Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 505 Source: Change to manual operation, let me do it all

Chapter 505 Source: Change to manual operation, let me do it all (dog head)

Wearing a black special combat team combat uniform, the vest on his body is made of special materials, which can effectively resist the attack of small Pedron tentacles. Even if it is entangled, it will not be squeezed and deformed in a short time.

There should have been a pistol and magazines in the waist, and even a walkie-talkie, but those things were exhausted in the last battle before the source traveled to the world of Tiga.

He didn't have those things on hand.

The black special combat vest is paired with a dark blue uniform. On the back, the five words "Earth Defense Force" are arranged and combined in sequence, showing the identity of the person wearing this uniform.

There are some stitching marks under the armpits, which were damaged by sharp glass after being overturned by a strange beast and fell to the ground.

Yuanquan's arm was almost lost.

The traces of friction on the leggings are indelible, and the mark on the shoes is the mark engraved on the agreement that Jing Hu, who was once the captain, made with him.

After making an appointment to eliminate the alien beasts, go to all over the world with everyone in the team, and never worry about your own proof.

A hundred years have changed, things have changed, people have changed, people will never meet again, and the promise will never be fulfilled.

Wearing this suit, remembering this agreement, and living to remember all these people, from the original 14, there is only one left.

The captain, on the other hand, became even more crazily depraved, killed the team members, betrayed everyone's hopes, became a demon, and was finally buried by Yuan and returned to a quiet place.

Putting on the clothes, Yuanquan subconsciously fumbled in his pockets, and then suddenly remembered that he had quit smoking for a long time, and the lighter held in his palm had lost its meaning of existence.

Smiling and shaking his head, Yuan put the lighter back into his pocket, and did not choose to throw it away.

Fumbling for a while in the first-aid kit at his waist, Yuanquan took out a flip-top box, a cigarette case with cartoon images printed on it.

This is the cigarette case he used to use. This box was bought by Xiaohui back then.

Although we all know that smoking is bad, but for some things, after participating in the Earth Defense Force, smoking more is to relieve stress and melancholy.

Stretching out his hand, he brushed the photo on the lid of the box.

It was Xiaohui's photo, a photo of himself and Xiaohui, and he would carry this thing with him when he was fighting, and then travel with him and save it.

After looking nostalgicly for a long time, Yuanquan put the box away again, and climbed the iron ladder to the outside of the EX cabin.

"Pal, do you recognize me?" After knocking on the cabin, Yuanquan knew Paal's existence.

As the artificial intelligence developed by My Dream, Pal is the real controller of EX.

"It's the boss, why are you here?" At this time in the original book, Pal has actually developed emotions, and it has taken a big step forward as an artificial intelligence.

Because Gaia was defeated by Zog and wanted to cover Womeng's escape, Par manipulated the EX to attack Zog, attracting Zog's attention, and was destroyed by a wave ball.

"This is the last battle. I know that my dream has transformed to meet the enemy. Both you and I are worried about his safety, so let's attack." Although he has no experience in flying a plane, Yuanquan feels that this thing It should be based on the reaction force, it shouldn't be... difficult, right?
"Paar is also very worried about my dream." Paar knows the relationship between my dream and the source, and knows the fact that the source is Ultraman Nexus.

Emotionally derived, it is very worried about my dream and that he will die.

With Nexus around, this would not be possible.

The door of the cabin was opened, Yuanquan entered it, and Paar drove automatically, manipulated the EX and adjusted the base track, and transferred the EX to the attack channel.

"Number EX, attack!"

With Yuanquan's order, the attack channel of the air base opened wide, and the EX ejected from the inside, unfolded from the box-shaped body in mid-air to form flying wings, and rushed towards the sky.

Even though the sky was already occupied by the Destroyer Worm, the EX still went forward bravely, without the slightest sign of fear.

Of course, the shattering demon worms would not be used to the EX, and immediately hundreds of them formed a dark cloud and descended from the mighty group that covered the sky, heading straight for the EX.

"Launch an attack."

In a short period of time, Pal popularized the weapons and equipment carried on the EX, Yuanquan almost understood it, grabbed the joystick in front of him with both hands and started attacking.

Responsibility for flying the plane was given to Parr, who was in charge of the attack.

If there is a situation that Pal cannot handle, Yuanquan will switch to manual operation and let him do it all (dog head).

The red rays of light shot out repeatedly, attacking and destroying the dark cloud formed by the demon insects head-on, and the two sides were on the verge of breaking out.

The EX passed by the side of the monster with an extremely dangerous margin, and flew straight into the sky while flying towards the distance. The speed was full to the limit, and there was no intention of turning back.

"The EX is attacking? How is it possible! It's not my dream!" Suddenly aware of the fact that the EX was attacking, Dunzi was surprised.

Because it is the exclusive car of my dream, almost no one will use the EX number.

And now at this juncture, my dream has just left, how could it be possible that number EX attacked by himself?
"What?" Director Di ran to the console in surprise, picked up the walkie-talkie and immediately began to question: "EX number? EX number, please answer! Parr, why did you act without authorization?!"

"It's not Paar who acted without authorization, but me." Director Di didn't wait for Paal's answer, but a strange man's voice.

At the same time as this voice sounded, Director Di was in a daze.

He had never heard this voice.

On the contrary, the Lightning team could only watch the whole incident from the command room because of the crash of the fighter plane. The Falcon team and others noticed that the voice was somewhat familiar. After Kajio and Captain Yoneda looked at each other, they immediately reacted.

"This voice... is the boss!" x2.

"It's me, Kajio, Yoneda, long time no see." The communication was turned on, and Yuanquan's face appeared on the big screen.

This smiling and quite familiar appearance caused Dunzi to roll his eyes for a while.

Who are you?do we know each other? !

"Why did you attack with the EX? How did you get into the base!" Looking at the clothes Yuanquan was wearing, it was clear that this guy was definitely not a member of XIG, let alone Pall let him sit on the EX?
Staff Chiba didn't understand, but at this time, any unplanned changes were worth noting.

"Don't say that, I've actually thought about flying a fighter plane for a long time." Yuanquan gestured to Chiba, and looked at Commander Shishi: "Then, I'll go to the front line to support Imeng and them. "

"Why don't you change shape? If you use another posture to fight, I think you should win quickly." Shi Shi didn't mean to explain to others, but said to Yuanquan on his own.

"That's right, my strength is indeed enough to destroy Zog, but Ishishi, have you ever thought about why Ultraman always appears when people are helpless?" , are two completely different feelings.

"That's because people did their best to do it, and they called for miracles."

"Ultraman is not a nanny for human beings, and Ultraman will not solve any problem."

"Human beings are not babies in swaddling clothes, they are strong."

"Does this have anything to do with you not changing your body?" Shi Shi asked back.

"If you insist on an answer, it's probably that I don't have enough energy to change my body." Yuanquan shrugged. Of course, this sentence is not false. The damage caused by light to itself is definitely very serious.

That is not a loss that can be made up for after a short rest.

As for another deeper meaning, Yuanyuan did not express it, that is, he will eventually leave the Gaia universe.

This planet is my dream and Teng Gong's own planet, just like Yuanquan is desperately trying to protect his own planet.This planet, of course, requires my dream and Teng Gong to fight with all my strength.

Unless the two of them really tried their best and couldn't defeat the enemy, Yuan would make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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