Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 539 Asuka: Just the bond, he will pass it on to the next generation...

Chapter 539 Asuka: Just the bond, he will pass it on to the next generation...

"Asuka, what are you looking around for! Run away! Come face to face with me!"

"Senior, baaa! Senior, ah!"

"It's useless to say anything now, show your courage, the courage to face difficulties!"

"Captain, did he really use this method to inspire your courage, Senior!"

Staring fixedly at the oncoming jeep, Asuka felt nothing but shit for a while.

He suspected that Yuanquan was fooling him with some inexplicable things. How could someone hit someone with a jeep?

What the hell is Captain Xibi?

is it possible?

This thing is not a joke, it will kill people!
Would anyone really hit someone with this thing on purpose?

What is the name of the special training, what is the courage to face fear, I think you just want to kill me!
At the very moment, Asuka threw himself to the side to avoid the front of the jeep, and cold sweat immediately dripped from his head.

Just now, if he hadn't dodged quickly, he might have been hit by a car and killed!
"Asuka, don't run! Come up to the car!"

"Crazy people would do that!" Asuka scrambled to his feet, and was about to run away without looking back.

The ghost wants to stay here even for a second.

Seniors really tortured people.

"You kid run! You kid run now! It means you are afraid! If you are facing a Neomax cannon, can you just dodge like this! Think about the city standing under your feet, think about what you want Something to protect! After you dodge, can the city still be saved?" Unexpectedly, Asuka ran away, Yuanquan immediately pulled out the energy blast gun, leaned out slightly, aimed at the ground around Asuka, and pulled the trigger one after another.

The splashed soil sprinkled all over Asuka's body, and holes were punched out by the light. The frightened Asuka stimulated the hidden light energy in his body, which fully flowed to the whole body, strengthening his physical fitness, allowing him to respond and speed up. etc. have been greatly strengthened.

Asuka's sudden outburst was not beyond Yuanyuan's expectations. He controlled the steering wheel with one hand to accelerate and overtake, while the other hand pulled the trigger one after another.

If an uninformed person sees this, he may think that Yuanquan and Asuka have some deep hatred and must chase him down like this.

Taking aim at the right position, the energy blaster fired at Asuka's feet, two shots in a row, one in front and one behind.

This sudden burst of impact lifted Asuka up into the air, flying along with the muddy mud.

"If you can't do it, Asuka, then you will die here!" Yuanquan said ruthlessly, threw the energy blaster behind the car, stepped on the accelerator to death, and rushed straight to the place where Asuka fell.

The devil-like voice in his ear made Asuka break out of his dizzy state. Looking at the jeep speeding up, Asuka understood that Yuan was serious.

He could even feel the killing intent flowing in the air, it was aimed at him, and he was telling himself in the dark that what the senior said was true.

If he really can't do it, then he will directly kill himself.

However, can he really do something like rushing towards a speeding jeep?
If there is a slight accident, he will be killed by the collision!
A light appeared in front of his eyes, and Asuka seemed to see his life in that light.

It wasn't brilliant, and it was even a life of chasing something all the time.

And below him is that desperate jeep.

Is this the end?

"Huh, it's really not easy to open up an elm lump, I'm exhausted." Returning to Jujianhui's office alone, Yuanquan rubbed his shoulders, only feeling tired: "Fortunately, I finally inspired my courage. , or I’m afraid I’m going to be killed.”

"Has he summoned up his courage to face the enemy he is afraid of?" Ju Jianhui has been waiting here for a long time. She doesn't think Yuanquan can teach Asuka, and with her familiarity with Yuanquan, this guy just wants to , there is very little he can't do.

"I just used the method Captain Xibi used on me before on him, and the effect is quite good." Shrugging, Yuanquan said that he did not lie.

This kind of thing is the same as inheritance. Captain Xibi inspires courage in his vice-captain in this way. Of course, Yuanyuan, the former vice-captain, must pass on this spirit to inspire courage in the team members.

Besides, who is my source?O Nexus!

What is the meaning of the Light of Nexus?Inheritance and fetters!
Then I must not pass on the fetters passed down to me by the captain to the next generation?
As for who Asuka got this kind of fetters to pass on to later, it has nothing to do with Yuanquan.

"Speaking of which, don't you plan to go together?" Since Asuka didn't come back, it means Asuka has got the answer from Yuanquan, and now he has gone to the battlefield to do what he should do.

"I have done everything that needs to be done, and I have to rely on myself for the rest." If Asuka really couldn't hold on like the original book, and was caught and knocked down by the Monera Stars, then Yuanquan didn't mind Go and help him once.

After all, in the final analysis, he has already passed away. After Dyna tried his best and couldn't complete it, it would be no problem for Nexus to come forward to help once.

"You are very confident in him, Asuka... is Ultraman Dyna." Ju Jianhui said affirmatively, "Do all of you Ultraman human beings like to be part of the team and mix in it?"

"You can't say that. After all, this team is full of elites among human beings. There are so many outstanding people. It is normal for a few of them to become Ultraman." Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment, after all This is an old tradition of Tokusho. Except for a few of the new generation that don’t have a team at all, basically Ultraman’s human body is in the current TV team.

Yuanquan's high IQ answer obviously benefited Jujianhui a lot. She put down her cup with a smile and continued, "But what I'm talking about is not to defeat the monsters, but to meet your captain and the others."

"As far as I know, the position of vice-captain in the Super Victory Team has always been vacant." The meaning of what Ju Jianhui said was basically clear. Why is the position of vice-captain vacant, of course? Because the predecessor of the Super Victory Team, Team Six already had a vice-captain.

And that vice-captain was remembered by all of them, even if time passed by, he couldn't break the bond.

Yuanquan was silent for a while, and did not answer Ju Jianhui immediately, but thought about it before finally giving an answer.

"It's not the time yet, I can't go see them now."

"I know, at this moment, they definitely don't want to expose their embarrassing side to me. Now, after reuniting after a long absence, what they want to show me is their strength after I leave."

"I am their vice-captain. Whether it is Xibi or Koda, I know them very well, and Koda, Ryo, and Nakajima are taught by me."

"I know their..."

Ju Jianhui sighed, drinking the bitter coffee in his mouth could not compare to the soreness in his heart at this moment.

He is obviously a hero who saves the world, but because of human greed, he has to escape from the earth.

You can't go back home, you can't see your relatives and friends, and you have to make the world forget yourself in the passing of time before you can come back again.

And at that time, the people he was familiar with had completely stepped into the loess, so what was the meaning of coming back?

He didn't want to have a conflict with human beings, because it would be difficult for friends caught in the middle, and in order to avoid that kind of thing, Yuan even disappeared from the earth within a short dozen days after the war.

"You have worked hard all these years."

"But I'm glad I ran fast, otherwise with the current tpc..." Although Yuan didn't say what he said in the follow-up, Ju Jianhui already guessed what the last words were.

If he hadn't left a long time ago, with the current TPC atmosphere, the war with Nexus would never be spared.

(End of this chapter)

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