Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 566 What are you doing?Is there any difference between Jaden and Jaden?

Chapter 566 What are you doing?Is there any difference between Jaden and Jaden?

Monster Graveyard.

It is said to exist somewhere in the universe, where the souls of monsters and aliens who were defeated as threats to various cosmic worlds and planets sleep.

It is believed to be located at the end of the space-time warp of "hyperdimensional space".

It is the same place connected to all universes, and regardless of the world view, the souls of monsters from all universes gather here.

In addition, not only the souls, but also the "concepts" that have monsters themselves will be transported here, so you will see monsters that shouldn't die and robots without souls.

Perhaps because of the influence of space-time distortion, it is rare to use the monster cemetery as a relay point to go to other universes.

There are not only monster souls in the monster cemetery, but also a few asteroids and floating continents. To some extent, there seems to be enough environment for creatures to inhabit.

No one knows why the monster cemetery was born, and even the gate made up of multiple rings located in the cemetery was not built by the Kingdom of Light.

This information is recorded in the u40 library that has not experienced war. It is generally believed that it was made by someone 60 years ago. The details are unknown, and there seem to be some in other universes.

The interior of the cemetery is wide and huge, not inferior to the average galaxy. If you search carefully manually, you may not be able to explore it in a hundred years.

From the door to the inside, the monster cemetery swirls like a curly wind, giving people a feeling of silence and fear.

Nexus was very distressed, where did Saori go, and what terrible existence existed in the monster cemetery...

Where do I go to find Saori...

Thinking like this, a golden light flashed before Nexus' eyes, and the golden light cast by the Brilliant Stone was transmitted to the distance, extending all the way into the dark world in the monster cemetery.

No one wants to participate in the deep spiral space-time turbulence.

But the Brilliant Stone seemed to have sensed Nexus' urgent heart, guiding him in the direction.

Although that location looked dangerous, Nexus was going to take this trip anyway.

Getting up and flying away, following the guidance of the golden light, Nexus headed towards another part of the monster cemetery.

After crossing the protective belt made of gravel, Nexus saw the wave of monsters that were attracted to a certain place like a flowing ribbon.

There is no distinction between heaven and earth in the universe. Even up and down is a concept given by living beings. Therefore, in the eyes of Nexus, what hovers above and flows below is like a dead leaf swept by a whirlwind. Like a vortex formed by rolling up, these monsters received from various universes and dimensions are gathered together with fists, and they are contained in the vortex.

"It's a spectacular sight." Seeing this grand scene, Nexus couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Even after becoming Ultraman, there are still many things in the universe that can refresh his vision every time.

But now is not the time to be sentimental, Nexus speeded up, tried to suppress the surge of his own light energy, and avoided attracting the attention of someone in the monster cemetery, and moved forward as carefully as possible.

After leaping for a long distance, Nexus felt the air around him getting hotter and hotter, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Yes, you read that right, although the monster cemetery seems to be in the universe, there is air in the monster cemetery, and even this place is suitable for life.

As for why there is such a setting, Nexus is naturally not clear.

While feeling the scorching heat, Nexus also saw the appearance of the land under his feet.

The flowing magma is like the exposed blood vessels of the earth. It is ferocious and conspicuous. At a glance, countless veins spread to the distance. The turbulent heat waves wash away the surrounding air with a strong air flow, and the white mist permeates the air. around.

The surrounding area is full of toxic gas, which is not suitable for Ultra fighters to stay for a long time. Every minute of existence here, the physical fitness of the body will drop by one point.

"Is this the Valley of Fire?" Leaping into the ground from above, and following the steep cliff all the way to the end, the thicker the dust, the more dense dust increased, even covering Nexus' eyes with a layer of ashes.

It wasn't until his feet landed on the hot rock that Nexus could see the surrounding environment clearly, especially the words written on the stone standing beside him.

Valley of Flame.

That is the text of Kingdom of Light.

After learning that this is the Valley of Fire, Nexus remembered at the time that this seemed to be the theatrical version of Mebius.

Moreover, Belial's ultimate fighting instrument seemed to be sealed in the Valley of Fire by King Austria.

"That guy Saori, brought humans into here? Doesn't she know the fragility of humans?"

The Brilliant Stone is still the end of the hot tunnel in front of the guide himself, and there is no doubt that Saori is here.

But in such an environment, if Sakahiro stayed here for even a second, wouldn't it be his life?
With doubts in his heart, Nexus strode forward, walked to the end of the tunnel, and opened the heavy stone door.

The moment he pulled away, a billowing heat wave invaded his body, and even Ultra warriors couldn't bear this level of scorching heat.

The same is true for Nexus. He used legendary stones to build a protective shield in front of him to resist the heat wave, so he barely stood here.

"It is said in the original story that only Mebius, an Ultra warrior of the Yan Clan, can endure the high temperature of the Valley of Fire and come down here. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this." Even Nexus I don't want to endure it either, Saori
"The idiot is here! Go and find him!" Nexus, who was standing in front of the gate and still had some doubts, suddenly heard such a female voice, making him instantly understand who it was.

But the tremors that followed immediately made him somewhat confused.

Especially when he saw a burly Jadon approaching inside the door, Nexus was startled immediately.

"Fuck?! How did you become Jayden!"

"What turned into Jayden! It's too much!" An angry voice sounded from Jaydon who was rushing towards him. The startled Nexus took a few steps back and kept looking, but he couldn't see it. What's different.

Not only did he become Jayton, but he even gained weight? ?
"Here, here! I'm here!" Sealing herself in all directions with Jayden's shield, Saori jumped out from under Jayton's shoulders and waved at Nexus: "Yuan, I Here it is."

"Saori! Why are you here! Hiroshi Saka!" Seeing that Saori did not become Jayden, Yuanquan breathed a sigh of relief. The country is waiting for me to come back, what are you running around for!"

"Tch, whoever let you go will last for decades, and I'm not here to save people." Saying that, Saori bent down and groped for a long time in the crevice of Jayton's shoulders, and took out a bag that was also covered in a protective cover with both hands. The guy covered: "Neng, this is it."

"Not dead?"

"It's still alive, it's just passed out. The air here is not very good. If it weren't for its help, we really wouldn't be able to hold on." Saori patted the strong Jayden on the shoulder and shouted : "Ajie, this is Ultraman Nexus, my good friend, let's say hello to him."

"Jie~Dun~" He seemed to hear a girl's call, and the extraordinarily strong Jaydon stepped back a few steps, and solemnly stretched out his hand.

Obviously this guy has no face or eyes, but Nexus felt that this guy was actually looking at him.

"Hi, hello, I'm Ultraman Nexus!" Stretching out his hand and holding it with Jayden, Nexus was somewhat disillusioned.

When Ultraman met Jayton, there was always a battle between the two sides immediately, either you die or I die.

It must be the first time for me to shake hands with Jayden and say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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