Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 568 Lao Zha warmly invited, Xiaonai refused to obey

Chapter 568 Lao Zha invites you warmly, but Xiao Nai refuses in every possible way (trying to play tricks)
Walking through the door of the monster cemetery, Nexus instantly felt the difference.

In the monster cemetery, his body seemed to be covered with shackles, making his body extremely heavy and difficult to break free.

Especially the backlog of pressure in his heart made it difficult for him to breathe.

After reaching the outside world, the heaviness accumulated in his heart dissipated, replaced by a touch of lightness. Of course, what was more important was that Nexus was finally able to use his full strength.

But before that, he had to find a suitable fighting arena first, otherwise Zaki would not give him a chance.

"Hahahaha!" Rampant laughter sounded from behind Nexus, without attacking or ridiculing, Zaki passed Nexus and went straight to the other side of the universe.

"Nexus, let me guess, is it that planet you care about?!" Zaki turned around, and the body wrapped in darkness could only see a pair of scarlet eyes in the dark universe, which was particularly terrifying : "I choose the place to fight! Nexus! If you don't want that planet to be torn apart by me, come along!"

"You!" Nexus originally planned to find a barren planet to start a war with Zaki, but he still underestimated Zaki's resourcefulness.

The Zaki he had faced before was just a spark puppet after all, but not as transparent as the Zaki in front of him.

"On that planet, you wouldn't want to escape, right? On that planet, you would be willing to be eaten by me! Yoho!" The roaring voice became distorted, and Zaki turned into a A flaming blood-red fireball headed straight for the earth.

"You guy, come back to me!" The speed of the king's cloak was boosted to the limit, from the side that was running for life to the side that was chasing, Nexus pursued with all his strength, trying to intercept Zaki .

But now Zaki, who is inexplicably falling into madness, seems to have a little increase in energy level, suppressing Nexus in terms of speed.

The two chased and fled, and the red flame ball and the pure white light ball were in the same posture, drawing a long trajectory in the universe.


"The breath of Nexus was detected! And... the terrifying dark power..." Hikari kept pressing the button, although he was already packing up his clothes and preparing to run, but the sudden powerful dark energy still attracted caught his attention.

Especially when he detected the light of Nexus.

"When did such a terrible darkness appear in the universe? No, I have to tell everyone!" Hikari operated the computer with one hand, and released Ultra's signature with the other hand to inform Aofu.

"It's too fast... It's about to leave the effective detection range, Nexus, what have you encountered?" Hikari's heart was full of tension. This kind of dark power is no worse than Emperor Ampera.

Before this, there has never been such darkness in the universe.

"Nexus, don't let anything happen..."


The appearance of Zaki in the Land of Light caused huge chaos, but Zaki's goal is more clear. He went straight to the earth at a very fast speed, and the speed of the two in the universe can no longer be measured by the unit of measurement. to calculate.

Such a huge momentum has almost attracted the attention of the strong and advanced civilizations in the entire universe.

Nexus and the others know each other, but who is that darkness that is so huge that it almost covers the universe?

Emperor Ampera?Or is it another strong person?
Little did she know that Ampera, who had sensed the horror of this darkness, was also wondering who the owner of this power was.

With this level of energy level, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to be an unknown person, and before this, how could there be such a person in the entire universe?
Therefore, since I have never heard of him but is indeed a strong guy, there is a high probability that he is from another universe, just like Nexus.

However, when Ampera was told by the Mephilasians that these two guys appeared from the monster cemetery, he was even more puzzled.

In the monster cemetery... isn't that where the undead stay?Can there be such a level of powerhouse?

"Huge energy has been detected, and it is approaching the earth rapidly, and it is expected to arrive in 3 minutes!" The director of the Cosmic Observation Center was sweating profusely. Since he received the image transmitted by the satellite, he has fallen into a state of anxiety.

Hitting Earth at that scale, at that speed, would be enough to split the planet into two watermelons.

"Hetian, how are your preparations going? We're already in place." The video link opened, and the face of Captain Suishui appeared on the screen, alleviating some of his anxiety.

"The calculation formula is correct, but I don't know whether it will succeed or not. I can only take a gamble." Hetian looked at the reasoning formula on the computer and gritted his teeth.

"The main cannon on the Phoenix Assault uses meteor technology to release a super high-level energy beam that can wipe out small asteroids in one blow. Theoretically, it can destroy the incoming meteorite, but..."

"It's nothing but, since it can be used, then leave the rest to us, Director Wada, don't worry, we won't let you down!" Aihara Ryu's voice interjected, and he announced the victory declaration with full momentum.

Although he is very imposing, but after he cheered up like this last time, the entire GUYS team except himself, including the entire army, was wiped out...

"In any case, you have to try." Marinna has nothing to fear, since she has decided to attack, she will try to fight with everyone.

"Prepare for the countdown, I will calibrate the angle for you, Captain Sushui, I will leave the control of the timing to you." Hotan stared fixedly at the deep cosmic darkness, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

"Understood..." The three-in-one combined fighter - the main position of the Phoenix Assault, forced the water captain's palms to sweat.

He couldn't help being nervous. According to the base's assessment, once that thing hits the earth, the entire earth, including human beings, will die. There is no luck.

"Get ready, it's coming!"

At the end of the line of sight that everyone can see, there seems to be a little light suddenly appearing in the deep and dark universe. people see.

The least rare thing in the universe is light, but likewise, the rarest thing is also light.

Only when they saw it close with naked eyes could they feel the deterrence brought by this blood-red fireball.

Even if they just stood in its way, they would feel panic in their hearts.

"Hey, this is..." At this time, Zhennai, who possesses an extraordinary talent and whose ears are as sensitive as the intuition of King Dumb, heard certain voices in the universe.That was the sound from far and near, from the approaching fireball.

From being hazy at the beginning, to gradually becoming clear and audible, it can finally be distinguished and captured by Zhennai.

"This voice...some guy is laughing!" Marina murmured, her face turned extremely pale.

There are times when she suffers from this superhuman gift, especially when she hears things that most people don't hear.

"What?" In the phoenix nest, Zhenzhi who was staying at the base frowned and asked, "Jinnai, what did you hear?"

"In that fireball, is there someone laughing, that's not a meteorite, that's a monster, it's a cosmic being!" Zhennai's voice resounded in the team channel of GUYS, and everyone was shocked and couldn't accept it.


"It's too late, get ready!" Even now that he knows the true identity of the fireball, he has no choice but to fire. Captain Sui Shui is very calm, no matter what it is, he has to ensure the safety of the earth.

"Meteor technology unlocked! Phoenix cannon, launch!"

The powerful kinetic energy of the three-in-one fighter converged into a golden light cannon, which spewed out from the fighter in mighty form, forming an endless torrent, and hit the fireball head-on.

Carrying the hope of all, the Phoenix Cannon tears through the darkness to bring hope of life to mankind and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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