Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 490 The long-standing divine beast is named...

Chapter 490 The name of the mythical beast that has been passed down for a long time is called.
In addition to the task of destruction, the alien beasts that descended from the sky also had the responsibility of finding Nexus and attacking it.

Stone Wing, who was shot down in space, fell in front of Yizu Mairu, and Yizu Mairu would naturally perform this task.

It's just that the appearance of Renlong surprised Yizu Mairu. After all, he once wreaked havoc on another planet where there were no monsters. Except for alien beasts or alien beasts, Yizu Mairu had never seen Renlong like this.

And all over the world, the monsters who woke up from slumber in response to Renlong's call set out one after another and launched an attack on their opponents.

Zhong Naier, Tigulis, Xiazak, etc. all appeared one after another.

Among them, Tigulis is particularly powerful, because there are three Tigulis in total, and the strength of the three generations of Tigulis weakens from large to small.

But after all, it is an earth monster with extraordinary strength.

After a generation of Tigulis rushed out of the ground below Nezu Lake, he immediately headed towards Tokyo.

It didn't wake up just now. In fact, the launch of underground penetrating bombs and the deadly sense of crisis a few days ago had already stimulated its awakening.

Later, it knew what happened, and knew that it was only one step away from death.

Now, the sky guardian is in that unknown device, repairing the injuries on his body.

Tigulis had to go to the battlefield anyway.

He wants to protect the light of the earth and protect Nexus.

But its way forward was eventually blocked.Garubus fell from the sky and fell to the ground, causing thousands of feet of dust to break up.

Garubus, who was roaring and attacking, came straight to Tigulis, fierce and unreasonable.

The first generation of Tigulis is extremely powerful. Although it doesn't have many long-range attack methods, its physique is invincible. Even at the last moment when it was hit by an underground penetrating bullet in the original book and was about to die, it still had a tail. Sweep away the strange power of v2 Gaia.

Among the three generations of Tigulis, it is the oldest and the strongest.

The monsters on the earth have all encountered their own opponents, but even so, the number of alien beasts descending is still too many.

On the Tokyo side, Reiko and the others ignored the danger, drove to the scene where the two monsters confronted after Mr. Tabata, and directly started the live report.

Tabata has always been very good at reckless life and making news.

Both Renlong and Yizu Mairu did not move easily. The former was able to destroy dozens of Caesar Debussies since the light of the earth was weakened to the extreme, and the energy and physical fitness were weakened to the extreme. Renlong.

The latter is a fusion of alien beasts. In Nexus TV, Yizumiru who ended the last transformation battle of Chiki Rei.

After a short trial, Yizu Mairu took the lead, and the beast head on his shoulder spewed flames, and the hot beam went straight to Renlong.

Renlong didn't dodge or dodge, the underground water rushed out to form a water curtain in front of him, blocking all the hot beams exactly.

At the same time, the ground under Yizu Mairu's feet rumbled and cracked, and Yizu Mairu fell into the pit unexpectedly.

The water flow turned into a high-speed vibrating water blade and rushed out from the ground, hitting Izumiru's body.

The high-speed vibrating cutting water sparked on Yizu Mairu's body, knocking Yizu Mairu out of the pothole, and fell heavily to the ground, shaking up broken stone fragments.

The water flow of the entire underground dragon vein in Tokyo is controlled by Renlong. The underground spring water that used to flow quietly in the past has turned into a galloping wave at this moment. Under the influence of Renlong's power, it quickly gathers and operates to form a water tornado , Turning the entire Tokyo into a watery world.

The Jade of the Dragon God emitted a gleam of light, and the turbulent water gathered from all directions to form a sphere on top of Renlong's head.

The dragon head behind Renlong spit out a small beam of light and merged into the water polo, the water polo burst suddenly, and the spreading water stains and shock waves shook the air.

Yizu Mairu was attacked again, and was pushed by the current to plow the concrete road, plowing the roads in Tokyo with cracks.

"This is Renlong." Hiiragi saw Renlong's appearance and the ability to control water with his own eyes. Just this power fully reflected Renlong's strength without reservation.

This mythical dragon is by no means comparable to ordinary monsters.

Staff Qianye also understood at this time that this mythical dragon did not show its true power at the beginning.

Perhaps for him, Gaia is not his opponent, and he doesn't want to do anything to Gaia.

Because it is more important to join forces to resist foreign enemies.

Did the monsters on the earth realize this earlier than us humans?

Yizu Mairu roared angrily, struggling to get up from the ground, the water current caused him more pain than the direct missile attack.

If he wanted to swallow this mythical dragon, he had to defeat it first.

The red biological core above the head released flashes, and the other hand began to release pollen covertly.

Although in a space full of water vapor, the effect of sleeping pollen will be greatly reduced, but the pollen wrapped in water vapor and flowing to Renlong's body can also have an effect.

The swirling water flow formed a roaring water dragon, collided with the destruction beam, and exploded at the junction of the two, and both collapsed.

The evaporated water vapor formed smoke and spread to the audience, gradually reducing the visibility in Tokyo city, which also affected Tabata's live broadcast.

During the earth-shattering battle, the camera shakes, but no one can blame them for this.

After all, among all the television media in the world, only Tabata has the guts to go out and stand so close to shoot a live broadcast.

In terms of not wanting to die, Tian Bata really has something.

This is a global live broadcast, and it is the only broadcast broadcast by one company, which made Reiko and even Tabata appear on the screens of TVs all over the world.

"Fuck? Is this the dragon under Tokyo? So strong?"

"Can you fight against Gaia, can you not be strong?"

"He has helped us several times, and he is still fighting these monsters that fell from the sky."

"You people in Tokyo are protected by such a monster, I feel so sad."

"Sick fart, try to see a monster under your ass? I can't sleep well all day long!"

"That's a good relationship. You sell the house to me, and I'll live in it. You kid just haven't seen how miserable the other places that are ravaged by monsters are! You don't know how to be blessed if you are born in a blessing, bah!"

"You you you! Why are you standing on the side of the monster!"

"I can't tell you, Jawpaw!"

Conversations like this have occurred in the underground shelters in Tokyo. Renlong's strength and his actions of helping humans several times made many people start to think about Renlong's position, and gradually became disgusted with this mythical dragon. No matter how high.

At the beginning, they were the ones who resisted and even marched against the existence of Renlong; now they feel so lucky in their hearts that they are the ones who are protected by such a powerful dragon as Renlong.

The strength displayed by Renlong is horrifying, and Yizu Mairu's physique that has not been broken by continuous attacks is also frightening.

The battle between these two behemoths fully made human beings understand their fragility.

The water vapor filled the air, and Renlong drove the water flow at high speed, and in the rapid flow, the water vapor covering Tokyo went through a round of changes.

Obviously, it sensed the existence of pollen, and never gave Izumiru a chance to sneak attack him.

Yizumi Mairu yelled angrily on the Alien Beast public sharing channel, vomiting out a series of Alien Beast swear words one after another.

It was the first time it met a monster other than a strange beast, how could it meet such a strong one?
Is it in this river?

 Just like the title, every time I write about Renlong, I can't help but go to the next door, especially when I call Renlong the mythical dragon, the sense of déjà vu is the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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