Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 493 On Whether Shazhi Was Saved and Why Mephistopheles is Mephistopheles

Chapter 493 On Whether Shazhi Was Saved and Why Mephistopheles is Mephistopheles
The way to eliminate the alien beasts was finally blocked by a dark torrent with a clear goal that fell from the sky.

Nexus raised his shield to block the blow.

The Death Star getting closer in the sky reminds the source that time is running out.

At this time, the sea emitted unique ripples, floating lights rushed out from the deep sea, Renlong floated from the deep sea, and Gaia also appeared beside Nexus in brilliant brilliance.

As soon as it appeared, a quantum streamline swept out, killing the Caesar Debussy who was approaching rapidly not far away.

Although it is a collection of demonic insects, it does not mean that it is very powerful.

At the same time, the tide surged, and the entire ocean seemed to have life, cheering for the regeneration of the ocean guardian.

The tide is surging, helping the high tide.

After the tsunami passed, the sea automatically parted and moved towards the two sides, forming a square in the sea. Aguru squatted on the square and slowly got up.

Appeared! B Wang Kaihai!
What is B grid (back leaning).

After all, the other Ultraman is the giant of light, and Aguru is the unique giant of B!
Standing on the sea, Agur and Gaia reappeared, and their strength has been greatly improved compared to before.

"Go and fight that guy, Sai Luo told us, you and that guy have a destiny that has to be settled." Aguru slowly flew up, and the three Ultra fighters floated in the air and carried out the pre-battle battle. chat.

"The strength of the bodies that are attracted by the destruction is not trivial, and there are many powerful individuals among the alien beasts. In the face of the alien beasts, you must destroy them into a molecular state, otherwise the factors of the alien beasts will spread and bring more harm than the alien beasts Even bigger." With Gaia and Aguru on the earth side, Nexus felt relieved.

Although a lot of energy was consumed, he didn't feel regretful.

"The battle on Sai Luo's side..." Aguru asked worriedly.

"That's the grievance between him and Tartarus, we can't help him." Raising his hand, he grasped the sword of sparks flying from a distance, and Nexus turned it into a bracelet, slowly Pull away.

"I'm going, I'm going to do what I'm going to do, Gaia, Aguru!" This is the final battle, and it's also the reenactment of grievances and hatreds after Faust.

It's just that last time I was still a young warrior, with Dagu, Ultraman Tiga and his teammates standing beside him.

Now, in Gaia time and space, I am the predecessor of them in my dreams, and there is no one by my side.

In the face of the battle of fate, only he himself can fight head-on, and no one else can help him.

Does this scare Yuanquan?

No, on the contrary, it is a sign that he has become a qualified fighter.

Flying to the sky, the blue warrior quickly disappeared in front of their eyes.

The death star is gradually descending, and the earth has been invaded by countless alien beasts, whether it is the sky or the earth, this can be said to be the biggest crisis they have encountered since they became Ultra warriors.

The two looked at each other, walked hand in hand, and flew towards the distance together.

What they have to do next is of course to fulfill their duties as guardians of the earth.


The decisive battle is imminent, but Nexus still remembers what he is going to do next. Before going to the Death Star, he turned into light particles and found the air base. Saori.

Yuanquan appeared from the light and watched the changes in Saori's body.

Without that potion, would Saori's final outcome be to become Jayden?
Obviously, he said that he wanted to protect her, but he didn't expect that everything he encountered in Gaia's world became a reminder.

The future self must also be extremely guilty of this matter, so he came back with a whole genetic medicine to make up for this guilt.

Put the potion into Saori's monster-like arm, watching the light yellow potion being injected into Jaydenniang's body bit by bit, Yuanquan really wanted to stay here, seeing Saori's recovery into a human form with his own eyes , but that is not possible.

The girl's frown in a coma gradually eased, and her tense body also relaxed.

The monster factor boiling in the body encountered a potion specially designed for it, and the defeated army retreated steadily.

The source didn't stay for long, and the evolutionary believer who pulled out turned into Nexus again, flew straight through the window to the sky, and rushed towards the death star covering the sky.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and now there is only one last thing left, and there is no end to it.


The cotton-like clouds were destroyed by Sai Luo, but the gloomy sky still couldn't receive any sunlight.

On the ground, attracted by another planet, the earth began to crack, and the seams between the earth's plates were cracked again. With the distance getting closer, this damage will continue until the two planets are attracted together , to complete the collision.

The magma was dug out from the ground, but it stopped flowing as if it was dead, like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves.

Spreading his arms, Nexus tore through the clouds, his feet touched the ground, and fell slowly.

Looking at the surrounding buildings and all the familiar things, this was once a beautiful planet filled with more than 60 billion people and countless animals and plants.

The bustling world is wonderful and beautiful, and the hymn of life sounds in the morning, along with the trajectory of the day, singing the cycle of day and night.

The gurgling water, the unpredictable sky, the life tenaciously living on the high mountains, and the lava flowing underground.

Whether it is human beings or the earth, they are all growing vigorously.

And such a beautiful world is only kept in the memory, and it is dug out from the memory in the dead of night, tasted, and cherished the scenery.

Because that kind of world no longer exists, and behind the beautiful illusion is the reality of death in front of you.

Human beings failed to protect themselves well, and the earth failed to survive in the deep and dark universe, and everything finally came to an end.

And the final answer is the status quo of the planet he is stepping on.

Not far away are corroded planes that cannot be seen clearly, and farther away are ground armored tanks with only a few wreckage left. Farther away, in a relatively well-preserved basement, half a skull exists on the steel floor and acid. water in the middle of the lake.

Only the remaining half is shouting to the world.

Comrades, relatives.

lover, friend.

The beginning of everything and the end of everything is to have everything with a smile, and to accept the fact that everything collapsed in despair.

Why would the future self annihilate itself? Now Nexus can probably feel some of that feeling.

"How does it feel to return to my own planet? Is it very touching? Surprised? You must be in a good mood!" Mephisto did not appear, but his voice echoed around the source, and he was everywhere The sound made it difficult to determine his location.

"This is a gift from me to you. I know that you are homeless and can't find your way home." Mephisto's tone was somewhat mocking: How could I let you do this? The only survivor, died in another country? "

"I will return the same to you. You and I are people from this world. There is no battlefield more suitable for us than here." Nexus took a deep breath and stood up tall: "Whether it is you It’s still me, after this battle, I’ve returned to my roots.”

"You will be the one who returns to the roots!" The hasty and angry voice sounded, it seemed that he didn't see the expression of Nexus that he wanted to see, and Mephisto was a little out of breath.

"I don't want to talk too much nonsense here, Mephisto, come out." Nexus' voice was still calm, but the anger suppressed in his heart could not wait.

"Tsk, I haven't finished yet." Adjusting his mood, Mephisto felt that he seemed to be disturbed by Nexus, so he hurriedly restrained his mind and said again.

"Would you like to visit New York? Your childhood sweetheart, but right there, crushed by the collapsed building."

"By the way, I specifically told the alien beasts not to approach that place, maybe you can go and look for it now, and you can find her bone left after being bitten by maggots and wild dogs~"

"There is also a cemetery where the able-bodied are buried together. I don't want them to be buried in the dirty mud, so I let them lie neatly on the ground and watch the planet they are desperately trying to save, what it looks like now .”

"Their bones can be kept for so long without melting, how about it, am I very righteous?"

In terms of mentality, Mephisto is worthy of being Mephisto.

You can only say that there is a reason why you became Mephisto, it fits so well.

"So, I have reserved a place for you. Hundreds of corpses are scattered into the wasteland, and only your last able-bodied person is left, and that's all!"

(End of this chapter)

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