teng Gong suddenly made a sound, and handed over the choice to Sai Luo again. body.

And Sai Luo was not surprised, obviously he had known about Teng Gong's plan for a long time.

After all, with so many forms, before Teng Gong had no corresponding experience, he would never know the upper limit of these forms.

"Then watch it, my battle." Taking over the battle again, the ice ax above Sai Luo's head flew out rapidly, and the two ice axes spun left and right at high speed, attacking from both sides in coordination.

Sai Luo itself is accumulating light energy on his fist, preparing to give it a big one.

Kouros Sabaga is not weak either, it is a strong man who appeared in the 36th episode of the Heisei Three Heroes series, and the monsters that appeared in the 36th episode of the Heisei Three Realms are all powerful. How can it be so weak?
In fact, in the original book, Kouros Shabaga also brought considerable trouble to Gaia. Its multiple abilities and superb combat IQ endowed it with an excellent combat awareness. Gaia suppressed in the battle with Gaia rose up. Can't get out.

If it wasn't because Teng Gong noticed the weakness of Kuros Sabaga's clone without a shadow from the reflection on the water surface, so he threw a bomb and hit the body, forcing the clone of Kuros Sabaga to be released, Gaia would probably be suppressed to death.

Although Gaia seized the opportunity to turn on the SV and directly suppressed it to death after being released from the clone, but this can't be said that Kuros Sabaga is too weak, can it?
In the first handover, Kouros Shabaga showed his clone ability. He immediately separated into two clones and switched the main body at any time. With a time difference, he switched between the main body and the clone one after another to avoid the attack of the ice axe. Luo's boxing.

After each other's figures staggered, Kouros Sabaga went straight to the ground, and Zero followed closely behind, speeding up his flight.

Switching to Sai Luo, the miracle of the moon god, Sai Luo reorganized the ice axes and divided them into twelve ice axes to attack one after another.

Like doppelganger, right?Like jumping between clone and body, right?
Doesn't it make you dance to your satisfaction?
It may be difficult for two ice axes to hit the body of Kuros Sabaga, but twelve ice axes
Kouros Shabaga could only turn around and release the little Shabaga from the open hole in his hand.

That is the little monster stored in its body. Of course, this small monster is still too big compared to it, and for humans.

More than a dozen small Shabajas collided with the ice axes head-on. Even with the increase in number, Sai Luo couldn't control the twelve ice axes as smoothly as his arms. Eight were buried.

After the number was reduced, Sero's ability to control the ice axes soared, and the remaining four ice axes hit three clones almost at the same time, including the body of Kuros Sabaga.

Unable to use the ability to transform the body, Kouros Sabaga could only raise his hand to avoid being too deeply injured, but it could not avoid the fact that he was hit.

The moment the sparks burst out, the avatar shattered, and Kuros Shabaga fell from the sky with a scream, and fell on the beach, causing great waves.

Sai Luo, who had not yet landed, switched to a strong corona, and gathered the energy of high-heat blasting on his fist during the condescending fall, and struck down with a bang.

Garnett burst.

Realized light particles formed flames and swept down, Kuros Shabaga hit the ground with both arms, shaking the ground and bouncing two huge boulders overlapped to cover in front of him, instead of bearing the attack of Garnet's burst.

The continuous offensive must not stop, and the enemy must not be given any chance to breathe!

The teachings of Nexus flowed in his heart, and Sai Luo couldn't get a single blow, so he immediately adjusted his body shape, fell from the sky with a flying kick, and aimed at the location of Kuros Sabaga.

In the powerful coronal form, the powerful atomic kick suddenly falls.

This time, what was wrapped around Sai Luo's legs was no longer light particles, but real burning flames.

Seeing Sai Luo falling like a meteor through the smoke and dust from the explosion, Kouros Sabaga was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he kicked his legs on the ground one after another, allowing himself to fly out on the ground, and then he escaped from Sai Luo. Luo's attack range.

The atomic flying kick fell on the ground, but the destructive power it caused was not very great, because this is a trick that can erupt the strongest force at the extreme moment and restrain the strength at the extreme moment.

Seeing that he couldn't hit, Sai Luo reduced the power of the atomic kick to a minimum in order to avoid damage to the landscape.

Kouros Sabaga turned around. It was ordered to attack, and it originally thought that it was here to take Teng Gong away.

But I never expected that even if Teng Gong lost the power of Aguru, he is still Ultraman now, and he is still the latest Ultraman.

"Since I told you to understand the power of my current form, of course I will show you all of it." The Palaji bracelet was separated and transformed, and Ultimate Zero completed the assembly. Get rid of the dust in front of you and walk out of the smoke.

Although in the new generation, in the post-era where powerful enemies emerge in endlessly, Ultimate Zero is no longer useful, but in this era, Ultimate Zero is a top priority!
"I have three forms." The air base had already appeared in Sai Luo, and the moment the wormhole appeared, they were paying attention to this battle, but they were still surprised by the power displayed by Sai Luo.

Gaia has only one form switch, Nexus has only one, and this new Ultraman has three.
"It's...too strong." Everyone was amazed, they never thought that this Ultra fighter could
"Ultimate Zero Armor, that is the Palaji Armor. If you give it enough time, enough energy, and its strength, it can shoot through a planet with one blow." Strong, Shishi listened to Yuanquan's words in his ears, although he was shocked in his heart, but on the surface, he remained calm.

"Let us see where the limit of this new fighter is."

After completing the assembly of Palaji's armor, Sai Luo's aura has soared a lot from the original basis, making Kouros Sabaga feel an unparalleled threat.

That is simply not a level that a TV monster like him can bear!

"Look, Teng Gong, this is Ultimate Zero's nirvana!" The combined Palaji armor was separated again, and combined with each other to form a silver-white bow, which was held by Zero.

After a short charge, Sai Luo pulled the bowstring and shot Palaji's bow.

Although it is only the minimum power storage and the output of the minimum demand, Sai Luo does not need to store much power in order to show his power in various forms.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he was about to switch form to Shining Cyro, Kuros Sabaga couldn't dodge the sure kill of the bow, and Kuros Sabaga, who was still within the envelope, received the energy burst of Palaji's bow The wave spread, was involved in it, the whole monster was smashed, turned into blue molecules, and disappeared with the wind.

"Tsk, why is this dead, I still have a bunch of forms that haven't been changed?"

Sai Luo felt lost, it was a pity.

This is strange, without a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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