Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 515 Ao Wang: Yuan, you still have a lot of things to do, you can't rest yet

Chapter 515 Ao Wang: Yuan, you still have a lot of things to do, you can't rest yet (doge)

"Do you feel that all the things you should do are done, so now you can't find your way forward at all." The king's cloak accompanied the words that fell from the sky, making the old man Ott who came from outside the plasma spark tower shine in glory. show up.

Seeing each other's appearance, Ao's father and Ao's mother immediately stepped forward and said with a little reverence: "King."

"Young warriors have completed their mission and come back. They should still have some things to do, but this is the mentality of an Ultraman born in the Kingdom of Light, not Yuan." King Ao said to Father Ao He and Aomu and Sophie nodded, and looked at Nexus who was standing there without any movement.

"He's a human-turned-Ultraman, always has been."

"His heart is different from ours."

"There are some things that the warriors of the Kingdom of Light can easily do, but he can't; there are also some things that he can do, but the warriors of the Kingdom of Light cannot." The King of Austria could clearly distinguish the things that Nexus has always been doing. What is persistence, his self-cognition and identity confusion have always been entangled in his growth.

Not to mention that now that the mission and responsibility have been completed, he has lost his way.

"Most of the Ultra fighters who lost their aggressiveness were hit and hard to pass, so they gave up their way as fighters. Such Ultraman retreated from the guard almost every year." Although Father Ao couldn't I fully understand, but I understand the distress of being entangled in identity.

Strictly speaking, Aofu's mission has never been completed, which is to bring the Kingdom of Light back to its peak and cultivate more young and outstanding fighters.

And this mission will probably take him a lifetime to complete.

"Do you really think that your mission has been completed?" King Ao put his eyes on Nexus. When we met this time, King Ao suddenly found that Yuanquan already possessed the power of Regedo.

The legend praised by the big universe, the power of Ultraman Regedo is not so easy to obtain.

Not to mention being recognized by Reggado, even if you meet Reggado, you are extremely lucky.

"The power in your hand is exactly Lei Jiedo's acknowledgment to you. He disappeared for a long time, even I may not be able to see him." Ao Wang's tone was quite emotional.

"You can meet him and get his recognition. I think it must be that he recognized your identity."

"What identity?" Yuanquan asked back.

"Become Noah." As soon as King Ao uttered it, his words were not surprising, and Ao's father and the others quickly turned their attention to Yuanquan.

Noah Ultraman?That is from ancient legends...

"...that is the responsibility of Nexus, not mine." Nexus said very clearly, maybe as Nexus, he still has a reason to fight, but as a human being, the source has been lost Lost motivation and lost purpose.

Like something he's been thinking about.

Has he reached the time to pass on this light?

"He recognizes you, and I recognize you too. Among the successors of Nexus' light that I have seen, you are the only one who can become him." Ao Wangyu said earnestly.

"You have done a good job. In the history of the Kingdom of Light, there are not many Ultraman who can maintain themselves under such power without getting lost."

"I don't think I'm outstanding. If I were really that outstanding, it wouldn't take 100 years to save me, and I wouldn't be unable to do anything at the beginning." Yuanquan shook his head: "I'm done. Mission, fulfilled duty. But I can't let go, I can't let go of everything that happened."

"That's definitely not something you can let go of just by saying a word."

Ao Wang Moran, is this kind of firm persistence a common feature of your successors to the Light of Nexus?
"I just want to tell you that your mission has not been completed." King Ao didn't say anything about revenge, because what he wanted to see was a warrior fighting for protection, not a ghost for revenge.

"...Maybe, but now, I don't want to fight anymore." With a sigh, Nexus stood loosely. After the tense nerves and heavy shoulders relaxed, he was so casual.

Judging from his current body, where does he still look like a warrior?

"Wang! Give him some time!" Seeing that the topics between them became more and more intense, Ao's father immediately interrupted the conversation between the two.

God knows what will happen if it continues.

I'm afraid I'm going to fight...

"...I was too hasty. The current crisis of the multiverse has emerged. He has to shoulder the responsibility. He must face himself and regain his heart of a warrior." King Ao was also helpless. Not very good at it.

Each of the four Olympics has its own strengths, and the aspect of time and space can only be handed over to Noah.

"Let him rest for a while, I can feel his exhaustion from the long-term battle and tense nerves." Ao Mu also said at this time: "I can see that he took all the faults on himself, It’s torturing my heart all the time.”

"Hey...if you know what happened to him, you will understand." Seeing Nexus' back, Ao Wang also wanted to tell his story to more people: " Listen? It belongs to the story of Nexus passed down through generations, and it is also the story of the person named the source."

Sophie, who was going to go after Nexus to comfort him, immediately canceled the plan and stood there with her hands behind her back like a door god.

But he has quietly activated Otto's sense of hearing, so he must hear everything before and after the story clearly.

King Ao didn't pierce Zofie's thoughts. After coughing a few times, he used his skill with one hand to pull a water-blue light curtain into the plasma spark tower.

And the first scene in this light curtain is the source of wearing the uniform of the Special Forces, holding a gun and exploring the scenery of an abandoned warehouse carefully with his teammates.

His story starts here.


Walking on the streets of the Kingdom of Light, the crystal-clear Kingdom of Light was indescribably beautiful and dreamy, but this dreamy feeling made him feel strange.

A warrior who loses his heart won't be a warrior, and that's what Nexus is now.

Twilight, the first time he appeared on him, made people feel that his spirit was not very good.

Does this lively Kingdom of Light, or the Ultramans coming and going, have anything to do with him?


Nexus, who was thinking like this, suddenly stopped in his tracks, because in front of him, an Ultraman from the blue tribe stopped him, and he used a complicated and unspeakable tone, both respectful and The eager voice trembled and spoke.

"Excuse me, are you Ultraman Nexus?"

"Is that the blue giant back then?"

"You are..." Looking at the somewhat familiar appearance of the blue Ultraman in front of him, Yuanquan thought about it in his mind, and then he remembered his identity: "It's you, the one next to Hikali Assistant, Tregear."

"It's a great honor that you still remember my name." Tregear became even more excited: "I want to ask you to promise me one thing. In the Kingdom of Light, only you can do it!"

"what's up."

"Can you...take me as a disciple?"

(End of this chapter)

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