Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 536 Camilla: Man, stay 1 point away from my lover!

Chapter 536 Camilla: Man, stay away from my lover! (Source: ???)

Mechanic God-Desfassa, transformed from the Star Destroyer Prometheus.

Gathering the highest scientific achievements of the people on Earth and the scientific crystallization of the Monera Stars, plus the capture of Ultraman Dyna, that is, after the battle memory of Asuka Shinobu, he has suppressed Dyna twice, causing Dyna to even produce Feeling timid and fled.

After the people of Monera Star really defeated Ultraman Dyna, they showed their faces and began to issue the final notice to the people on earth, that is, the surrender warning.

On the human side, as a result of complete trust in Designer Kisaragi possessed by the Monera Starman, all their weapons and equipment have been found out, and even tampered with.

All high-end front-line weapons, including the Super Victory Team, are now unusable.

So in desperation, they pulled out this backward old antique and arranged it on the ground to meet Desfasa.

But everyone knows, how many versions of weapons are behind, how can it be possible to compete with Desfasa?
The actions of human beings are nothing more than the last struggle of unwillingness to be convinced.

Knowing this, Yuanquan also simply pulled Zongfang away. If he remembered correctly, the place where Desfasa finally appeared was to break through from the ground, and directly wiped out the ground troops who were in formation and ready for battle. Clean, even the chariot and people are all destroyed.

It's useless for Zong Fang to go, this is not an opponent that humans can deal with at all.

However, Zongfang still saw through Yuanquan's actions on the way, and rejected his kindness.

Zongfang insisted on going to the front to command the battle, no matter what Yuanquan said, he would not turn back.

In desperation, Yuanquan had no choice but to let Zongfang leave, and went to the Jidong sea base instead, looking for Captain Jianhui who had been idle there for a long time.

And after finding Jujianhui, many things that will follow will naturally make sense.

But it's a pity that just as Yuanquan had this idea, he met a woman in a black robe on the road. In the stern eyes outlined by her black hair brushing her face, the woman raised her hand and condensed a lightsaber. The source has been identified.

The expert rubbing the lightsaber is basically sure that the opponent is not from Earth. Of course, Yuanquan can't think of it. At this time, there is no woman in Dyna TV who can do this kind of thing.

"Guys who have already left, what are you doing back?" On this deserted street, a woman held a lightsaber and asked Yuanquan sharply, which directly confused Yuanquan.

Thanks to the evacuation notice issued by tpc, there are no ghosts on the street. Otherwise, if you really see this scene, tomorrow's headlines may be what it is.

"You are..." Yuanquan couldn't figure out the identity of this woman, so he could only ask tentatively.

"Hmph, I should be Tiga's most beloved person, the most important existence indispensable to his vitality!" The woman said, waving a lightsaber and slowly approaching: "But in his heart, there is that damned Women are not enough, there is another person!"

"In his heart, is my ranking so low?" The woman's face changed for a while, and in Yuanquan's dumbfounded expression, Camilla's phantom appeared around the woman, revealing her identity.

"Fuck? Are you Camilla?" Yuanquan was startled at the time, what's going on?Isn't the final jihad over?
According to the finale of the plot, shouldn't you die, Camilla?

Why are you still alive now?He even looked like he was going to grab her husband with Lina?
No, the problem is that it has nothing to do with you and Lina robbing her husband?

I'm so male!

"Damn Ultraman Nexus!" Camilla was anxious, waving her lightsaber and wanted to rush up to loosen Yuanquan's muscles and bones.

It's a pity that she was only halfway through the charge, and Yuanquan directly took out the evolution trustee and laid it in front of her.

"I can't tell you why I came back, but I don't intend to compete with you for anything. Don't use your inexplicable sickness on me." The evolutionary trustee was in front of him, and the threatening attitude of the source was self-evident.

If Camila really came up, Yuanquan wouldn't mind shooting directly to fight her.

"I'm going to find Captain Jujianhui next, are you sure you want to come with me?" The evolutionary confidant was in front of her, and Camila was indeed awake a lot, showing her strength to this man who had defeated Gatanjiehe. A strong fighter, Camilla is also afraid.

Although the superior came to trouble him for a while, he still had to be cowardly when it was time to be cowardly.

"Hmph, that woman You Shalei, who wants to see her!" With a cold snort, Camilla retracted her lightsaber. After all, she didn't bother You Shalei, and Dagu tried his best to restrain her.

"However, don't let me know what's going on between you and him, and it's best not to meet him." Camila turned sideways to look at the source, and warned threateningly: "This is the bottom line, his It’s enough to have me and that woman in my heart.”

"You...are you willing to share Dagu with Lina?" Yuanquan's face was a little weird, Camilla didn't look like the kind of person who would share her love with other women.

Given how delicate she is, shouldn't Lina be killed first?
hateful!Dagu is a hanging man, I have been away for eight years, fighting life and death outside, fighting bravely against the darkness, to face my own destiny calmly, to save the world...

As a result, in the past eight years, you have been hugging left and right, living the life of making a villain?

Nima, I'm so envious!

"It has nothing to do with me that he likes that woman. The lifespan of a human being is only a hundred years. He is Ultraman Tiga and I am Camila. We are all existences with a long lifespan. In the long time, I am the only one who will accompany him. Lover who keeps going." Camila snorted coldly, after all, one step behind is one step behind, and Lina got ahead of her, which made her very upset, but she regained her sobriety, and after she came out of the resentment, she also knew what she should do up.

"Since the time is so long, what can I do if I give her a hundred years?" Camilla sneered, "He will always be mine."

"Yes yes yes, he will definitely be yours." Yuanquan waved his hand helplessly, I really don't want to talk to you now, every time I say a word, I feel like my heart has been stabbed.

Stop showing off, take care of the heart of the single savior!

"But you are different, so you'd better not meet him." Slanting eyes and throwing a meaningful look at Yuanquan, darkness suddenly appeared behind Camila, slowly entered it, and disappeared.

Source: ? ? ?
What do you mean!

I know that someone also likes little sisters and big sisters!Don't be gay!

Or do you think I'm the kind of person who can't find a girl until he dies?
Nima's, God damn Camilla, I really want to beat her up.


"So, have you seen Camilla?" Yuanquan, who ran over angrily, was seen by Ju Jianhui, which made her feel a little funny. After all, I haven't seen him for so many years. Everyone still misses this man chasing monsters. .

Although in the current TPC, the legend about the source is already a thing of the past.

It's just that Yuanquan would be the first to come to her when he came back, which caught Ju Jianhui off guard.

"I don't want to go to Dagu for the time being, because I have to find someone who knows what happened on the earth during this period." Although he was angry with Camilla's behavior, Yuanquan could still distinguish the priorities of the matter.

"Could it be that after I've left, TPC has finally forgotten its original intention?" Yuanquan sighed, the things he tried his best to avoid, after he left, finally became a reality.

"After all, the current TPC is no longer the kind of united and united organization that used to be." Ju Jianhui lowered his eyelids, although heartbroken by the current changes in TPC, she has lost the right to speak, even if she really said something, she would not say anything. Someone cares.

"That's why today's calamity is born, and I believe that this is just the beginning." Yuanquan said firmly: "If the director of TPC really does not repent, then human beings will not have any friends in the universe."

"I think they are secretly investigating Ultraman Dyna's human body."

(End of this chapter)

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