Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 586 Never reach the real Yabo people and the way to survive the blue skin of a country of li

Chapter 586 Never reach the real Yabo people and the way to survive the blue skin of a country of light
With the help of forced water, Yuanquan found a safe place to live and even got a job.

Although this job is very simple in logistics, the crash rate of GUYS is not high.

If this were changed to the Tiga universe next door, Yuanquan would never come to the logistics department.

That is really the level of full blood pressure.

Saori couldn't seduce her, so she could only slowly look for opportunities. In her life with Yuanquan, she would visit the Phoenix Nest from time to time, and when she was in touch with everyone, she also went to discuss plans with Acting Director Meiqi Yuki.

In life, Saori has become more daring, and her relationship with Yuanquan is not as regular as before.

For example, taking the initiative to pick up vegetables for Yuanquan, asking him to comb his hair every now and then, and sometimes deliberately forgetting to take a towel for him to hand over when taking a bath, such behaviors subtly affect Yuanquan.

Although sometimes he would be scolded by him, Saori knew that he could not shrink back. The more he scolded, the more he wanted to do it, because in the eyes of Yuanquan, he was just a child, and some things were not for children. made.

Saori wants to reverse this impression, what she has to do is to get rid of this notion.

Touching fish means time is rich. Although Yuanquan, as a Tetsuo, really didn't feel much at first, but after Saori yelled and scolded him many times and didn't know how to change, Yuanquan just let her go and didn't care about her much.

Seeing that Yuanquan's attitude towards her has changed, Saori is very happy and shares this information with Miqi Xue.

Amidst the voice of the latter cheering and encouraging, Saori was full of energy, waiting for the opportunity to take down the source.

During this period of time, the Yabo people were not idle, because there was a hidden Nexus on the earth, the Yabo people did not dare to be too presumptuous, although the Four Heavenly King Rime Feralas believed that Nexus was related to Nexus. A battle with such a powerful enemy will definitely cause serious damage, but no one dares to believe it rashly without seeing it with their own eyes.

The Yabo people acted cautiously and did not dare to take any risks. The first appearance of Bellocken was to say hello.

The Yabo people figured out what level the meteor technology of the GUYS team is at. The technology picked up from the aliens who were eliminated in the past can already cause considerable damage to monsters and so on.

Humanity's technology tree exploded in technology from the day the first generation and Bermuda came to earth.

After all, countless cosmic beings were buried on the earth. Even if they were just doing some finishing work, the technology researched from those alien warships would be enough to make a huge progress in the technological development of the earth.

For so many years, there have been countless people in the universe who have sent technology and experience to the people of the earth. The current scientific and technological strength of the earth cannot be underestimated.

The Yabos are confident that these things won't work for him, but they will cause some trouble for the super beast.

In addition, there is the woman it has a particularly deep impression on, the woman who has a mental power comparable to it.

After several investigations by the Yabo people, the collected information clearly stated that the woman was the big monster-Jedon.

Although the Yabo people thought it was nonsense at the first time, when they really confirmed that the news was true, they immediately realized the importance of Saori.

Have the people on earth already mastered the ability to deprive monsters of their abilities and enrich themselves?
This level of science... is it too outrageous?
But in any case, the Yabo people conveyed the existence of Saori, and spread it as rumors to all parts of the universe, letting all civilizations in the universe know that she exists.

It also believes that there must be someone who has an unparalleled interest in the existence of Saori.

After all, it is a rare thing for a monster to become a human.

During the period, the Yabo people also played a trick. After the plan to control the GUYS team members and kill them failed, they didn't play any tricks and sent Beksim out to test the water.

Facts have proved that Beksim is still very powerful. Mebius fell into a disadvantage in the battle with him after his transformation. Whether it was shields, attack skills, or physical abilities, all aspects were suppressed by Beksim.

The Yabo people who hid in a different dimension and watched the battle even once thought that Beksim would win the battle.

The weakness of Mebius is completely different from the strength shown that night, and the expressiveness is different from day to day.The people of Yapo didn't even dare to think that Mebius, who was beaten all over the ground, would be the strong man who slashed Bellocken with a sword that night.

The strength of the fighters of the GUYS team is also well known by the Yabo people, and they are indeed extraordinary.

If the meteor technology was not affected by the frailty of the earthlings themselves, Beksim might be in big trouble.

This is no less than the technical level of a medium-sized cosmic civilization. If Mebius joins forces, Beksim will undoubtedly die.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the Yabo people do not intervene.

The interdimensional rift in mid-air separated the two worlds completely, forcing the Phoenix Assault to be blocked outside, and had to deal with the Yabo people.

What Mengbius, but that's all!I'm afraid that Beksim will be able to kill him today.

Watching the battle, the Yabo people who were already full of confidence suddenly felt a burst of strong light energy erupting from behind. Accompanied by familiar roars and mourning, the rumbling sound set off waves and mud, completely overturning.

The Yapo turned his head sharply. In the different dimension world, he saw the blasted Beksim, Mebius' arm slowly lowered, and the long sword gradually disappearing.

Apo people:?

No, why don't you show your strength sooner?What does it mean to be beaten all over the ground before?
Play pig eat tiger?What's the point?
What about the previously suppressed Mebius?

Where did it go?
The Yabo people suddenly felt a headache. Before, he felt that he was sure of winning and didn't need to look at it again. How could he know that as soon as his attention was diverted, Mebius immediately showed his might.

As a result, the people of Yapo didn't know why Mebius was so powerful.

It didn't even see it!
But Beksim was killed, and the Yabo people's temptation was meaningless, and it was temporarily withdrawn to close the rift in another dimension.

Until the end, it was still thinking about what happened to Mebius.

Based on his understanding of the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light, strong is strong and weak is weak, which can be seen in almost every battle.

Either it is a crushing game, or it is a game with mutual wins and losses, or it is a game that is crushed, there is no fourth possibility.

Obviously they are all crushed, where do you have the seeds to explode?

Could it be...Nexus, a man from a foreign land, forced him to do something good?


"Father! I'm going to Earth!" In the Land of Light, Taro looked anxiously at Otto's father: "My brother was seriously injured, he has lost his ability to transform, and Impreza has been killed by Mephilas Released, Mebius alone cannot be its opponent."

"The unparalleled iron god of the first machine-Inpreza..." Mentioning this real unparalleled iron god who is different from the mass-produced machine, even Aofu dare not underestimate him: "You just came back from the earth not long ago, Are you going to go again?"

"My brother and Mebius are both in danger, I must go!" Taro said firmly, very sure: "I will let Mebius bring my brother back, and I will be stationed on the earth to protect human beings."

"The next war is no longer a small fight. The earth is too dangerous, so I will go."

"Are you alone?" Father Ao asked back.

"Well, I'm alone..." Tai Luo hadn't finished speaking, but saw a cold light cut across the outside of the plasma spark tower in an instant, cutting off the spikes on the top of a tall building in an instant.

The blue figure soared out of the limit speed, stunned all the Ultra warriors watching the show.

What the hell!

This Blue Race!
This flight speed!

"Nima's, Hikari will die for me!" Catch the ice axe, Seven directly released the Emelim ray to chase Hikari, but missed.

Seven canceled the attack, and at the same time flew up to chase and kill.

"Dare to bully my family? Is my head knife not sharp enough?"

"You bastard, you will die today!"

(End of this chapter)

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