Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 582 Nexus: Attempt to rob the adult's human body

Chapter 582 Nexus: Attempt to rob the adult's human body
After Bellocken was killed, GUYS came late.

This was the first time they were resolved by Mebius when they received the news but hadn't had time to be there.

It can only be said that Mebius' monster kill rate is too fast this time, so fast that they don't even have time to get an assist.

This is also a good thing, proving that Mebius is indeed getting stronger.

Although the strength of Mebius this time was somewhat beyond their expectations.

In the early morning of the next day, the battle of last night seemed to be still vivid in my mind. Although the Yabo people only appeared briefly, they were still captured by satellites, and their name was well-known in the GUYS data.

After all, he was the final BOSS on Ace TV back then, and the real master of the Super Beast Legion. His name is the only one in the data, the one in red and bold.

"Yapo people, creatures of different dimensions, have the ability to open up space in different worlds anytime, anywhere, breaking reality and illusion. It is also the master of the super beast army, and has the ability to cast super beasts anywhere. In the end, it was Esio Terman." Zheping then added after transmitting the image of the Yabo people to the screen for display.

"The previous Bellocken was a missile super beast, the first super beast that Ultraman Ace encountered when he came to the earth."

"Super Beast?" Aihara Ryu gave full play to his status as a scumbag, and he asked directly, who didn't know anything about Super Beast, "What is Super Beast? Isn't it a monster?"

"Super beasts are manufactured. Monsters that have been specially strengthened in a certain way are more difficult to deal with than monsters. Specifically, they should be called biological weapons." Zhe Ping nodded, and he was used to Aiyuanlong's words. At the level of a scumbag, he directly spoke and popularized: "Super monsters, or monsters that surpass monsters, can be called that."

"Beyond the monster? I don't feel it. Didn't Mebius kill it with a single sword last night?" Ryu Aihara made a gesture, and made a movement of raising his hand and chopping: "The speed is very fast. "

"That's because someone secretly helped Mebius last night." With two thermal patches on his head, Saori also woke up after a night of recovery, and the recovery speed was amazing.

At that time, it was shaky, but after a night's sleep, most of it recovered immediately, as if it was not injured.

After all, she's a monster girl, and she's still the Zedon in the monster, so it's normal to have this kind of physical fitness.

"The Yabo people have made a comeback, which means that it wants to continue the previous battle...Does it regard Mebius as Ace?" Sadaharu interrupted Aihara Ryu's inquiry, lest he will be hanged by Saori later Turning around: "Also, isn't he already dead? He was killed by Altman Ace, why does he still appear?"

"Well, I don't know either." Zhe Ping shook his head, how could he know such things.

The fact that the Yabo people came back from the dead is probably only known to the Yabo people themselves.

"Speaking of which, where did Captain Suisui go? Why didn't I see it?" Marinna asked back: "At this time in the past, the captain should be back."

"There's still a future. This kid doesn't know where he's gone. No one can see him early in the morning." Xiangyuan Long stood beside him with his hips crossed. With few people around him, Xiangyuan Long felt weak all over.

Saori curled her lips and did not tell the whereabouts of Captain Suishui and Mirai. Although she knew where the two had gone, Yuan also explained that she could not tell others, so Saori could only keep silent.


"Hello, Ultraman Nexus, it's our first time to meet." Shui Shuiluo stood in front of the source generously, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Thank you for protecting us before, otherwise, we might be killed in the explosion." was killed."

"Zaki is not an opponent that can be easily defeated. I was able to defeat him, thanks to your help." Yuanquan held the hand of Yushui, and the two looked at each other with a smile. The first impressions of each other were very good when they met for the first time. .

"On Earth, you can call me Yuanquan, you can also call me Yuan. Captain Suisui."

The two walked side by side, followed Captain Sui Shui and wanted to say something in the future several times, but in the end they followed silently without saying a word.

"Yuan... Well, you can just call me Shishui. We are on the earth, of course we get along as ordinary people." Shishui looked at the sky and said with emotion: "Speaking of it, I really didn't expect that in my life Here, I can see so many Ultra fighters, and they can even fight side by side with Ultraman. I really can’t believe it.”

"Actually, in your heart, you don't need to want this to happen, because it means the appearance of monsters and the invasion of aliens, and the earth will suffer again." Yuanquan also responded with a smile: "Living with nothing to do is worth living. Boring, but calm, harmonious and peaceful, but better than the current stimulation."

"That's right, I don't think I've met many Ultraman is something worth bragging about." The smile on the face of the forced water became stronger, and the Ultraman next to him had obviously experienced big storms .

This kind of words is not something that a fledgling kid in the future can say and have this awareness.

"Ultradimensional space, you have been there once." Then, Yuanquan started talking about the time when he left the Kingdom of Light in the future and went to the earth, and kept talking about the follow-up monster cemetery, including the appearance of Zakida, making the Both forced water and Future understand what happened during this time.

"I fought with Zaki, and I was seriously worn out. I have lost the ability to transform at this stage, and it will take a while to recover." Yuanquan put his eyes on the future behind him, and the latter looked excited. In the expression, Yuanquan beckoned, motioning for the future to come forward.

"Get out what I gave you."

Although there are many questions that I want to ask in the future, I still suppressed my excitement, turned into Mengbim's breath and withdrew the Nexus card.

"This is the card I gave him, which has part of my power. With this power, you can get brand new power in the future." Hong Nai's shape is particularly protruding on the card, forcing the water to take the card, carefully sized up.

"But what form it is, it will be developed by itself in the future."

"The dark universe is about to move. Zaki was an accident. Besides him, there is another dark vision force eyeing the earth. The Yabo people are just forwards. The bigger crisis has not yet come. We must have stronger power in the future." , to deal with this crisis." Yuanquan nodded, not burdened at all with lending his strength.

After all, it was Mebius, his favorite junior and grandson, that is, him, and Yuanquan was willing to lend his strength to him.

other people?
Don't even think about it!

"Recover well during this time. With the future and our GUYS here, we will definitely protect this planet!" Sui Shui returned the Nexus card to the future, and said affirmatively: "You have eliminated such a terrifying enemy. Let's see us next!"

"I have always believed in GUYS, Mebius, and you who fought side by side." Yuanquan also showed a grateful smile. In Ultraman's life, human beings play a pivotal role.

The bond between Ultraman and humans can achieve countless miracles.

This miracle has been passed down from generation to generation in the Showa universe, and the tacit understanding and trust that has continued from the first generation of Ultraman to the present is already very huge.

"Brother Yuan!" After all, Wei Future couldn't bear it any longer, and ran up from behind to grab Yuanquan's hand, tears welling up in the corners of his excited eyes: "Brother Yuan! Hongren...he really...really of…"

"Of course I saved you. Why don't you have any confidence in your elder sister Saori!" Saori, who appeared out of nowhere, fell to the ground from mid-air and bounced on Future's forehead as soon as he landed, saying dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry, Sister Saori, I'm really excited, I'm really..." With snot and tears, Future was quite excited, and the guilt in his heart for not being able to save Hiroshi Saka burst out, making him Difficult to control.

"Go, if you have anything to say, go and talk to him." He patted Future on the shoulder, forced Shui to pout his mouth, and let Future move forward.

That was the house where Hiroto Sakato's father lived in seclusion on the earth, and it was the place where the future visited last time.

Only last time, they came to explain the relics, and explained the cause of Sakahiro's death and their guilt for not being able to save him.

But this time when he came again, he brought his son back intact, and...unscathed.

The guilt and unwillingness in the future will be resolved by Saori and Yuanquan.

Although the process was bumpy, and it even brought out a strong enemy like Zaki who was almost impossible to handle, but the result was good, so that's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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