Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 519 She has changed, she is no longer the Saori who does what I say she does

Chapter 519 She Has Changed, She Is No Longer That Saori Who Does Whatever I Say (Tears)

"Oh~ it's you~" After opening the door, what Saori saw was of course Hikari's face.

Although she didn't recognize it, how could she not hear the conversation in the hall just across the room door?

It's just that I never went out to meet Yuanquan or Hikari.

But since Hikari came up by himself, of course Saori also has some accounts, and he has to settle with this guy.

"That's right, it's me." He didn't care about Saori's protracted change of tone, which made these words sound quite yin and yang. You Jie Dun mother, I should call you Miss Saori."

"I think if it's you, it doesn't matter if you call me Saori or Jayden, because in your eyes, I'm probably more like an experimental product?" Saori narrowed her eyes, looking at Hikari's expression suddenly changed When he was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, he showed a crescent-like smile: "It's really not provocative, I was joking with you."

"Hikari, long time no see."

Hikari secretly breathed a sigh of relief, followed the steps given by Saori downhill, and wiped the sweat from his head vaguely.

So stressful!

Why does it feel like Saori who pretended to be an expert with a straight face last time is completely different?

After leaving the Kingdom of Light, where did Yuanquan take Saori?

How could she make her common sense and three views mature to such an extent?

It was as if he had grown up suddenly overnight.

As the Chief Scientist of the Kingdom of Light, Hikari doesn't have much experience in dealing with girls, or the probability of him being able to see girls is very low, even if he does, it's a good thing.

"I heard the conversation between you and Yuan in the room, you... want to take me to check again?" Saori opened the door and leaned against the door frame, crossed her chest with her hands, and strangled her clothes with her hands holding her chest, The Q version of the animated Jayton's pattern is collapsed tightly.

Seeing the source of this scene is faintly not good.

This kind of style, this method, this kind of appearance, Saori, what you saw on earth would not be the temptation to go home, right? !

"This is not my request, Yuan also agreed." The sixth sense madness from the scientist reminded Hikari to be cautious in his words and deeds, so after deliberating for a while, Hikari finally decided to die a fellow Taoist rather than a poor Taoist, and put Throw the pot to the source.

"Ahem... Didn't I see Hikari and suddenly remembered that the monster factor disappeared in your body is just my theory, but I'm not sure if it really disappeared. This is not the authority of Hikari. The person is here... So I thought, why don't I check?" Yuan coughed a few times to hide his guilty conscience.

Hikari, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, has learned to lose the pot now.

But it doesn't matter, throw the pot away, Yuanquan is old and experienced.

"After all, it is an important matter about your life, I think it must be checked once!" Yuanquan added this sentence.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Saori agreed without any dissatisfaction or poisonous tongue.

Hikari, who seemed to have discovered something, widened his eyes, and looked back and forth between Saori and Yuanquan several times.

These two people... Could it be that they have already...

Impossible, before the two left, one was a three-none girl who lacked common sense, and the other was an iron man with an EQ comparable to a black hole with no lower limit. Can these two collide with each other to create a spark of love?

Before leaving, Yuanquan still looked guilty!The guilt in your kid's heart will deteriorate if you go out together, right?ah?

Even if Saori has changed now, she is not the dull girl she used to be, but Yuan!My best friend!Aren't you still an iron man? !

The turbulent waves and crazy facial expressions in his heart are not humane. On the surface, Hikari maintained a calm expression, very calm.

"However, I have one condition." As she spoke, the girl groaned and whispered, with a bright smile, which was reflected in Hikali's eyes, scaring him into a shudder.

"You can go, but I want to install a TV in my room and connect to the signal." Saori nodded, and said contentedly: "I want to watch TV and play games."


Hikari didn't say anything yet, Yuanquan spoke first, and directly rejected Saori's request with a howl.

"I've said it all, don't watch those TV dramas, none of them are good! Look at what you have become now, how can you not look like you used to? It really makes me heartbroken!" Yuanquan pulled away Hikari, standing in front of Saori, bared his teeth and said.

"It's hard to go back to the Kingdom of Light, and you can stay away from those things, but you still want to see them?"

"Where can I get a signal for you? A cosmic optical fiber will come from the earth, right?"

"No! You can't say anything!" Rarely was such an emotional moment, Yuanquan stretched his hands, just like the lonely ghosts who wandered on the Star of Kings and even on the main street of the Kingdom of Light, burst out at this moment. Just like the passion for life.

Where is there a little bit of confusion?

"Hey, you are Ultraman, you can go out for a walk at any time, don't you think about me? I am an ordinary person now, and I will die if I go outside and be illuminated by the plasma spark tower!" Saori was not to be outdone, if That her, of course she will recognize whatever Yuanquan says, but now, it is impossible.

"I'm so boring at home, of course I want to have some fun for myself!"

"What fun are you looking for? Am I going to take you for an inspection? I'll take you out for a stroll! What TV series are you watching!"

"You can still take me out for a walk every day! You don't know where you died all day today. You left me alone at home. I'm so bored that I'm about to scratch my feet!"

"Then tell me!"

"How can I find you? I said I can't get out!"


"It's not like I said, there's no need to quarrel over such a trivial matter. The Kingdom of Light actually has faith..." Shikali waved his hands awkwardly and prepared to come forward to be a peacemaker, but he just took two steps, Yuanquan and Saori Qi Qi turned his head and cursed directly at Hikari.

"Go and play!" x2
"There is no place for you to talk about this family matter!" x2
"Get out!" x2
The tacit understanding of the two seemed to have never expected that the other party would say the same thing as themselves, and they were both a little dazed, but instead abandoned these useless thoughts and continued to quarrel about this and that matter.

Hikari shrank his neck, and he didn't feel anything wrong after being scolded for no reason, but the current situation of these two people seemed to be a little bit wrong.

How to put it, I feel quite cooperative, this kind of tacit understanding, comrades who have fought side by side for many years may not have it.

Especially when it comes to cursing in unison...

I always feel that it is a bad thing for me to come, and even standing here feels like I am in the way.

Scratching his cheek, Hikari felt a little numb, so why don't I leave now?

It seems that here, I feel that I blame the extra...

Thinking like this, Hikari turned around, walked towards the door and was about to leave.

As a result, he hadn't even taken two steps yet, but another yelling and cursing from behind made him stop on the spot.

"Where are you running? Come back to me! You still have to take Saori to check (install a TV for me)! What are you running for!" x2
"Want to leave after coming? It's not that easy!" x2
Both shoulders, left and right, were held by a hand, and an irresistible force forcefully pulled Hikari back, and landed on the sofa.


Well, I'd better sit here honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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