Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 588 The little girl in red shoes and pleated skirt 1 appears, needless to say what will happ

Chapter 588 Needless to say what will happen when the little girl wearing red shoes and pleated skirt appears

The future, who made a big circle and came back, stood in front of Yuanquan again. Although he didn't understand why he had to go back by himself, since it was Brother Yuan's request, of course he would do it.

But when he saw Yuanquan again, Saori was no longer by Yuanquan's side, and even Yuanquan came to a relatively wide place where not many people were even there.

"Brother Yuan!" Future grabbed Yuanquan's hand.

Regarding this habit, Yuanquan is no stranger to it.

One day, if he doesn't do this in the future, he will feel that something is wrong, and even wonder if the future has been dropped by someone.

"You, don't just focus on the front when you are moving forward, but also think about the back road." Yuanquan sighed. Although he didn't have any sense of the existence of the Yabo people in his perception, he believed that the Yabo people must be Near here.

"The way back? Why? Speaking of which, brother, you" Future looked around curiously, as if trying to find out where Saori was.

But his movement of looking around made a certain hiding guy hide deeper.

"Don't you know that there is a person hanging behind your butt?" Yuanquan asked strangely.

"Is there? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" Future turned his head away, and lingered behind him for a long time, even turning his head hard to see if there was a person hanging on his ass. So much so that he twisted his body awkwardly and kept turning in circles.

Source: .
Has this unlucky child's brain been saved?

No, why can someone be so stupid!
"Don't turn around, get ready!" Grasping Future's shoulder, Yuanquan pushed his body to turn backward, and then raised Future's hand.

In the astonished expression of the future, Yuanquan swiped across his arm, directly manifesting Meng Bim's breath.

"Quick! Launch the palm cursor!" Yuanquan shouted after adjusting the future position to the bottom of the next flower bed.

Without thinking too much about it, Future raised his other hand to release the cursor on the palm of his hand, waving Mengbimu's breath.

The crescent-shaped flying knife rushed straight out, and the moment it was about to hit, the man with the red hair turned over from behind the flower bed, and dodged in embarrassment.

The flower bed exploded, and at the same time Yuanquan took out the energy blaster and aimed it at the Yabo people.

And the Yabo people didn't react too slowly, they raised their hands and pointed their palms at the source.

Both of them planned to launch an attack the moment they appeared, and their actions that were too similar caused the two to eventually fall into a stalemate.

"This kind of skill, this kind of judgment ability, and the ability to realize the parts of Mebius." There was a red light in the eyes of the Yapo people, and it carefully looked at the man in front of it, and finally He noticed something was wrong.

"Those four damned guys have gone back. Except for Mebius, there is only one Ultra warrior left on the earth." The unique voice of the Yabo people echoed around, and the space of different dimensions began to spread to the surroundings, trying to The space in this area is separated out.


"In the future, use my power to break open the world of another dimension!" Yuanquan narrowed his eyes dangerously. He had already analyzed the actions of the Yabo people, but luckily he had already prepared.

Although he has temporarily lost the ability to transform, but in the future, with some of his power, he can also cause some interference in the space.


Future responded loudly, stretched out his hand to brush Meng Bim's breath, and then raised it high to the sky.

The infinitely expanding Mobius ring gradually expanded, supporting the surrounding space, and after a crisp sound, it broke through another dimension and returned to the space of the earth.

"Mebius, you really surprise me time and time again." Seeing that his different-dimensional space was broken, the Yabo people focused on the future.

He never thought that Mebius could do this.

"Abo people! What on earth do you want to do!" At the same time, Future also raised his gun and aimed it at the Yabo people together with Yuanquan.

As long as there is something wrong with the opponent, they will definitely attack in the future.

"Are you going to attack me? I am not the real body. The person possessed by me is an idle earthling. Do you want to shoot? As a member of the GUYS team, you want to shoot at an ordinary crowd ?” There was a mocking smile on the face of the Yabo people, and the strategy of attacking the heart is always its first choice, and it is very lethal to a fledgling young man like Mebius.

As for the Nexus next to him, who can be seen as a veteran at a glance, this trick probably won't have much effect.

"Isn't that good? The scum and the scum from another dimension are on the road together, and there is a companion in hell." Yuanquan not only did not put down the energy blaster, but even approached him and took a few steps.

"Try it and see if the gun in my hand can kill you."

"...Have you learned the trick of intimidation from the earth? Nexus, although I know you are not an Ultra warrior in this universe, but you are too heartless." The Yabo people sneered, and its words The words are clearly for the future.

Because Nexus is not a person of this universe, he has no nostalgia and no feelings for this universe.

He is not a local, and he is different from you, an Ultra warrior from the Kingdom of Light.

You love humans, what about Nexus?Do you see his attitude?

"That's the end of the boring topic, Yapo people, you have hurt Saori, I will find you personally!" As he said, Yuanquan burst out and flew straight up, but what he got was a limp The figure fell on the ground, and then the fluctuations of different dimensions covering the sky and the sun spread to the surroundings.


"Mebius!" Mirai's reaction was not slow, he directly opened the breath of Mebius and began to transform. Under the bright light, he was ready to transform into Ultraman Mebius immediately.

But at this moment, the earth's space was suddenly restricted, whether it was the wind, the brilliance, or even the opening of another dimension, all fell into the restriction.

The existence of the Yabo people seems to be isolated, and only the source and the world that can still move in the future that maintains the aura of Yumebem remain.

"Eh?" Reluctantly lowering his arm, Future patted the breath of Mengbim on his hand.

Why didn't the transformation succeed?Isn't this thing broken?
"This feeling. Could it be?" But the well-informed source is keenly aware that something is wrong. This kind of scene where the space and time of the earth are completely forbidden, and everything between the heaven and the earth is controlled by the great will, he has experienced, Even faced this kind of existence.

There was a wind-chime-like whisper in my ear, and the plain white pleated skirt and little red shoes swayed in front of my eyes.She followed suit, walked slowly from the forbidden world, and stood in front of the source.

The source of "you" is not sure. Is this the earth's will of Showa Universe?
But how could it be a child?

Wait, this look and this pair of shoes, could it be this girl!

As soon as the surprised face turned around, Yuanquan suddenly felt dizzy.

At the same time, they were transferred to the earth in another universe, and there was also the future who patted Mengbimu's breath and asked questions.

The two were taken away by the girl, disappeared from the earth in the Showa universe, and completely disappeared under the eyes of the Yawa people.

When the figures of the two disappeared and time began to flow again, the Yabo people had just opened the different-dimensional world to prepare to teach Mebius a lesson, but found that the Ultra warrior he was going to hammer had completely disappeared.

Not only that, but even Nexus was gone.

The Yabo people were immediately confused.

what's the situation?Scared off by me?
How powerful is my Yapo?
Isn't that Nexus guy as fierce as the Emperor Ampera star, as for being scared away by me?

But they really didn't get it.
After thinking about it for a long time, the Yabo people could only scratch their heads and prepare to close the different-dimensional passage to go back.

But just as he had this plan, a swift and fierce laser shot directly from a distance, unbiased, and hit his handy bag-like head.

Yapo people:
(End of this chapter)

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