Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 507 To the splendid stone, the memory of all sentient beings

Chapter 507 To the splendid stone, the memory of all sentient beings
If he continues to delay, he will only lose. Yuanquan has already realized this, but if he really wants to end the battle quickly, he can't do it now.

Being here with Zog is purely because he doesn't want to retreat.

But... the end of failure is already in sight.

Feeling the depleted energy and panting body in his body, the double weakness of energy and physical strength made Nexus' next battle very difficult.

Zog also seemed to be aware of Nexus's weakness, and raised his hand with a sneer. The powerful fluctuations turned into boundless waves, and shot toward Nexus's position like an overwhelming sea.

The mighty shock wave swept through the surrounding soil and spread countless.

Nexus manipulated the spark sword and landed in front of him from the sky. The legendary gemstone built a blue shield in an attempt to block the shock wave and protect the city behind.

This move made his already severely depleted energy even worse, and the timer flickered even faster.

But even so, Nexus didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

The shock wave hit the blue barrier in an instant, and the powerful kinetic energy almost washed away the blue barrier in an instant.

Yuanquan stepped back a few steps and strengthened the energy input, which allowed the shield to block it.

Seeing this, Zog put her hands together towards the sky, and a huge wave ball was gathered on top of her head.The thick power spread to the surroundings, distorting the gravitational field.

Zog shouted and threw the wave ball.

Nexus tried his best to resist, but he couldn't do it at all. The moment the wave ball touched the shield, he hit it.

, Then, the entire wave ball descended with a bang, flying down through the air.

In times of crisis, the Spark Sword changes by itself, the legendary gem disappears, and the Brilliant Stone releases boundless energy, forming countless ribbons linked together to form an inverted bowl-shaped shield.

But the change of the spark sword is not known to outsiders, and people only saw the scene of the wave ball falling from the sky.

The powerful light spread across the entire Tokyo in an instant, engulfing all existence in the strong light.

People in shelters in the Tokyo area looked at the devastated scene in despair.

They have no chance of surviving.

Whether it is the air base or the alchemy star, they were all irritated by the strong light from the screen, forcing them to squint their eyes and stretch out their hands to block them.

Although I can't see the situation clearly, is there any possibility of such a huge and powerful attack in Tokyo?

Shishi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and everyone felt that Tokyo was bound to die.A city with such a huge population will be evaporated in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

When the strong light dissipated, everyone concentrated their minds, held their breath and waited for the final result.

Zog's sullen and triumphant laughter was so piercing in their ears.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the inverted bowl-shaped protective cover clearly fell in front of everyone's eyes. The strong protective cover didn't even have a single crack, and it resisted all explosions, making the whole of Tokyo, including everyone in Tokyo No harm was done at all.

Nexus lowered his arm, and he was actually ready for the impact, but he never expected that the spark sword would move by itself.

Moreover, even he was shocked by the explosive power of the Brilliant Stone.

The scattered golden stream of light converged back into the spark sword, and at the same time, the spark sword turned upside down and landed in Nexus' hands.

The moment he grasped the hilt of the sword, a golden stream of light entered Nexus' body, replenishing his consumed energy, and within a short period of time, the blinking timer returned to full blue. state.

"This is..." Sensing the nostalgia and love contained in the Brilliant Stone, Nexus felt warmth and concern.

It was as if someone was stroking his wound, healing it, and greeting him gently.

It's warm and reassuring.

The Stone of Brilliance is formed by condensing the power given by the souls of the reborn Earth and the souls of the beings who returned to Earth after giving up the birth of the planet.

Nexus didn't know what kind of power the Brilliant Stone had, but now, he probably understood the tip of the iceberg of the Brilliant Stone's power.

Zog was furious, especially the huge wave of cheers that sounded in the Tokyo area. People's surprise and joy about the survivors almost overturned the entire sky.

But their survival is a humiliation to Zog.

The resentful Zog waved his hands, and the stream of light behind him began to condense.

If the prediction is correct, this should be her nirvana, an attack similar to Photon Streamline.

Yuanquan took a deep breath, raised the Spark Sword, and the golden stream of light from the Brilliant Stone rose gradually, covering the entire blade of the sword.

Under the reflection of this stream of light, Nexus' blue body suddenly turned into a brilliant golden color, and together with the rising golden streamer, he became the most shining one in the world.

"This light...is so warm." Stretching out his hand to catch these light spots pervading the entire Tokyo area, the light spots melt into the body in an instant, and the warm feeling and mentality from the heart become peaceful and moving. Tian Duan stared blankly at the entire sky.

"I seem to have remembered something that I didn't pay attention to before."

"It's really warm. I think of the days when I was with her. Although it was difficult, at that time, we all had goals to fight for, but now..."

"It seems that I haven't been home for a long time. I'll go back and have a look after this time."

"Huh? Why am I crying? It shouldn't be."

"I...why do I feel moved? I cried anyway..."

"I don't know why, I obviously feel warm in my heart, but I just can't help crying."


The light spots escaped and rushed into the atmosphere from the spark sword, covering the entire cloud layer.

With a roar, Renlong turned himself into the Jade of the Dragon God, hovered in front of Nexus, and merged into his timer.

Renlong is the dragon vein of the earth, a mythical dragon. With the help of Renlong, Nexus once again established contact with the earth.

In an instant, the light of the spark sword spread to the entire earth.

With the joint efforts of Renlong, Earth Will, and Nexus, let this light illuminate the entire planet.

The Destruction Demon Insect entrenched in the sky covering the sky and the sun suffered a violent impact, and was completely destroyed in an instant, and there was not a single bit of it left in the entire sky.

Even if the light that spread to the entire earth was not aimed at anything, the remaining alien beast factor of those alien beasts that were killed because of Zog, who were never extinct, were completely wiped out in this light, making The alien beast factor died completely.

Zog's movement of condensing energy suddenly stopped, and the light of this brilliant planet and human beings made her heart that was locked after transformation see the light again.

Watching this ray of light, Zog put down his hand and stared blankly. The holy face was half struggling and half ferocious, which was indescribably weird.

The light flow in the sky retracted into the sword, and Nexus raised the spark sword, releasing golden light from the blade, and went straight to Zog in a mighty way.

Watching the arrival of this stream of light, the struggling expression on Zog's face became more and more calm.

She found her before she was transformed, she was also the guardian of the planet.

There was no resistance, it would be better to say that Zog opened his hands and let go of his defenses, letting the light flow overwhelm her.

Until his death, Zog found himself, and he was also willing to be liberated in this glorious light.

At the last moment of disappearing, Zog sighed, as if he felt sorry for the killings and mistakes he made after being transformed by the destroyed body.

That was not her intention.

After the galloping light flowed, the sun penetrated the clouds and scattered all over the earth, allowing the third planet in the solar system to still shine.

The golden color on Nexus' body faded, and he withdrew from the blue youth. He maintained his childhood form and stood standing in the urban area, bathed in the sun.

The hero who saved the world, the giant of light, stands on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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