Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 479 I will destroy me and bring me new life.

Chapter 479 I will destroy me and bring me new life.

PS: This chapter is very important. It highlights some pitfalls so far and the changes of the two timelines. It is a must-read chapter in itself.
"It's Hikari's bracelet again, another small box, and even Sai Luo, what on earth do you want to do?" Obviously, Yuanquan was not surprised by the appearance of Future Nai, rather, he had expected it.

Because everything that's happened so far, whether it's the bracelet or Cyro, it's all from the future.

And if the future self wants to give these to the past, it means that he is not satisfied with the future he is in.

If it is not reconciled, who would want to change the past?
"You know, if there is no Cyro, and there has never been Tartarus, what will you encounter in this universe?" Future Nai did not answer Yuanquan's question, but instead asked a seemingly irrelevant thing.

And this question, Yuanyuan really never thought about it.

"You...what happened to us?" Future Nai's appearance represented that he had definitely suffered some serious blow in the world of Gaia, otherwise it would never have been like this.

It's also me, of course Yuanyuan understands.

"Let me tell you, there is no Cyro, no Tartarus intervention, normal timeline." As he spoke, Nexus spoke slowly, from those days, from the time he first entered the Gaia universe rise.

"Without Tartarus, we will defeat Gatanjae together with Tiga in the world of Tiga, then leave the world of Tiga, descend to Earth on the timeline of Ace, and form a bond with the Ultra Brothers, and then, That's the history you know."

Future Nai is talking about the plot that has appeared before, that is, when Nexus arrived in the Kingdom of Light and the Imperial Stars came to the door, Nexus and Zofi faced each other, and in order to protect Zofi, Zofi was included in the Meta Realm event.

At that time, in the Meta Realm, there were still all alien beast factors, entangled on Sophie's body and drifted to the Showa universe, and then merged with the Yawa people to become the strongest alien super beast.

"Merge with the Ultra Brothers to become Super Nexus and defeat the alien super beast, and then we will live in the Kingdom of Light for a while."

"And then, until the end of Gaussian space-time, our story is the same."

"History is a pair of scissors that are constantly pruning. Even if you deviate from the position at the beginning, it will eventually cut off all your possibilities."

"Entering Gaia's time and space, you won't encounter Sagegu, you won't encounter Dark Lopsero, you won't encounter anything, except for the monsters in Gaia itself."

"However, Mephisto is indeed here. We all fought him the same way, and the results are the same."

"And here, history forks."

As he said that, he dissipated the screen projected by the light and shadow condensed from his palm, and erased the past that was originally played. Future Nai turned to face Yuanquan and said seriously.

"If there is no Sailo, the shattering will send the metal life body after you and Mephisto are both defeated, mimicking Nexus, and then shooting down the air base."

"Gaia was entangled by the Destroyer and the cosmic ninja. It was Saori who stood up and dealt with the metal Nexus with xIG. She moved instantly, the shield resisted damage, and absorbed light. She forcibly supported Gaia. Come support."

"Then, the monster factor rioted, and Saori began to turn into a monster, turning from a human girl into a small Zedon."

"Then, Fujimiya was affected by the dark seeds, degenerated into dark Faust, and staged a decisive battle with Gaia."

"I forcibly stimulated the birth of the planet at the last moment, thinking that this would solve Mephisto. Then, the homeland came, the planets collided, and Saori was affected by the alien beast factor, and was completely transformed into a different Jaidon."

"The power of the birth of the planet is indeed powerful. I defeated Mephisto, but Saori stood in front of me."

Having said that, Future Nai kept silent and stopped talking.

But even if he didn't say anything, Yuanquan probably knew what the story behind him was like.

"In order to protect the earth, to protect this living world where human beings still exist, I will personally kill Saori, who is blocking me and loses her humanity, and then destroy the star of my homeland in the light." Yuanquan took a deep breath, Slowly said: "This is you, want to change our future?"

"I am a failed savior. I always have to choose between trade-offs. I chose to protect the world, just to avoid repeating the same mistakes."

"Compared to my dead homeland, of course Gaia, a planet full of vitality, is more worthy of protection."

"But, am I really willing to do that? Killing my friend, breaking the promise I made to her, destroying my own planet with my own hands, using another earth as the background, and burying everything I cherish in the darkness of the universe Abyss, there will be no more hope."

Future Nai clenched his fists: "I'm not discouraged, because I still have hope. I know that as long as I evolve to Noah, even Wingless Noah, I can reverse time and change the changes that happened to me. Change into a perfect happy ending."

"However, Mephisto absorbed a large amount of Nexus light, and because of the domineering power of the forcibly stimulated star light, in the case of incomplete fusion, the remaining Nexus light in my body was destroyed. Absorb the nutrients that become the light of the planet and perfect yourself."

"Since then, I have been fixed on the upper limit, and there is no possibility of rising."

"Later, King Ao told me that even if I really became Noah, there was no way to reverse my fate. Because if it wasn't for what happened in the past, why can I evolve into Noah now?"

"If a paradox is caused, the timeline will collapse."

"Actually, the birth of the planet is very strong, very strong, but I don't want such power at all."

Saying that, Future Nai shook his head, and turned his attention to the source, which is him now: "The future has been locked, and there will be no further changes. It will only move from the future to the future. It’s still like a dead future, nothing will change.”

"I can't be Noah, and I can't be Noah. I have no past and no future, so there is only one thing I can do."

"Destroy the established future that I belong to, give up my existence, and fulfill me." It was me, but Future Nai pointed to the source, even though they were one person.

"In this way, I will bear all the cost of the future extinction. I will erase my own existence, and extinguish myself and the future together, so that the future will be full of possibilities again."

"Possibility? What if the future becomes worse than the present?" Yuanshang asked a step forward.

"That has nothing to do with me. What I do is to change the established future and inject possibilities. After that, I no longer exist and disappear with the established future."

"Do you still remember the words of Yinhe? What the future looks like depends on who you are now."

"So that's not my business, it's yours."

"Whether the future is good or bad, it's all up to you to choose." Nexus gave a thumbs up. That gesture is Yuan's favorite gesture, which is the thumbs up gesture.

"...Besides that, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Yuan Moran, he didn't know what the future would be like, although Future Nai made it clear, but he hadn't experienced it.

"Remember your identity as a human being. You are a Nexus transformed from a human, not a Nexus transformed into a human. You must firmly remember this." Looking deeply at the source, Naike Seth said earnestly.

"I entrust the past and the future to you, and you must not repeat the same mistakes."

"The future is dying and going to the unknown. Why are you all so optimistic about me? I really can't figure out what is in me that deserves your attention." Future Nai's actions made the current source of pressure extremely big.

With the feeling that the road ahead is unknown, he really can't guarantee success.

"Don't think too much, you are me, but I am not you. The choices we make are all the same choices. Follow your own heart and let go." Future Nai's body began to turn into light particles, then It means that he is being pulled back to the future, and he has to pay the price of reversing the timeline.

Erase one's own existence, leaving no place for others.

"Heh, speaking is better than singing. In the end, I have to bear all these alone." Although he was complaining, this was his future self's choice, and it was also his choice.

It's just...Nexus transformed from a human, and Nexus transformed into a human, what does this sentence mean?
Could it be that in the future I will...

Before he could think about it, Yuanquan saw the place where Nai dissipated in the future, the remaining light energy gathered together, arranged and combined to form several large characters, which were brilliant and brilliant.

Watch out bro Rob.


(End of this chapter)

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