Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 499 You are actually Max in Nexus, right?

Chapter 499 You are actually Max in Nexus, right?
It's over, the entanglement is deep, and the fate entanglement that came to the door is mostly over at this moment.

Mephisto gave the answer when he was ignorant of the whole change and even questioned why the world became like this.

It should be a very happy thing to bring the culprit to death, but why is my heart empty.

It is obviously the joy of getting revenge after a big revenge, but why do you feel that you are still normal, and even the loneliness that arises in your heart is gradually engulfing yourself.

Is it really like what Mephisto said?
Because there are only two people in this world, after killing him, the human beings from this planet will only be left with themselves.

First Jinghu, then Mephisto, the only three survivors, Yuanquan buried two with his own hands.

To him, they must die.

Their death is a consolation to all those they have hurt.

Loneliness is always a feeling that comes up suddenly after the obsession in the bottom of my heart is released. Maybe it is because I have lost something that I have been accumulating in my heart, so I become depressed.

The loud noise caused by the tearing of the tectonic plates attracted Nexus' attention, and he raised his head to look at the sky. Standing on the ground, he could also see the approach of the earth from Gaia's time and space.

As the two planets gradually approached, the gravitational force of the planets began to pull each other, trying to capture each other.

The birth of the planet is due to such an attractive collision, but that does not mean that it can withstand the addition of a planet of the same size.

If the earth's crust on his side is affected, then the Gaia world will definitely not have a good time.

Shaking his head, he dispelled the sudden loneliness in his heart. Even though the villain Mephisto was buried here, he still had a lot of things to do.

The crisis of extinction does not mean that Mephisto will not continue after his death.

The earth and the earth are already too close, and if they get closer, there is really no room for the two to recover.

Nexus found what he was going to do next, so he flew out of the earth and came to the center of the region where the two were approaching, where the gravitational interaction was most serious.

In the gravitational field between the two earths, there is a huge distorted field where any life that enters here will be pulled apart and become debris.

Even Nexus could hardly bear it the moment he entered.

But he has to make a trade-off here.

The light of the planet bloomed with a powerful brilliance, which was added to Nexus' body in an instant. In this silver-gray light, Nexus' figure began to become huge, from the original height of more than 50 meters Appear in light, 80 meters, 100 meters, 120 meters...

After the brilliance of the planet disappeared, Nexus emerged from the brilliance.

At this time, he had already reached the height of Ultra Warrior, that is, the height of Lao Mai's TV finale.

999 m.

The bulging light energy spread to the surroundings, and Nexus stretched out his hands, carrying the weight of the two planets with himself, and he used his power as the guardian of the planets on his back.And being the last man on another planet.

In this world, only he can take into account the two identities and prevent the collision of the two earths.

Under the full force of Nexus, the speed of the approach between the earth and the earth began to slow down and gradually calmed down.Even after a brief stay, the earth that was about to descend completely from the wormhole tended to be pushed back.

He can speak on both Earths, and even Nexus, who is loved by both Earths, has two-way power.

Exactly the same power is the greatest protection for the two planets.

But the body of destruction will not give Yuanquan this opportunity. Although Mephisto is gone, planetary collision is undoubtedly one of the ways to destroy the earth, so the body of destruction is going to cancel the wormhole.

Even if this will cut off the last part of the earth, what does the life and death of the earth have to do with the destruction of the body?
It was meant to be destroyed, so should I guarantee its integrity?

What, you don't plan to put it back together afterwards, do you?
But the shattered body didn't know that the situation at this moment was no longer to the extent that he could go in the direction he said.He wants to close the wormhole, it depends on whether Nexus agrees.

The light particles in the Meta Domain are unfolded from Nexus’ wrists, not the light particles that shoot out a ball of light like before, but spread directly in the palm of the hand and then spread towards the outside world, covering everything in the world with the distance between the palms Inside, an independent space is directly opened up.

And this is the new-meta field.

The spreading out of the Meta field locked the wormhole in an instant, and controlled the power of the space in his hands. The shattered summoned body could not close the wormhole, and even lost control of the wormhole, so he could only watch it happen. .

Nexus Pit snorted coldly, pushed the earth slowly into the wormhole, and sent this homeland back bit by bit.

Breaking away from the attractive range of gravity, the impact on the surface is also weakened.

The people on Gaia Earth saw that the approaching planet was getting farther and farther away from them, and they all raised their hands to celebrate.

The air base in the canyon has lost its vision of the universe. The distance between the two earths approaching and the huge change on the surface, all the satellites were dismembered in the gravitational field and turned into floating space junk.

Without satellites, the air base has long been ignorant of the war in space.

Even the battles that are taking place between various regions and cities on the earth now are completely unacceptable to air bases.

At the worst time, even the canyon they were in began to tremble, making them think that this place was about to collapse.

But fortunately, with the threat of the falling planet with super oppressive force going away, this scene that can be confirmed with both eyes still made everyone sigh and breathe a sigh of relief.

It feels bad to have a black eye, but the feeling of surviving the disaster is really good.

At this time, the communication of the air base suddenly resumed, and all the members of Alchemy Star appeared on the big screen in the form of split screen.

Now that the signal is missing, Alchemy Star still has a way to restore communication.

"After realizing that the planet left, we immediately launched a small satellite to hover in the atmosphere. Although there is no way to achieve global communication, it is still no problem to establish communication between Alchemy Star and the air base." Daniel said OK gesture.

"Thank you for your hard work." Shishi finally let go of a lot of boulders in his heart, and no one would feel lucky that the crisis of the world's extinction level has finally passed.

The other earth that is getting farther and farther away is gradually receding, and the part that people can see is getting less and less.

In the end, what people see in their eyes is a twinkling star hanging in the sky, and then disappears.

Nexus pushed the planet into the wormhole completely, and the Meta domain and the wormhole were all closed, allowing this deep universe to return to its eternal silence and emptiness.

Maintaining the opening of the Meta-Ta domain, Nexus also closed the wormhole on the other side. After the wormhole maintaining the two realms completely disappeared, he revoked the Meta-Ta domain.

The earth, which escaped from the wormhole and returned to the orbit of its original world, finally returned to its original position, rotating on the orbit of the third planet in the solar system.

Nexus withdrew from the gigantic figure, and when he returned to his normal height, he stood in the universe and looked at this treasure of the solar system.

It used to be such a beautiful and psychedelic blue star, but it was destroyed into a dead void, and now the lifeless bleakness has been eliminated, but the planet is already dead, even if the star core still remains, it is only in his planet. Only with the power provided by light can there be some remaining instincts.

Even if Mephisto is eliminated, the fact that his homeland is buried still cannot be changed.

It's a pity, but it's still hard to settle.

(End of this chapter)

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